/* quic.c * * Copyright (C) 2006-2023 wolfSSL Inc. * * This file is part of wolfSSL. * * wolfSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * wolfSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA */ /* Name change compatibility layer no longer needs to be included here */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #ifdef NO_INLINE #include #else #define WOLFSSL_MISC_INCLUDED #include #endif #ifndef WOLFCRYPT_ONLY #ifdef WOLFSSL_QUIC #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int qr_length(const uint8_t *data, size_t len) { word32 rlen; if (len < 4) { return 0; } c24to32(&data[1], &rlen); return (int)rlen + 4; } static void quic_record_free(WOLFSSL *ssl, QuicRecord *r) { (void)ssl; if (r->data) { ForceZero(r->data, r->capacity); XFREE(r->data, ssl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); } XFREE(r, ssl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); } static QuicRecord *quic_record_make(WOLFSSL *ssl, WOLFSSL_ENCRYPTION_LEVEL level, const uint8_t *data, size_t len) { QuicRecord *qr; qr = (QuicRecord*)XMALLOC(sizeof(*qr), ssl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (qr) { memset(qr, 0, sizeof(*qr)); qr->level = level; if (level == wolfssl_encryption_early_data) { qr->capacity = qr->len = (word32)len; } else { qr->capacity = qr->len = qr_length(data, len); } if (qr->capacity == 0) { qr->capacity = 2*1024; } qr->data = (uint8_t*)XMALLOC(qr->capacity, ssl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (!qr->data) { quic_record_free(ssl, qr); return NULL; } } return qr; } static int quic_record_complete(QuicRecord *r) { return r->len && r->end >= r->len; } static int quic_record_done(QuicRecord *r) { return r->len && r->end >= r->len && r->start >= r->end; } static int quic_record_append(WOLFSSL *ssl, QuicRecord *qr, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, size_t *pconsumed) { size_t missing, consumed = 0; int ret = WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; (void)ssl; if (!qr->len && len) { missing = 4 - qr->end; if (len < missing) { XMEMCPY(qr->data + qr->end, data, len); qr->end += len; consumed = len; goto cleanup; /* len consumed, but qr->len still unknown */ } XMEMCPY(qr->data + qr->end, data, missing); qr->end += missing; len -= missing; data += missing; consumed = missing; qr->len = qr_length(qr->data, qr->end); if (qr->len > qr->capacity) { uint8_t *ndata = (uint8_t*)XREALLOC(qr->data, qr->len, ssl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (!ndata) { ret = WOLFSSL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } qr->data = ndata; qr->capacity = qr->len; } } if (quic_record_complete(qr) || len == 0) { return 0; } missing = qr->len - qr->end; if (len > missing) { len = missing; } XMEMCPY(qr->data + qr->end, data, len); qr->end += len; consumed += len; cleanup: *pconsumed = (ret == WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) ? consumed : 0; return ret; } static word32 add_rec_header(byte* output, word32 length, int type) { RecordLayerHeader* rl; /* record layer header */ rl = (RecordLayerHeader*)output; if (rl == NULL) { return 0; } rl->type = type; rl->pvMajor = SSLv3_MAJOR; rl->pvMinor = TLSv1_2_MINOR; c16toa((word16)length, rl->length); return RECORD_HEADER_SZ; } static word32 quic_record_transfer(QuicRecord* qr, byte* buf, word32 sz) { word32 len = qr->end - qr->start; word32 offset = 0; word16 rlen; if (len <= 0) { return 0; } if (qr->rec_hdr_remain == 0) { /* start a new TLS record */ rlen = (qr->len <= (word32)MAX_RECORD_SIZE) ? qr->len : (word32)MAX_RECORD_SIZE; offset += add_rec_header(buf, rlen, (qr->level == wolfssl_encryption_early_data) ? application_data : handshake); qr->rec_hdr_remain = rlen; sz -= offset; } if (len > qr->rec_hdr_remain) { len = qr->rec_hdr_remain; } if (len > sz) { len = sz; } if (len > 0) { XMEMCPY(buf + offset, qr->data + qr->start, len); qr->start += len; qr->rec_hdr_remain -= len; } return len + offset; } const QuicTransportParam* QuicTransportParam_new(const uint8_t* data, size_t len, void* heap) { QuicTransportParam* tp; if (len > 65353) return NULL; tp = (QuicTransportParam*)XMALLOC(sizeof(*tp), heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TLSX); if (!tp) return NULL; tp->data = (uint8_t*)XMALLOC(len, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TLSX); if (!tp->data) { XFREE(tp, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TLSX); return