# wolfCrypt Test Tool for performing cryptographic algorithm testing. ## Example Output Run on Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7920HQ CPU @ 3.10GHz. ```sh ./configure --enable-intelasm --enable-aesni --enable-sp --enable-sp-asm && make ./wolfcrypt/test/testwolfcrypt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ wolfSSL version 4.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ error test passed! MEMORY test passed! base64 test passed! asn test passed! MD5 test passed! SHA test passed! SHA-224 test passed! SHA-256 test passed! SHA-384 test passed! SHA-512 test passed! SHA-3 test passed! Hash test passed! HMAC-MD5 test passed! HMAC-SHA test passed! HMAC-SHA224 test passed! HMAC-SHA256 test passed! HMAC-SHA384 test passed! HMAC-SHA512 test passed! HMAC-SHA3 test passed! GMAC test passed! Chacha test passed! POLY1305 test passed! ChaCha20-Poly1305 AEAD test passed! AES test passed! AES192 test passed! AES256 test passed! AES-GCM test passed! RANDOM test passed! RSA test passed! DH test passed! ECC test passed! logging test passed! mutex test passed! memcb test passed! Test complete ``` ## Windows Visual Studio For building wolfCrypt test project in Visual Studio open the `test.sln`. For newer Visual Studio version it may prompt for a one-way upgrade. Then you may have to right-click on the solution and choose `Retarget solution` to update the project files for your Visual Studio version. If you see an error about `rc.exe` then you'll need to update the "Target Platform Version". You can do this by right-clicking on the test project -> General -> "Target Platform Version" and changing to 8.1 (needs to match the wolfssl library project). This solution includes the wolfSSL library project at `wolfssl.vcxproj` and will compile the library, then the test project.