mod bubbles; mod critters; mod kule; use bubbles::*; use clap::Parser; use critters::*; use kule::Formats; use kule::FourBit; use std::io; use std::io::Read; use voca_rs::*; #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Modes { Say, Think, } pub fn run(mode: Modes) { let mut cli = Args::parse(); if mode == Modes::Think { cli.pilin = true; } let mut text = String::new(); let (critter_config, bubble_config); match cli.configs_from_arguments() { Err((s, e)) => { if cli.inli { eprintln!("error:\n{}", e); } else { eprintln!("pakala a!\n{}", s); } return; } Ok((c, b)) => { (critter_config, bubble_config) = (c, b); } } if cli.seme { match critters::list_files() { Err((s, e)) => { if cli.inli { eprintln!("error: {}", e) } else { eprintln!("pakala a!\n{}", s) } } Ok(files) => { print!("{}", files.join(" ")) } } return; } else if !cli.text.is_empty() { text = cli.text.join(" ") } else { io::stdin() .read_to_string(&mut text) .expect("mi ken ala lukin e pana sina."); } output(&text, critter_config, bubble_config); } #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Args { #[clap(short = 'e', long, help = "o ante e sitelen lukin")] lukin: Option, #[clap(short = 'T', long, help = "o pana e uta tawa kijetesantakalu")] uta: Option, #[clap(short = 'o', long, help = "o pana e ijo tawa kijetesantakalu")] ijo: Option, #[clap(short = 'i', long, help = "o ante e linja pi poki toki")] linja: Option, #[clap(short = 'u', long, help = "o ante e poki toki")] poki: Option, #[clap(short = 'f', long, help = "o kepeken sijelo ante")] nimi: Option, #[clap( short = 'W', long, default_value = "40", help = "o pakala e toki lon sitelen nanpa ni" )] pakala: usize, #[clap(short = 'n', long, help = "o pakala ala e toki")] pakala_ala: bool, #[clap( short = 'k', long, help = "o ante e kule kijetesantakalu\n(walo, pimeja, loje, jelo, laso, kasi, sewi, unu,\n wawa/suli, len, sike, mamamije)" )] kule: Vec, #[clap(short = 'l', long, help = "sijelo seme li lon?")] seme: bool, // implementation of classic cowsay flags #[clap(short = 'b', long = "o-sama")] ilo: bool, #[clap(short = 'd', long)] moli: bool, #[clap(short = 'g', long)] wile_mani: bool, #[clap(short = 'p', long)] monsuta: bool, #[clap(short = 's', long)] kasi_nasa: bool, #[clap(short = 't', long)] lape: bool, #[clap(short = 'w', long)] wawa: bool, #[clap(short = 'y', long)] lili: bool, #[clap(short = 'z', long)] suwi: bool, #[clap(short = 'P', long)] pilin: bool, #[clap(short = 'I', long, help = "o kepeken toki Inli lon toki pakala")] inli: bool, // optional text input text: Vec, } impl Args { fn configs_from_arguments(&self) -> Result<(CritterConfig, BubbleConfig), (String, String)> { let mut eyes = self.lukin.clone(); let mut tongue = self.uta.clone(); let mut line = self.linja.clone(); let object = self.ijo.clone(); let mut format = if self.kule.is_empty() { kule::reset() } else { String::new() }; let name = self.nimi.clone(); let mut border = self.poki.clone(); if self.moli { eyes = Some("xx".to_string()); tongue = Some("U".to_string()); } else if self.wile_mani { eyes = Some("$$".to_string()); } else if self.monsuta { eyes = Some("@@".to_string()); } else if self.kasi_nasa { eyes = Some("**".to_string()); tongue = Some("U".to_string()); } else if self.lape { eyes = Some("--".to_string()); line = Some("zZz".to_string()); border = Some("_()-".to_string()); } else if self.wawa { eyes = Some("OO".to_string()); } else if self.lili { eyes = Some("..".to_string()); } else if self.suwi { eyes = Some("^^".to_string()); } if self.pilin { line = Some("oOo".to_string()); border = Some("_()-".to_string()); } for i in &self.kule { let lower = query::is_lowercase(&i); let lower_i = case::lower_case(&i); format.push_str(&match lower_i.as_str() { "walo" => { if lower { FourBit::White.escape(false) } else { FourBit::BrightWhite.escape(false) } } "pimeja" => { if lower { FourBit::Black.escape(false) } else { FourBit::BrightBlack.escape(false) } } "laso" => { if lower { FourBit::Cyan.escape(false) } else { FourBit::BrightCyan.escape(false) } } "jelo" => { if lower { FourBit::Yellow.escape(false) } else { FourBit::BrightYellow.escape(false) } } "loje" => { if lower { FourBit::Red.escape(false) } else { FourBit::BrightRed.escape(false) } } "kasi" => { if lower { FourBit::Green.escape(false) } else { FourBit::BrightGreen.escape(false) } } "sewi" => { if lower { FourBit::Blue.escape(false) } else { FourBit::BrightBlue.escape(false) } } "unu" => { if lower { FourBit::Magenta.escape(false) } else { FourBit::BrightMagenta.escape(false) } } "suli" => Formats::Bright.escape(false), "wawa" => Formats::Bright.escape(false), "len" => Formats::Dim.escape(false), "mamamije" => Formats::Italic.escape(false), "sike" => Formats::Blink.escape(false), _ => String::new(), }) } let mut critter_config = CritterConfig::config_from_string( &eyes, &tongue, &line, &object, &Some(format), &name, )?; // borg mode uses special formatting so it needs to happen after the critters been made if self.ilo { critter_config.left_eye = format!( "{}o{}{}", Formats::Dim.escape(false), kule::reset(), critter_config.format ) .to_string(); critter_config.right_eye = format!( "{}{}{}o{}{}", Formats::Blink.escape(false), Formats::Bright.escape(false), FourBit::BrightRed.escape(false), kule::reset(), critter_config.format ) .to_string(); } let bubble_config = BubbleConfig::config_from_string( critter_config.template.anchor, self.pakala, self.pakala_ala, &border, ); Ok((critter_config, bubble_config)) } } fn output(text: &str, critter_config: CritterConfig, bubble_config: BubbleConfig) -> () { print!("{}", bubble_config.bubble_from_text(text)); println!("{}{}", critter_config.format_critter(), kule::reset()); }