NULL; } XMEMCPY((uint8_t*)tp->data, data, len); tp->len = len; return tp; } const QuicTransportParam* QuicTransportParam_dup(const QuicTransportParam* tp, void* heap) { QuicTransportParam* tp2; tp2 = (QuicTransportParam*)XMALLOC(sizeof(*tp2), heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TLSX); if (!tp2) return NULL; tp2->data = (uint8_t*)XMALLOC(tp->len, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TLSX); if (!tp2->data) { XFREE(tp2, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TLSX); return NULL; } XMEMCPY((uint8_t*)tp2->data, tp->data, tp->len); tp2->len = tp->len; return tp2; } void QuicTransportParam_free(const QuicTransportParam* tp, void* heap) { (void)heap; if (tp) { if (tp->data) XFREE((uint8_t*)tp->data, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TLSX); XFREE((void*)tp, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TLSX); } } void wolfSSL_quic_clear(WOLFSSL* ssl) { QuicEncData* qd; /* keep * - ssl->quic.transport_local * - ssl->quic.method * - ssl->quic.transport_version * reset/free everything else */ if (ssl->quic.transport_peer) { QTP_FREE(ssl->quic.transport_peer, ssl->heap); ssl->quic.transport_peer = NULL; } if (ssl->quic.transport_peer_draft) { QTP_FREE(ssl->quic.transport_peer_draft, ssl->heap); ssl->quic.transport_peer_draft = NULL; } ssl->quic.enc_level_write = wolfssl_encryption_initial; ssl->quic.enc_level_latest_recvd = wolfssl_encryption_initial; while ((qd = ssl->quic.input_head)) { ssl->quic.input_head = qd->next; quic_record_free(ssl, qd); } ssl->quic.input_tail = NULL; ssl->quic.output_rec_remain = 0; if (ssl->quic.scratch) { quic_record_free(ssl, ssl->quic.scratch); ssl->quic.scratch = NULL; } } void wolfSSL_quic_free(WOLFSSL* ssl) { wolfSSL_quic_clear(ssl); if (ssl->quic.transport_local) { QTP_FREE(ssl->quic.transport_local, ssl->heap); ssl->quic.transport_local = NULL; } ssl->quic.method = NULL; } static int ctx_check_quic_compat(const WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx) { WOLFSSL_ENTER("ctx_check_quic_compat"); if (ctx->method->version.major != SSLv3_MAJOR || ctx->method->version.minor != TLSv1_3_MINOR || (ctx->method->downgrade && ctx->minDowngrade < TLSv1_3_MINOR)) { WOLFSSL_MSG_EX("ctx not quic compatible: vmajor=%d, vminor=%d, downgrade=%d", ctx->method->version.major, ctx->method->version.minor, ctx->method->downgrade ); return WOLFSSL_FAILURE; } return WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; } static int check_method_sanity(const WOLFSSL_QUIC_METHOD* m) { WOLFSSL_ENTER("check_method_sanity"); if (m && m->set_encryption_secrets && m->add_handshake_data && m->flush_flight && m->send_alert) { return WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; } return WOLFSSL_FAILURE; } int wolfSSL_CTX_set_quic_method(WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx, const WOLFSSL_QUIC_METHOD* quic_method) { WOLFSSL_ENTER("wolfSSL_CTX_set_quic_method"); if (ctx_check_quic_compat(ctx) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || check_method_sanity(quic_method) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { return WOLFSSL_FAILURE; } ctx->quic.method = quic_method; return WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; } int wolfSSL_set_quic_method(WOLFSSL* ssl, const WOLFSSL_QUIC_METHOD* quic_method) { WOLFSSL_ENTER("wolfSSL_set_quic_method"); if (ctx_check_quic_compat(ssl->ctx) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || check_method_sanity(quic_method) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { return WOLFSSL_FAILURE; } ssl->quic.method = quic_method; return WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; } int wolfSSL_is_quic(WOLFSSL* ssl) { return WOLFSSL_IS_QUIC(ssl); } WOLFSSL_ENCRYPTION_LEVEL wolfSSL_quic_read_level(const WOLFSSL* ssl) { return ssl->quic.enc_level_read; } WOLFSSL_ENCRYPTION_LEVEL wolfSSL_quic_write_level(const WOLFSSL* ssl) { return ssl->quic.enc_level_write; } int wolfSSL_set_quic_transport_params(WOLFSSL* ssl, const uint8_t* params, size_t params_len) { const QuicTransportParam* tp; int ret = WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; WOLFSSL_ENTER("wolfSSL_set_quic_transport_params"); if (!params || params_len == 0) { tp = NULL; } else { tp = QuicTransportParam_new(params, params_len, ssl->heap); if (!tp) { ret = WOLFSSL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } } if (ssl->quic.transport_local) QTP_FREE(ssl->quic.transport_local, ssl->heap); ssl->quic.transport_local = tp; cleanup: WOLFSSL_LEAVE("wolfSSL_set_quic_transport_params", ret); return ret; } void wolfSSL_get_peer_quic_transport_params(const WOLFSSL* ssl, const uint8_t** out_params, size_t* out_params_len) { const QuicTransportParam* tp = ssl->quic.transport_peer ? ssl->quic.transport_peer : ssl->quic.transport_peer_draft; *out_params = tp ? tp->data : NULL; *out_params_len = tp ? tp->len : 0; } int wolfSSL_get_peer_quic_transport_version(const WOLFSSL* ssl) { return ssl->quic.transport_peer ? TLSX_KEY_QUIC_TP_PARAMS : (ssl->quic.transport_peer_draft ? TLSX_KEY_QUIC_TP_PARAMS : -1); } void wolfSSL_set_quic_use_legacy_codepoint(WOLFSSL* ssl, int use_legacy) { ssl->quic.transport_version = use_legacy ? TLSX_KEY_QUIC_TP_PARAMS_DRAFT : TLSX_KEY_QUIC_TP_PARAMS; } void wolfSSL_set_quic_transport_version(WOLFSSL* ssl, int version) { if (version == TLSX_KEY_QUIC_TP_PARAMS || version == TLSX_KEY_QUIC_TP_PARAMS_DRAFT || !version) { ssl->quic.transport_version = version; } else { WOLFSSL_MSG("wolfSSL_set_quic_transport_version: invalid version"); } } int wolfSSL_get_quic_transport_version(const WOLFSSL* ssl) { return ssl->quic.transport_version; } int wolfSSL_quic_add_transport_extensions(WOLFSSL* ssl, int msg_type) { /* RFC 9001, ch. 8.2: "The quic_transport_parameters extension is carried * in the ClientHello and the EncryptedExtensions messages during the * handshake. Endpoints MUST send the quic_transport_parameters extension;" * Which means, at least one. There can be more to signal compatibility to * older/newer versions. */ int ret = 0, is_resp = (msg_type == encrypted_extensions); if (ssl->quic.transport_local == NULL) { return QUIC_TP_MISSING_E; } if (is_resp) { /* server response: time to decide which version to use */ if (ssl->quic.transport_peer && ssl->quic.transport_peer_draft) { if (ssl->quic.transport_version == TLSX_KEY_QUIC_TP_PARAMS_DRAFT) { ret = TLSX_QuicTP_Use(ssl, TLSX_KEY_QUIC_TP_PARAMS_DRAFT, is_resp); QTP_FREE(ssl->quic.transport_peer, ssl->heap); ssl->quic.transport_peer = NULL; } else { ret = TLSX_QuicTP_Use(ssl, TLSX_KEY_QUIC_TP_PARAMS, is_resp); QTP_FREE(ssl->quic.transport_peer_draft, ssl->heap); ssl->quic.transport_peer_draft = NULL; } } else { if (ssl->quic.transport_version == TLSX_KEY_QUIC_TP_PARAMS_DRAFT && ssl->quic.transport_peer_draft) { ret = TLSX_QuicTP_Use(ssl, TLSX_KEY_QUIC_TP_PARAMS_DRAFT, is_resp); } else if (ssl->quic.transport_peer) { ret = TLSX_QuicTP_Use(ssl, TLSX_KEY_QUIC_TP_PARAMS, is_resp); } else { /* no match, send none, will let the client fail */ } } } else { /* client hello */ if (ssl->quic.transport_version == 0) { /* not being set to a particular id, we send both draft+v1 */ ret = TLSX_QuicTP_Use(ssl, TLSX_KEY_QUIC_TP_PARAMS, is_resp) || TLSX_QuicTP_Use(ssl, TLSX_KEY_QUIC_TP_PARAMS_DRAFT, is_resp); } else { /* otherwise, send the version configured */ ret = TLSX_QuicTP_Use(ssl, (TLSX_Type)ssl->quic.transport_version, is_resp); } } return ret; } #define QUIC_HS_FLIGHT_LIMIT_DEFAULT (16* 1024) size_t wolfSSL_quic_max_handshake_flight_len(const WOLFSSL* ssl, WOLFSSL_ENCRYPTION_LEVEL level) { switch (level) { case wolfssl_encryption_initial: case wolfssl_encryption_application: return QUIC_HS_FLIGHT_LIMIT_DEFAULT; case wolfssl_encryption_early_data: return 0; /* QUIC does not send at this level */ case wolfssl_encryption_handshake: /* during handshake itself, certificates may be exchanged which * exceed our default limit, advise a higher limit one. */ if (ssl->options.side == WOLFSSL_SERVER_END) { if (ssl->options.verifyPeer && MAX_CERTIFICATE_SZ > QUIC_HS_FLIGHT_LIMIT_DEFAULT) return MAX_CERTIFICATE_SZ; } else { /* clients may receive the server cert chain */ if (2*MAX_CERTIFICATE_SZ > QUIC_HS_FLIGHT_LIMIT_DEFAULT) return 2*MAX_CERTIFICATE_SZ; } return QUIC_HS_FLIGHT_LIMIT_DEFAULT; } return 0; } #ifdef WOLFSSL_EARLY_DATA void wolfSSL_set_quic_early_data_enabled(WOLFSSL* ssl, int enabled) { /* This only has effect on server and when the handshake has * not started yet. * This function is part of the quictls/openssl API and does * not return any error, sadly. So we just ignore any * unsuccessful use. But we can produce some warnings. */ if (!WOLFSSL_IS_QUIC(ssl)) { WOLFSSL_MSG("wolfSSL_set_quic_early_data_enabled: not a QUIC