Initial commit

This commit is contained in:
snow flurry 2022-02-06 22:47:31 -08:00
commit f2f978eaab
3 changed files with 295 additions and 0 deletions

58 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# dg-x
Static site build system for [](
## Dependencies uses the following modules:
* Cwd
* File::Copy::Recursive
* File::Path
* Markdent
* Text::Template uses the following modules:
* Tie::File
* Getopt::Std
## How to use
You'll need to create the following directories:
* posts/
* pages/ - Templated pages
* assets/ - Static assets
* templates/ - Templates you can call with `include_tmpl`
To make a new post, create a file with the following format in the
posts/ folder:
title=Your blog title
desc=[Not yet implemented] Description for the RSS feed
This is some content.
## About this content
Markdown is supported.
There is no set schema for tags, so you can put whatever you want as
a tag. However, it may not be used by the build script.
Once you're happy with your post, use the ptouch script to set the
created tag:
$ ./scripts/ -n posts/your_new_post
And then compile the site:
$ ./scripts/
The site can then be pushed with rsync, sftp, netcat, etc.

scripts/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Cwd qw(getcwd);
use File::Basename qw(dirname basename);
use File::Copy::Recursive qw(dircopy);
use File::Find qw(finddepth);
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use Markdent::Simple::Fragment;
use Text::Template;
use strict;
use utf8;
use constant {
OUT_PATH => "/out",
POSTS_PATH => "/posts",
ASSETS_PATH => "/assets",
PAGES_PATH => "/pages",
TEMPLATES_PATH => "/templates",
# globals
my $cwd = getcwd;
my $post_dir = $cwd . POSTS_PATH;
my $pages_dir = $cwd . PAGES_PATH;
my $tmpl_dir = $cwd . TEMPLATES_PATH;
my $post_tmpl = Text::Template->new(SOURCE => "$tmpl_dir/post.html.tmpl");
my $assets_path = $cwd . ASSETS_PATH;
my $out_path = $cwd . OUT_PATH;
my $postout_path = $out_path . POSTS_PATH;
# Converts a post file to a metadata hash.
# Takes one argument, the path to the post file.
# Returns a hash with the relevant metadata (body text is stored as
# $metadata{"content"}, desired filename is stored as
# $metadata{"fname"}).
sub post_to_meta {
defined(my $fname = shift) or warn "No filename argument!";
my %metadata;
open(MDIN, '<', $fname) or die "Unable to open $fname: " . $!;
while (<MDIN>) {
if (/^(.+)?=(.*)$/) {
$metadata{$1} = $2;
} elsif (/^---$/) {
} else {
warn basename($fname) . ":" . $. . ": malformed line; ignored"
my $body = do { local $/; <MDIN> };
# HACK: Stuffing the basename in the metadata because I don't want
# to deal with hashes of hashes
$metadata{fname} = basename($fname) unless exists($metadata{"fname"});
if ($body ne "") {
my $parser = Markdent::Simple::Fragment->new;
$metadata{content} = $parser->markdown_to_html(
dialects => 'GitHub',
markdown => $body
# Gets an array of all posts for a directory.
# Takes one argument, the path to the posts directory.
# Returns an array of metadata hashes (see post_to_meta above for
# more on what those hashes look like).
sub all_posts_for_dir {
defined(my $postdir = shift) or warn "No directory argument!";
my @posts;
opendir(PD, $postdir) or die $!;
while (my $fname = readdir(PD)) {
next if ($fname =~ /^\.+$/);
my %post = &post_to_meta("$postdir/$fname");
push @posts, \%post;
sort { $b->{created} cmp $a->{created} } @posts;
sub all_pages_for_dir {
defined(my $pagedir = shift) or warn "No directory argument!";
my @pages;
finddepth(sub {
return if ($File::Find::name =~ /^\.+$/);
my %page;
$_ = $File::Find::name;
if (/^$pagedir\/(.+).tmpl$/) {
$page{fname} = $1;
$page{tmpl} = Text::Template->new(SOURCE => $File::Find::name);
push @pages, \%page;
}, $pagedir);
sub mkpath {
make_path( shift, { error => \my $path_err } );
if ($path_err && @$path_err) {
print "Errors occurred while making posts directory!\n";
foreach my $err (@$path_err) {
my ($path, $msg) = %$err;
if ($path eq '') {
print " $msg\n";
} else {
print " $path: $msg\n";
# effectively die
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
sub include_tmpl {
my $tmpl_name = shift;
# TODO: do we want to cache snippet-type templates like this?
my $tmpl = Text::Template->new(SOURCE => "$tmpl_dir/$tmpl_name.tmpl");
if (defined $tmpl) {
my $props = shift;
$tmpl->fill_in(HASH => { props => \$props });
} else {
"error: $tmpl_dir/$tmpl_name.tmpl is missing"
## End subroutines
# make posts dir or die
mkpath($postout_path) or die "Unable to create directory.";
my @posts = all_posts_for_dir $post_dir;
print "Generating blog posts...\n";
foreach my $post (@posts) {
if (!exists $post->{content}) {
print " $post->{fname} has no content, not making a page...\n";
print " Processing $post->{fname}...\n";
my $post_content = $post_tmpl->fill_in(HASH => { post => \$post, include_tmpl => \&include_tmpl });
if (defined($post_content)) {
open(POSTOUT, '>', "$postout_path/$post->{fname}.html") or die("Unable to write $post->{fname}.html: $!");
print POSTOUT $post_content;
} else {
die "Failed to process $post->{fname}: $Text::Template::ERROR";
print "Generating pages...\n";
my @pages = all_pages_for_dir $pages_dir;
foreach my $pg (@pages) {
mkpath(dirname("$out_path/" . $pg->{fname})) or die "Unable to create directory.";
print " Processing $pg->{fname}...\n";
my $page_content = $pg->{tmpl}->fill_in(HASH => {
posts => \@posts,
include_tmpl => \&include_tmpl,
if (defined($page_content)) {
open(PGOUT, '>', "$out_path/$pg->{fname}") or die("Unable to write $pg->{fname}: $!");
print PGOUT $page_content;
} else {
die "Failed to process $pg->{fname}: $Text::Template::ERROR";
print "Copying static assets...\n";
local $File::Copy::Recursive::RMTrgDir = 2;
dircopy($assets_path, "$out_path/" . ASSETS_PATH) or die "Unable to copy assets: $!";
print "Done! Artifacts have been stored in $out_path.\n";

scripts/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use utf8;
use Getopt::Std;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Tie::File;
$::VERSION = "1.0.0";
getopts("ne", \my %opts);
my $metavar;
if (defined $opts{n}) {
# "new" post
$metavar = "created";
} elsif (defined $opts{e}) {
# "edited" post
$metavar = "modified";
} else {
die "Neither -n[ew] nor -e[dited] are defined!";
my $pretty_date = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", localtime;
my $fname = shift @ARGV;
tie my @fharr, 'Tie::File', $fname or die $!;
my $done = 0;
for (@fharr) {
if (s/^$metavar=.+/$metavar=$pretty_date/) {
print "$fname:$.: Overwriting existing \`$metavar\'\n";
if (s/^(---)$/$metavar=$pretty_date\n$1/) {
print "$fname:$.: Inserting new \`$metavar\'\n";
last if ($done);
if (!$done) {
print "$fname: No content and no \`$metavar\', inserting at end\n";
push @fharr, "$metavar=$pretty_date";
untie @fharr;