It's not very well-formatted imo. I should eventually move the html version to an actual webpage. |
doc | ||
src | ||
subprojects | ||
tests | ||
.clang-format | ||
.gitignore | ||
config.h.meson | ||
LICENSE | || | ||
NOTICES | || |
iasync - sync files to iOS app folders
iasync uses libimobiledevice to sync a local directory tree with an iOS device. This is intended as a replacement to pairing ifuse and rsync, where users might have issues with fuse (or be unable to use fuse at all).
This project requires the following:
- libimobiledevice for the actual iOS bits.
- libbsd on non-BSD/macOS systems.
- meson and ninja as the build system.
To build in the directory build
, run:
meson setup build/
ninja -C build/
# To install:
ninja -C build/ install
See the manpage for more details (man 1 iasync
Primarily, if you have more than one iOS device connected to your system, you'll need the name or UDID of your device:
$ iasync lsdevs
Name Conn. UDID
My Iphone USB 00000000-0000000
Then, get the Bundle ID for the app you want to sync:
$ iasync lsapps
App Name Bundle ID
Doppler co.brushedtype.doppler-ios
To sync a directory tree to the app, you could run:
$ iasync sync ~/Music co.brushedtype.doppler-ios
If you want to delete files that exist on the device but not locally, use the --allow-delete
$ iasync sync --allow-delete ~/Music co.brushedtype.doppler-ios
iasync is provided under the BSD 3-Clause license. For more information, please see the LICENSE file.
Multiple functions (idevfs_canonpath()
and idevfs_mkpath()
) use code from NetBSD. These licenses are included in the NOTICES file.