SSL"); } else if (ssl->options.handShakeState != NULL_STATE) { WOLFSSL_MSG("wolfSSL_set_quic_early_data_enabled: handshake started"); } else { wolfSSL_set_max_early_data(ssl, enabled ? UINT32_MAX : 0); } } #endif /* WOLFSSL_EARLY_DATA */ int wolfSSL_quic_do_handshake(WOLFSSL* ssl) { int ret = WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; WOLFSSL_ENTER("wolfSSL_quic_do_handshake"); if (!wolfSSL_is_quic(ssl)) { WOLFSSL_MSG("WOLFSSL_QUIC_DO_HANDSHAKE not a QUIC SSL"); ret = WOLFSSL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } while (ssl->options.handShakeState != HANDSHAKE_DONE) { /* Peculiar: do_handshake() is successful, but the state * indicates that we are not DONE. This seems to happen * when resuming sessions and an EARLY_DATA indicator * is presented by the client. * Theory: wolfSSL expects the APP to read the early data * and silently continues the handshake when the EndOfEarlyData * and the client Finished arrives. * This confuses the QUIC state handling. */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_EARLY_DATA if (ssl->options.maxEarlyDataSz) { byte tmpbuffer[256]; int len; if (ssl->options.side == WOLFSSL_CLIENT_END) { if (ssl->options.resuming) { ret = wolfSSL_write_early_data(ssl, tmpbuffer, 0, &len); } } else { ret = wolfSSL_read_early_data(ssl, tmpbuffer, sizeof(tmpbuffer), &len); if (ret < 0 && ssl->error == ZERO_RETURN) { /* this is expected, since QUIC handles the actual early * data separately. */ ret = WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; } } if (ret < 0) { goto cleanup; } } #endif /* WOLFSSL_EARLY_DATA */ ret = wolfSSL_SSL_do_handshake_internal(ssl); if (ret <= 0) goto cleanup; } cleanup: if (ret <= 0 && ssl->options.handShakeState == HANDSHAKE_DONE && (ssl->error == ZERO_RETURN || ssl->error == WANT_READ)) { ret = WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; } if (ret == WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { ssl->error = WOLFSSL_ERROR_NONE; } WOLFSSL_LEAVE("wolfSSL_quic_do_handshake", ret); return ret; } int wolfSSL_quic_read_write(WOLFSSL* ssl) { int ret = WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; WOLFSSL_ENTER("wolfSSL_quic_read_write"); if (!wolfSSL_is_quic(ssl)) { WOLFSSL_MSG("WOLFSSL_QUIC_READ_WRITE not a QUIC SSL"); ret = WOLFSSL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } if (ssl->options.handShakeState != HANDSHAKE_DONE) { ret = wolfSSL_quic_do_handshake(ssl); if (ret != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; } ret = wolfSSL_process_quic_post_handshake(ssl); cleanup: WOLFSSL_LEAVE("wolfSSL_quic_read_write", ret); return ret; } int wolfSSL_process_quic_post_handshake(WOLFSSL* ssl) { int ret = WOLFSSL_SUCCESS, nret; WOLFSSL_ENTER("wolfSSL_process_quic_post_handshake"); if (!wolfSSL_is_quic(ssl)) { WOLFSSL_MSG("WOLFSSL_QUIC_POST_HS not a QUIC SSL"); ret = WOLFSSL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } if (ssl->options.handShakeState != HANDSHAKE_DONE) { WOLFSSL_MSG("WOLFSSL_QUIC_POST_HS handshake is not done yet"); ret = WOLFSSL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } while (ssl->quic.input_head != NULL || ssl->buffers.inputBuffer.length > 0) { if ((nret = ProcessReply(ssl)) < 0) { ret = nret; break; } } while (ssl->buffers.outputBuffer.length > 0) { SendBuffered(ssl); } cleanup: WOLFSSL_LEAVE("wolfSSL_process_quic_post_handshake", ret); return ret; } int wolfSSL_provide_quic_data(WOLFSSL* ssl, WOLFSSL_ENCRYPTION_LEVEL level, const uint8_t* data, size_t len) { int ret = WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; size_t l; WOLFSSL_ENTER("wolfSSL_provide_quic_data"); if (!wolfSSL_is_quic(ssl)) { WOLFSSL_MSG("WOLFSSL_QUIC_PROVIDE_DATA not a QUIC SSL"); ret = WOLFSSL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } if (level < wolfSSL_quic_read_level(ssl) || (ssl->quic.input_tail && level < ssl->quic.input_tail->level) || level < ssl->quic.enc_level_latest_recvd) { WOLFSSL_MSG("WOLFSSL_QUIC_PROVIDE_DATA wrong encryption level"); ret = WOLFSSL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } while (len > 0) { if (ssl->quic.scratch) { if (ssl->quic.scratch->level != level) { WOLFSSL_MSG("WOLFSSL_QUIC_PROVIDE_DATA wrong encryption level"); ret = WOLFSSL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } ret = quic_record_append(ssl, ssl->quic.scratch, data, len, &l); if (ret != