menu "Example Configuration"

    string "Arguments for benchmark test"
    default "-lng 0"
        -? <num>    Help, print this usage
                     0: English, 1: Japanese
        -csv        Print terminal output in csv format
        -base10     Display bytes as power of 10 (eg 1 kB = 1000 Bytes)
        -no_aad     No additional authentication data passed.
        -dgst_full  Full digest operation performed.
        -rsa_sign   Measure RSA sign/verify instead of encrypt/decrypt.
        -<alg>      Algorithm to benchmark. Available algorithms include:
                    cipher aes-cbc aes-gcm chacha20 chacha20-poly1305
                    digest md5 poly1305 sha sha2 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 sha3
                    sha3-224 sha3-256 sha3-384 sha3-512
                    mac hmac hmac-md5 hmac-sha hmac-sha224 hmac-sha256 hmac-sha384
                    asym rsa rsa-sz dh ecc-kg ecc
                    other rng
        -lng <num>  Display benchmark result by specified language.
                    0: English, 1: Japanese
        <num>       Size of block in bytes

        e.g -lng 1
        e.g sha
