#!/bin/bash # # testing script: compileAllExamples # # This script will compile all the local examples, optionally installing wolfSSL in the ESP-IDF components directory. # # Example usage: # cd wolfssl && docker run --rm -v $PWD:/project -w /project espressif/idf:latest IDE/Espressif/ESP-IDF/compileAllExamples.sh # # Parameter option to also run the ./setup.sh to install the wolfSSL component in ESP-IDF and test for multiple installs: # # --run-setup # # Note that once installed, the wolfSSL component will need to be manually removed to successfully run this script. # if [[ "$IDF_PATH" == "" ]]; then echo "Error: $IDF_PATH not found; run Espressif export.sh" exit 1 fi SCRIPT_DIR=$(builtin cd ${BASH_SOURCE%/*}; pwd) RUN_SETUP=$1 THIS_ERR=0 echo "Found IDF_PATH = $IDF_PATH" # Regular tests of wolfSSL in local component directories of each project: # # Note these tests should FAIL if wolfSSL is already installed in ESP-IDF # for file in "benchmark" "client" "server" "test"; do pushd ${SCRIPT_DIR}/examples/wolfssl_${file}/ && idf.py fullclean build; THIS_ERR=$? popd if [ $THIS_ERR -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed in ${file}" exit 1 fi done # Check for option to also install wolfSSL. # # When doing so, we'll run a check that multiple installs should cause build failure. if [[ "$RUN_SETUP" == "--run-setup" ]]; then echo "Running wolfSSL setup.sh" # install wolfSSL into EDP-IDF shared components directory. ./setup.sh --verbose THIS_ERR=$? if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed running setup.sh" exit 1 fi # Check ESP-IDF install: # # The wolfssl_test_idf should NOT have a local components/wolfssl when testing! # This test is to confirm the ESP-IDF component build properly after setup. # echo "" echo "Testing a build of wolfSSL in ESP-IDF components directory" echo "" for file in "test_idf"; do if [ -e "../../../include/user_settings.h" ]; then mv "../../../include/user_settings.h" "../../../include/user_settings.h.${file}.bak" fi pushd ${SCRIPT_DIR}/examples/wolfssl_${file}/ && idf.py fullclean build; THIS_ERR=$? popd if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed in ${file}" exit 1 fi done # Check multiple installs: the wolfSSL component in ESP-IDF and local directory: # # The wolfssl_test project already has a local wolfSSL component directory. # # Once wolfssl has been installed to ESP-IDF components, the local # component build SHOULD fail: echo "" echo "Testing a build of wolfSSL in both local and ESP-IDF components directory" echo "" for file in "test"; do pushd ${SCRIPT_DIR}/examples/wolfssl_${file}/ && idf.py fullclean build; THIS_ERR=$? popd if [ $THIS_ERR -ne 0 ]; then echo "" echo "Success: Confirmed build fails when wolfSSL found in ESP-IDF and local project." echo "" else echo "Error: build should have failed when wolfSSL found in ESP-IDF and local project." exit 1 fi done else echo "Skipping ESP-IDF install tests. For these tests, use parameter: --run-setup" fi # Show a reminder that wolfSSL was installed as a shared component. if [[ "$RUN_SETUP" == "--run-setup" ]]; then echo "" echo "wolfSSL was installed as an ESP-IDF component. This will be in conflict with any project that has a local component." echo "" echo "Delete the installed component before re-running this test." echo "" fi # Done echo "Completed compileAllExamples in $SCRIPT_DIR"