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; } data += l; len -= l; if (quic_record_complete(ssl->quic.scratch)) { if (ssl->quic.input_tail) { ssl->quic.input_tail->next = ssl->quic.scratch; ssl->quic.input_tail = ssl->quic.scratch; } else { ssl->quic.input_head = ssl->quic.input_tail = ssl->quic.scratch; } ssl->quic.scratch = NULL; } } else { /* start of next record with all bytes for the header */ ssl->quic.scratch = quic_record_make(ssl, level, data, len); if (!ssl->quic.scratch) { ret = WOLFSSL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } } } ssl->quic.enc_level_latest_recvd = level; cleanup: WOLFSSL_LEAVE("wolfSSL_provide_quic_data", ret); return ret; } /* Called internally when SSL wants a certain amount of input. */ int wolfSSL_quic_receive(WOLFSSL* ssl, byte* buf, word32 sz) { word32 n = 0; int transferred = 0; WOLFSSL_ENTER("wolfSSL_quic_receive"); while (sz > 0) { n = 0; if (ssl->quic.input_head) { n = quic_record_transfer(ssl->quic.input_head, buf, sz); if (quic_record_done(ssl->quic.input_head)) { QuicRecord* qr = ssl->quic.input_head; ssl->quic.input_head = qr->next; if (!qr->next) { ssl->quic.input_tail = NULL; } quic_record_free(ssl, qr); } } if (n == 0) { if (transferred > 0) { goto cleanup; } ssl->error = transferred = WANT_READ; goto cleanup; } sz -= n; buf += n; transferred += n; } cleanup: WOLFSSL_LEAVE("wolfSSL_quic_receive", transferred); return transferred; } /** * We need to forward the HANDSHAKE messages to the QUIC protocol stack * via ssl->quic.method->add_handshake_data(). * The messages in the output buffer are unencrypted TLS records. We need * to forward the content of those records. */ static int wolfSSL_quic_send_internal(WOLFSSL* ssl) { int ret = 0, aret; size_t len; RecordLayerHeader* rl; word16 rlen; word32 idx, length; byte* output; WOLFSSL_ENTER("wolfSSL_quic_send"); idx = ssl->buffers.outputBuffer.idx; length = ssl->buffers.outputBuffer.length; output = ssl->buffers.outputBuffer.buffer + idx; while (length > 0) { if (ssl->quic.output_rec_remain > 0) { len = ssl->quic.output_rec_remain; if (len > length) { len = length; } aret = ssl->quic.method->add_handshake_data(ssl, ssl->quic.output_rec_level, (const uint8_t*)output, len); if (aret != 1) { /* The application has an error. General disaster. */ WOLFSSL_MSG("WOLFSSL_QUIC_SEND application failed"); ret = FWRITE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } output += len; length -= len; ssl->quic.output_rec_remain -= len; } else { /* at start of a TLS Record */ rl = (RecordLayerHeader*)output; ato16(rl->length, &rlen); output += RECORD_HEADER_SZ; length -= RECORD_HEADER_SZ; ssl->quic.output_rec_remain = rlen; ssl->quic.output_rec_level = ssl->quic.enc_level_write; if (rl->type == application_data) { if (ssl->options.handShakeState != HANDSHAKE_DONE) { ssl->quic.output_rec_level = wolfssl_encryption_early_data; } else { WOLFSSL_MSG("WOLFSSL_QUIC_SEND app data after handshake"); ret = FWRITE_ERROR; goto cleanup; } } } } ssl->buffers.outputBuffer.idx = 0; ssl->buffers.outputBuffer.length = 0; cleanup: WOLFSSL_LEAVE("wolfSSL_quic_send", ret); return ret; } int wolfSSL_quic_send(WOLFSSL* ssl) { return wolfSSL_quic_send_internal(ssl); } int wolfSSL_quic_forward_secrets(WOLFSSL* ssl, int ktype, int side) { const uint8_t* rx_secret = NULL, *tx_secret = NULL; WOLFSSL_ENCRYPTION_LEVEL level; int ret = 0; WOLFSSL_ENTER("wolfSSL_quic_forward_secrets"); switch (ktype) { case early_data_key: level = wolfssl_encryption_early_data; break; case handshake_key: level = wolfssl_encryption_handshake; break; case traffic_key: FALL_THROUGH; case update_traffic_key: level = wolfssl_encryption_application; break; case no_key: FALL_THROUGH; default: /* ignore */ goto cleanup; } if (side == ENCRYPT_AND_DECRYPT_SIDE || side == ENCRYPT_SIDE_ONLY) { tx_secret = (ssl->options.side == WOLFSSL_CLIENT_END) ? ssl->clientSecret : ssl->serverSecret; } if (side == ENCRYPT_AND_DECRYPT_SIDE || side == DECRYPT_SIDE_ONLY) { rx_secret = (ssl->options.side == WOLFSSL_CLIENT_END) ? ssl->serverSecret : ssl->clientSecret; } if (!tx_secret && !rx_secret) { WOLFSSL_MSG("WOLFSSL_QUIC_FORWARD_SECRETS neither " "enc- nor decrypt specified"); goto cleanup; } ret = !ssl->quic.method->set_encryption_secrets( ssl, level, rx_secret, tx_secret, ssl->specs.hash_size); /* Having installed the secrets, any future read/write will happen * at the level. Except early