# Build snifftest on Windows - To build the snifftest executable on Windows, first follow the steps to build wolfSSL on Visual Studio found [here](https://www.wolfssl.com/documentation/manuals/wolfssl/chapter02.html#building-on-windows). - Next, download the WinPcap development pack found [here](https://www.winpcap.org/devel.htm). - Extract the `WpdPack` folder from the downloaded zip and place adjacently to the wolfSSL directory as shown below. Projects\ wolfssl\ WpdPack\ - Then on Visual Studio, open the configuration manager for the wolfssl solution. This can be done by right-clicking on the solution viewer then selecting `properties`. The button for the configuration manager should be on the top-right of the window. - On the configuration manager, tick the box to build `sslSniffTest` on your desired configuration. Make sure to configure the project for either `Release` or `Debug` and not `DLL Release` or `DLL Debug`. The snifftest project requires `sslSniffer.lib`, which is not built in the cases of `DLL Release` and `DLL Debug`. - Add the following to your `user_settings.h`. ``` #define WOLFSSL_STATIC_EPHEMERAL #define WOLFSSL_DH_EXTRA #define HAVE_ECC #define HAVE_ECC_SECPR2 ``` - You can now build the solution and see `snifftest.exe` built. For details on usage, see [sniffer README.md](../README.md#command-line-options) for more details.