ARTIFACT = #Build architecture/variant string, possible values: x86, armv7le, etc... PLATFORM ?= armv7le #Build profile, possible values: release, debug, profile, coverage BUILD_PROFILE ?= debug CONFIG_NAME ?= $(PLATFORM)-$(BUILD_PROFILE) OUTPUT_DIR = build/$(CONFIG_NAME) TARGET = $(OUTPUT_DIR)/$(ARTIFACT) #Compiler definitions CC = qcc -Vgcc_nto$(PLATFORM) CXX = q++ -Vgcc_nto$(PLATFORM)_cxx LD = $(CC) #User defined include/preprocessor flags and libraries INCLUDES += -I../../.. INCLUDES += -I./ #Compiler flags for build profiles CCFLAGS_release += -O2 CCFLAGS_debug += -g -O0 -fno-builtin CCFLAGS_coverage += -g -O0 -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs -nopipe -Wc,-auxbase-strip,$@ LDFLAGS_coverage += -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs CCFLAGS_profile += -g -O0 -finstrument-functions LIBS_profile += -lprofilingS #Generic compiler flags (which include build type flags) CCFLAGS_all += -DWOLFSSL_USER_SETTINGS -Wall -fmessage-length=0 CCFLAGS_all += $(CCFLAGS_$(BUILD_PROFILE)) #Shared library has to be compiled with -fPIC CCFLAGS_all += -fPIC LDFLAGS_all += $(LDFLAGS_$(BUILD_PROFILE)) LIBS_all += $(LIBS_$(BUILD_PROFILE)) DEPS = -Wp,-MMD,$(OUTPUT_DIR)/$(notdir $(@:%.o=%.d)),-MT,$(OUTPUT_DIR)/$(notdir $@) #Macro to expand files recursively: parameters $1 - directory, $2 - extension, i.e. cpp rwildcard = $(wildcard $(addprefix $1/*.,$2)) $(foreach d,$(wildcard $1/*),$(call rwildcard,$d,$2)) #Source list SRCS = $(call rwildcard, src, c) SRCS += $(call rwildcard, ../../../src, c) SRCS += $(wildcard $(addprefix ../../../wolfcrypt/src/*.,c)) SRCS += $(wildcard $(addprefix ../../../wolfcrypt/src/port/caam/wolfcaam_*.,c)) #Object files list OBJS = $(addprefix $(OUTPUT_DIR)/,$(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SRCS)))) #Compiling rule $(OUTPUT_DIR)/%.o: %.c @mkdir -p $(dir $(OUTPUT_DIR)/$(notdir $@)) $(CC) -c $(DEPS) -o $(OUTPUT_DIR)/$(notdir $@) $(INCLUDES) $(CCFLAGS_all) $(CCFLAGS) $< #Linking rule $(TARGET):$(OBJS) $(LD) -shared -o $(TARGET) $(LDFLAGS_all) $(LDFLAGS) $(foreach f, $(OBJS), $(OUTPUT_DIR)/$(notdir $(f))) $(LIBS_all) $(LIBS) #Rules section for default compilation and linking all: $(TARGET) clean: rm -fr $(OUTPUT_DIR) rebuild: clean all #Inclusion of dependencies (object files to source and includes) -include $(OBJS:%.o=%.d)