data, which is detected on the record * type and the handshake state. */ if (ktype == early_data_key) { goto cleanup; } if (tx_secret && ssl->quic.enc_level_write != level) { ssl->quic.enc_level_write_next = level; } if (rx_secret && ssl->quic.enc_level_read != level) { ssl->quic.enc_level_read_next = level; } cleanup: WOLFSSL_LEAVE("wolfSSL_quic_forward_secrets", ret); return ret; } int wolfSSL_quic_keys_active(WOLFSSL* ssl, enum encrypt_side side) { int ret = 0; WOLFSSL_ENTER("wolfSSL_quic_keys_active"); /* Keys derived from recent secrets have been activated */ if (side == ENCRYPT_AND_DECRYPT_SIDE || side == ENCRYPT_SIDE_ONLY) { /* If there is data in the output buffers, it was supposed to be * encrypted at the previous level. We need to remember that when * forwarding this data to the QUIC protocol application. */ if (ssl->buffers.outputBuffer.length > 0) { ret = wolfSSL_quic_send_internal(ssl); if (ret) goto cleanup; } ssl->quic.enc_level_write = ssl->quic.enc_level_write_next; } if (side == ENCRYPT_AND_DECRYPT_SIDE || side == DECRYPT_SIDE_ONLY) { ssl->quic.enc_level_read = ssl->quic.enc_level_read_next; } cleanup: WOLFSSL_LEAVE("wolfSSL_quic_keys_active", ret); return ret; } const WOLFSSL_EVP_CIPHER* wolfSSL_quic_get_aead(WOLFSSL* ssl) { WOLFSSL_CIPHER* cipher = NULL; const WOLFSSL_EVP_CIPHER* evp_cipher = NULL; if (ssl == NULL) { return NULL; } cipher = wolfSSL_get_current_cipher(ssl); if (cipher == NULL) { return NULL; } switch (cipher->cipherSuite) { #if !defined(NO_AES) && defined(HAVE_AESGCM) case TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: evp_cipher = wolfSSL_EVP_aes_128_gcm(); break; case TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384: evp_cipher = wolfSSL_EVP_aes_256_gcm(); break; #endif #if defined(HAVE_CHACHA) && defined(HAVE_POLY1305) case TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256: evp_cipher = wolfSSL_EVP_chacha20_poly1305(); break; #endif #if defined(WOLFSSL_AES_COUNTER) && defined(WOLFSSL_AES_128) case TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256: FALL_THROUGH; case TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256: evp_cipher = wolfSSL_EVP_aes_128_ctr(); break; #endif default: evp_cipher = NULL; break; } if (!evp_cipher) { /* should not happen, as SSL* should not have negotiated it? */ WOLFSSL_MSG("wolfSSL_quic_get_aead: current cipher not supported"); return NULL; } return evp_cipher; } static int evp_cipher_eq(const WOLFSSL_EVP_CIPHER* c1, const WOLFSSL_EVP_CIPHER* c2) { /* We could check on nid equality, but we seem to have singulars */ return c1 == c2; } const WOLFSSL_EVP_CIPHER* wolfSSL_quic_get_hp(WOLFSSL* ssl) { WOLFSSL_CIPHER* cipher = NULL; const WOLFSSL_EVP_CIPHER* evp_cipher = NULL; if (ssl == NULL) { return NULL; } cipher = wolfSSL_get_current_cipher(ssl); if (cipher == NULL) { return NULL; } switch (cipher->cipherSuite) { #if !defined(NO_AES) && defined(HAVE_AESGCM) case TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: evp_cipher = wolfSSL_EVP_aes_128_ctr(); break; case TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384: evp_cipher = wolfSSL_EVP_aes_256_ctr(); break; #endif #if defined(HAVE_CHACHA) && defined(HAVE_POLY1305) case TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256: evp_cipher = wolfSSL_EVP_chacha20(); break; #endif #if defined(WOLFSSL_AES_COUNTER) && defined(WOLFSSL_AES_128) case TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256: FALL_THROUGH; case TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256: evp_cipher = wolfSSL_EVP_aes_128_ctr(); break; #endif default: evp_cipher = NULL; break; } if (!evp_cipher) { /* should not happen, as SSL* should not have negotiated it? */ WOLFSSL_MSG("wolfSSL_quic_get_hp: current cipher not supported"); return NULL; } return evp_cipher; } size_t wolfSSL_quic_get_aead_tag_len(const WOLFSSL_EVP_CIPHER* aead_cipher) { size_t ret; #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK WOLFSSL_EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx = (WOLFSSL_EVP_CIPHER_CTX *)XMALLOC( sizeof(*ctx), NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (ctx == NULL) return 0; #else WOLFSSL_EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx[1]; #endif XMEMSET(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx)); if (wolfSSL_EVP_CipherInit(ctx, aead_cipher, NULL, NULL, 0) == WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { