
93 lines
4.8 KiB

# Silicon Labs Simplicity Studio
Tested with ERF32xG21 Starter Kit and Gecko SDK v3.2.2 and v4.2.3.
## Simplicity Studio Example
Based on `cli_kernel_freertos`.
* Create a new example project for your board based on the CLI FreeRTOS example.
* Create a new `wolfssl` and put wolfSSL into it. Tip: Use `./scripts/makedistsmall.sh` to produce a reduced bundle.
* Exclude (or delete) all .S and asm.c files.
* Exclude (or delete) directory not used (only the `src`, `wolfcrypt` and `wolfssl` directory are used).
* Add the `IDE/SimplicityStudio/user_settings.h` into `wolfssl/user_settings.h`.
* Add the `IDE/SimplicityStudio/test_wolf.c` to the project root.
* Add C preprocessor `WOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS`.
* Add C include path `wolfssl`.
* Disable UART flow control: `config/sl_iostream_usart_vcom_config.h` -> `#define SL_IOSTREAM_USART_VCOM_FLOW_CONTROL_TYPE usartHwFlowControlNone`
* Adjust stack and heap to larger size 12KB:
- Adjust the CLI stack. Edit `config/sl_cli_config_inst.h` to `#define SL_CLI_INST_TASK_STACK_SIZE (12*1024)`
- Adjust the FreeRTOS heap. Edit `config/FreeRTOSConfig.h` to `#define configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE (12*1024)`
* Add the following code to `cli.c`:
extern void wolf_test(sl_cli_command_arg_t *arguments);
extern void wolf_bench(sl_cli_command_arg_t *arguments);
static const sl_cli_command_info_t cmd_wolf_test =
SL_CLI_COMMAND(wolf_test, "Run wolfCrypt tests", "",
static const sl_cli_command_info_t cmd_wolf_bench =
SL_CLI_COMMAND(wolf_bench, "Run wolfCrypt benchmarks", "",
static sl_cli_command_entry_t a_table[] = {
{ "wolf_test", &cmd_wolf_test, false },
{ "wolf_bench", &cmd_wolf_bench, false },
{ NULL, NULL, false },
* If running wolfCrypt benchmark enable printf float
- `C/C++ Build Settings` -> `Settings` -> `Tool Settings` -> `GNU ARM C Linker` -> `General` -> `C Library "Printf float"`.
## SE Manager
For SE Manager cryptography hardware acceleration see [/wolfcrypt/src/port/silabs/README.md](/wolfcrypt/src/port/silabs/README.md).
Enabled with `WOLFSSL_SILABS_SE_ACCEL`. Requires the "SE Manager" component to be installed.
## Benchmarks with SE Accel
Tested on ERF32xG21 Starter Kit (Cortex M33 at 80 MHz) and Gecko SDK v3.2.2 (-Os).
Benchmark Test
wolfCrypt Benchmark (block bytes 1024, min 1.0 sec each)
RNG 200 KiB took 1.057 seconds, 189.215 KiB/s
AES-128-CBC-enc 6 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 5.542 MiB/s
AES-128-CBC-dec 6 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 5.518 MiB/s
AES-192-CBC-enc 5 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 5.415 MiB/s
AES-192-CBC-dec 5 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 5.390 MiB/s
AES-256-CBC-enc 5 MiB took 1.004 seconds, 5.301 MiB/s
AES-256-CBC-dec 5 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 5.268 MiB/s
AES-128-GCM-enc 5 MiB took 1.003 seconds, 4.844 MiB/s
AES-128-GCM-dec 5 MiB took 1.003 seconds, 4.625 MiB/s
AES-192-GCM-enc 5 MiB took 1.002 seconds, 4.751 MiB/s
AES-192-GCM-dec 5 MiB took 1.002 seconds, 4.532 MiB/s
AES-256-GCM-enc 5 MiB took 1.002 seconds, 4.654 MiB/s
AES-256-GCM-dec 4 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 4.443 MiB/s
AES-128-GCM-enc-no_AAD 5 MiB took 1.004 seconds, 4.888 MiB/s
AES-128-GCM-dec-no_AAD 5 MiB took 1.001 seconds, 4.658 MiB/s
AES-192-GCM-enc-no_AAD 5 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 4.785 MiB/s
AES-192-GCM-dec-no_AAD 5 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 4.565 MiB/s
AES-256-GCM-enc-no_AAD 5 MiB took 1.004 seconds, 4.693 MiB/s
AES-256-GCM-dec-no_AAD 4 MiB took 1.003 seconds, 4.479 MiB/s
GMAC Small 5 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 4.653 MiB/s
CHACHA 2 MiB took 1.012 seconds, 1.809 MiB/s
CHA-POLY 1 MiB took 1.006 seconds, 1.189 MiB/s
POLY1305 5 MiB took 1.004 seconds, 5.082 MiB/s
SHA 8 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 7.812 MiB/s
SHA-256 8 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 8.032 MiB/s
HMAC-SHA 7 MiB took 1.000 seconds, 7.056 MiB/s
HMAC-SHA256 7 MiB took 1.002 seconds, 7.237 MiB/s
RSA 2048 public 30 ops took 1.022 sec, avg 34.067 ms, 29.354 ops/sec
RSA 2048 private 2 ops took 2.398 sec, avg 1199.000 ms, 0.834 ops/sec
ECC [ SECP256R1] 256 key gen 172 ops took 1.004 sec, avg 5.837 ms, 171.315 ops/sec
ECDHE [ SECP256R1] 256 agree 186 ops took 1.005 sec, avg 5.403 ms, 185.075 ops/sec
ECDSA [ SECP256R1] 256 sign 174 ops took 1.007 sec, avg 5.787 ms, 172.790 ops/sec
ECDSA [ SECP256R1] 256 verify 160 ops took 1.003 sec, avg 6.269 ms, 159.521 ops/sec
Benchmark complete
Benchmark Test: Return code 0