/* Cpu0_Main.c * * Copyright (C) 2006-2023 wolfSSL Inc. * * This file is part of wolfSSL. * * wolfSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * wolfSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA */ /* Infineon includes */ #include "Ifx_Types.h" #include "IfxCpu.h" #include "IfxScuWdt.h" #include "IfxAsclin_Asc.h" #include "IfxCpu_Irq.h" #include "IfxPort.h" #include "SysSe/Bsp/Bsp.h" /* For mapping stdio printf */ #include #include /* used to wait for CPU sync event */ IFX_ALIGN(4) IfxCpu_syncEvent g_cpuSyncEvent = 0; #define SERIAL_BAUDRATE 115200 /* Baud rate in bit/s */ #define SERIAL_PIN_RX IfxAsclin0_RXA_P14_1_IN /* RX pin of the board */ #define SERIAL_PIN_TX IfxAsclin0_TX_P14_0_OUT /* TX pin of the board */ #define INTPRIO_ASCLIN0_TX 19 /* Priority of the ISR */ #define ASC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE 128 /* Definition of the buffer size */ /* Declaration of the ASC handle */ static IfxAsclin_Asc g_asc; /* Declaration of the FIFOs parameters: * The transfer buffers allocate memory for the data itself and for FIFO runtime * variables. 8 more bytes have to be added to ensure a proper circular buffer * handling independent from the address to which the buffers have been located. */ static uint8 g_ascTxBuffer[ASC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE + sizeof(Ifx_Fifo) + 8]; /******************************************************************************/ /*----Function Implementations------------------------------------------------*/ /******************************************************************************/ /* Re-target the C library printf function to the asc lin. */ int fputc(int ch, FILE *f) { Ifx_SizeT count; /* convert to CRLF */ if (ch == (int)'\n') { int chcr = (int)'\r'; count = 1; IfxAsclin_Asc_write(&g_asc, &chcr, &count, TIME_INFINITE); } count = 1; IfxAsclin_Asc_write(&g_asc, &ch, &count, TIME_INFINITE); return ch; } /* Add the Interrupt Service Routine */ IFX_INTERRUPT(asclin0_Tx_ISR, 0, INTPRIO_ASCLIN0_TX); void asclin0_Tx_ISR(void) { IfxAsclin_Asc_isrTransmit(&g_asc); } static void init_UART(void) { IfxAsclin_Asc_Config ascConfig; IfxCpu_Irq_installInterruptHandler(asclin0_Tx_ISR, INTPRIO_ASCLIN0_TX); /* Port pins configuration */ const IfxAsclin_Asc_Pins pins = { NULL_PTR, IfxPort_InputMode_pullUp, /* CTS pin not used */ &SERIAL_PIN_RX, IfxPort_InputMode_pullUp, /* RX pin */ NULL_PTR, IfxPort_OutputMode_pushPull, /* RTS pin not used */ &SERIAL_PIN_TX, IfxPort_OutputMode_pushPull, /* TX pin */ IfxPort_PadDriver_cmosAutomotiveSpeed1 }; /* Initialize an instance of IfxAsclin_Asc_Config with default values */ IfxAsclin_Asc_initModuleConfig(&ascConfig, SERIAL_PIN_TX.module); /* Set the desired baud rate */ ascConfig.baudrate.baudrate = SERIAL_BAUDRATE; /* ISR priorities and interrupt target */ ascConfig.interrupt.txPriority = INTPRIO_ASCLIN0_TX; ascConfig.interrupt.typeOfService = IfxCpu_Irq_getTos(IfxCpu_getCoreIndex()); /* FIFO configuration */ ascConfig.txBuffer = &g_ascTxBuffer; ascConfig.txBufferSize = ASC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE; ascConfig.pins = &pins; /* Initialize module with above parameters */ IfxAsclin_Asc_initModule(&g_asc, &ascConfig); /* Turn off buffers, so I/O occurs immediately */ setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0); setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0); } int send_UART(const char* str) { Ifx_SizeT count = (Ifx_SizeT)strlen(str); IfxAsclin_Asc_write(&g_asc, str, &count, TIME_INFINITE); return (int)count; } void core0_main(void) { IfxCpu_enableInterrupts(); /* !!WATCHDOG0 AND SAFETY WATCHDOG ARE DISABLED HERE!! * Enable the watchdogs and service them periodically if it is required */ IfxScuWdt_disableCpuWatchdog(IfxScuWdt_getCpuWatchdogPassword()); IfxScuWdt_disableSafetyWatchdog(IfxScuWdt_getSafetyWatchdogPassword()); /* Wait for CPU sync event */ IfxCpu_emitEvent(&g_cpuSyncEvent); IfxCpu_waitEvent(&g_cpuSyncEvent, 1); /* Initialize the UART to board VCOM */ init_UART(); /* bare metal loop */ while(1) { extern void run_wolf_tests(void); run_wolf_tests(); /* wait 5 seconds */ waitTime(IfxStm_getTicksFromMilliseconds(BSP_DEFAULT_TIMER, 5 * 1000)); } /* while */ }