ret = ctx->authTagSz; } else { ret = 0; } (void)wolfSSL_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(ctx); #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK XFREE(ctx, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); #endif return ret; } int wolfSSL_quic_aead_is_gcm(const WOLFSSL_EVP_CIPHER* aead_cipher) { #if !defined(NO_AES) && defined(HAVE_AESGCM) if (evp_cipher_eq(aead_cipher, wolfSSL_EVP_aes_128_gcm()) #ifdef WOLFSSL_AES_256 || evp_cipher_eq(aead_cipher, wolfSSL_EVP_aes_256_gcm()) #endif ) { return 1; } #else (void)aead_cipher; #endif return 0; } int wolfSSL_quic_aead_is_ccm(const WOLFSSL_EVP_CIPHER* aead_cipher) { #if defined(WOLFSSL_AES_COUNTER) && defined(WOLFSSL_AES_128) if (evp_cipher_eq(aead_cipher, wolfSSL_EVP_aes_128_ctr())) { return 1; } #else (void)aead_cipher; #endif return 0; } int wolfSSL_quic_aead_is_chacha20(const WOLFSSL_EVP_CIPHER* aead_cipher) { #if defined(HAVE_CHACHA) && defined(HAVE_POLY1305) return evp_cipher_eq(aead_cipher, wolfSSL_EVP_chacha20_poly1305()); #else (void)aead_cipher; return 0; #endif } const WOLFSSL_EVP_MD* wolfSSL_quic_get_md(WOLFSSL* ssl) { /* a copy from the handshake md setup */ switch(ssl->specs.mac_algorithm) { case no_mac: #ifndef NO_MD5 case md5_mac: return wolfSSL_EVP_md5(); #endif #ifndef NO_SHA case sha_mac: return wolfSSL_EVP_sha1(); #endif #ifdef WOLFSSL_SHA224 case sha224_mac: return wolfSSL_EVP_sha224(); #endif case sha256_mac: return wolfSSL_EVP_sha256(); #ifdef WOLFSSL_SHA384 case sha384_mac: return wolfSSL_EVP_sha384(); #endif #ifdef WOLFSSL_SHA512 case sha512_mac: return wolfSSL_EVP_sha512(); #endif case rmd_mac: case blake2b_mac: WOLFSSL_MSG("no suitable EVP_MD"); return NULL; default: WOLFSSL_MSG("Unknown mac algorithm"); return NULL; } } #ifdef OPENSSL_EXTRA int wolfSSL_quic_hkdf_extract(uint8_t* dest, const WOLFSSL_EVP_MD* md, const uint8_t* secret, size_t secretlen, const uint8_t* salt, size_t saltlen) { WOLFSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX* pctx = NULL; size_t destlen = (size_t)wolfSSL_EVP_MD_size(md); int ret = WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; WOLFSSL_ENTER("wolfSSL_quic_hkdf_extract"); pctx = wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id(NID_hkdf, NULL); if (pctx == NULL) { ret = WOLFSSL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } if (wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_derive_init(pctx) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX_hkdf_mode( pctx, EVP_PKEY_HKDEF_MODE_EXTRACT_ONLY) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_hkdf_md(pctx, md) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX_set1_hkdf_salt( pctx, (byte*)salt, (int)saltlen) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX_set1_hkdf_key( pctx, (byte*)secret, (int)secretlen) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_derive(pctx, dest, &destlen) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { ret = WOLFSSL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } cleanup: if (pctx) wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX_free(pctx); WOLFSSL_LEAVE("wolfSSL_quic_hkdf_extract", ret); return ret; } int wolfSSL_quic_hkdf_expand(uint8_t* dest, size_t destlen, const WOLFSSL_EVP_MD* md, const uint8_t* secret, size_t secretlen, const uint8_t* info, size_t infolen) { WOLFSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX* pctx = NULL; int ret = WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; WOLFSSL_ENTER("wolfSSL_quic_hkdf_expand"); pctx = wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id(NID_hkdf, NULL); if (pctx == NULL) { ret = WOLFSSL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } if (wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_derive_init(pctx) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX_hkdf_mode( pctx, EVP_PKEY_HKDEF_MODE_EXPAND_ONLY) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_hkdf_md(pctx, md) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX_set1_hkdf_salt( pctx, (byte*)"", 0) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX_set1_hkdf_key( pctx, (byte*)secret, (int)secretlen) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX_add1_hkdf_info( pctx, (byte*)info, (int)infolen) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_derive(pctx, dest, &destlen) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { ret = WOLFSSL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } cleanup: if (pctx) EVP_PKEY_CTX_free(pctx); WOLFSSL_LEAVE("wolfSSL_quic_hkdf_expand", ret); return ret; } int wolfSSL_quic_hkdf(uint8_t* dest, size_t destlen, const WOLFSSL_EVP_MD* md, const uint8_t* secret, size_t secretlen, const uint8_t* salt, size_t saltlen, const uint8_t* info, size_t infolen) { WOLFSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX* pctx = NULL; int ret = WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; WOLFSSL_ENTER("wolfSSL_quic_hkdf"); pctx = wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id(NID_hkdf, NULL); if (pctx == NULL) { ret = WOLFSSL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } if (wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_derive_init(pctx) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX_hkdf_mode( pctx, EVP_PKEY_HKDEF_MODE_EXTRACT_AND_EXPAND) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_hkdf_md(pctx, md) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX_set1_hkdf_salt( pctx, (byte*)salt, (int)saltlen) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX_set1_hkdf_key( pctx, (byte*)secret, (int)secretlen) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_CTX_add1_hkdf_info( pctx, (byte*)info, (int)infolen) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_PKEY_derive(pctx, dest, &destlen) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { ret = WOLFSSL_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } cleanup: if (pctx) EVP_PKEY_CTX_free(pctx); WOLFSSL_LEAVE("wolfSSL_quic_hkdf", ret); return ret; } #endif /* OPENSSL_EXTRA */ WOLFSSL_EVP_CIPHER_CTX* wolfSSL_quic_crypt_new(const WOLFSSL_EVP_CIPHER* cipher, const uint8_t* key, const uint8_t* iv, int encrypt) { WOLFSSL_EVP_CIPHER_CTX* ctx; ctx = wolfSSL_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(); if (ctx == NULL) { return NULL; } if (wolfSSL_EVP_CipherInit(ctx, cipher, key, iv, encrypt) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { wolfSSL_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(ctx); return NULL; } return ctx; } int wolfSSL_quic_aead_encrypt(uint8_t* dest, WOLFSSL_EVP_CIPHER_CTX* ctx, const uint8_t* plain, size_t plainlen, const uint8_t* iv, const uint8_t* aad, size_t aadlen) { int len; /* A case can be made if this really should be a function in wolfSSL, since * the same should be doable from the API by a QUIC protocol stack. * What speaks for this: * - it gives us a decent testing point * - API users do not have to re-invent (it fits into ngtcp2 use). * picotls offers a similar abstraction level for AEAD. * TODO: there is some fiddling in OpenSSL+quic in regard to CCM ciphers * which we need to check. */ if (wolfSSL_EVP_CipherInit(ctx, NULL, NULL, iv, 1) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_CipherUpdate( ctx, NULL, &len, aad, (int)aadlen) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_CipherUpdate( ctx, dest, &len, plain, (int)plainlen) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_CipherFinal(ctx, dest + len, &len) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl( ctx, EVP_CTRL_AEAD_GET_TAG, ctx->authTagSz, dest + plainlen) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { return WOLFSSL_FAILURE; } return WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; } int wolfSSL_quic_aead_decrypt(uint8_t* dest, WOLFSSL_EVP_CIPHER_CTX* ctx, const uint8_t* enc, size_t enclen, const uint8_t* iv, const uint8_t* aad, size_t aadlen) { int len; const uint8_t* tag; /* See rationale for wolfSSL_quic_aead_encrypt() on why this is here */ if (enclen > INT_MAX || ctx->authTagSz > (int)enclen) { return WOLFSSL_FAILURE; } enclen -= ctx->authTagSz; tag = enc + enclen; if (wolfSSL_EVP_CipherInit(ctx, NULL, NULL, iv, 0) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl( ctx, EVP_CTRL_AEAD_SET_TAG, ctx->authTagSz, (uint8_t*)tag) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_CipherUpdate(ctx, NULL, &len, aad, (int)aadlen) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_CipherUpdate(ctx, dest, &len, enc, (int)enclen) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS || wolfSSL_EVP_CipherFinal(ctx, dest, &len) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { return WOLFSSL_FAILURE; } return WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; } #endif /* WOLFSSL_QUIC */ #endif /* WOLFCRYPT_ONLY */