// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 /* * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Jason A. Donenfeld . All Rights Reserved. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "highlighter.h" typedef struct { const char *s; size_t len; } string_span_t; static bool is_decimal(char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; } static bool is_hexadecimal(char c) { return is_decimal(c) || ((c | 32) >= 'a' && (c | 32) <= 'f'); } static bool is_alphabet(char c) { return (c | 32) >= 'a' && (c | 32) <= 'z'; } static bool is_same(string_span_t s, const char *c) { size_t len = strlen(c); if (len != s.len) return false; return !memcmp(s.s, c, len); } static bool is_caseless_same(string_span_t s, const char *c) { size_t len = strlen(c); if (len != s.len) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { char a = c[i], b = s.s[i]; if ((unsigned)a - 'a' < 26) a &= 95; if ((unsigned)b - 'a' < 26) b &= 95; if (a != b) return false; } return true; } static bool is_valid_key(string_span_t s) { if (s.len != 44 || s.s[43] != '=') return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < 42; ++i) { if (!is_decimal(s.s[i]) && !is_alphabet(s.s[i]) && s.s[i] != '/' && s.s[i] != '+') return false; } switch (s.s[42]) { case 'A': case 'E': case 'I': case 'M': case 'Q': case 'U': case 'Y': case 'c': case 'g': case 'k': case 'o': case 's': case 'w': case '4': case '8': case '0': break; default: return false; } return true; } static bool is_valid_hostname(string_span_t s) { size_t num_digit = 0, num_entity = s.len; if (s.len > 63 || !s.len) return false; if (s.s[0] == '-' || s.s[s.len - 1] == '-') return false; if (s.s[0] == '.' || s.s[s.len - 1] == '.') return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) { if (is_decimal(s.s[i])) { ++num_digit; continue; } if (s.s[i] == '.') { --num_entity; continue; } if (!is_alphabet(s.s[i]) && s.s[i] != '-') return false; if (i && s.s[i] == '.' && s.s[i - 1] == '.') return false; } return num_digit != num_entity; } static bool is_valid_ipv4(string_span_t s) { for (size_t j, i = 0, pos = 0; i < 4 && pos < s.len; ++i) { uint32_t val = 0; for (j = 0; j < 3 && pos + j < s.len && is_decimal(s.s[pos + j]); ++j) val = 10 * val + s.s[pos + j] - '0'; if (j == 0 || (j > 1 && s.s[pos] == '0') || val > 255) return false; if (pos + j == s.len && i == 3) return true; if (s.s[pos + j] != '.') return false; pos += j + 1; } return false; } static bool is_valid_ipv6(string_span_t s) { size_t pos = 0; bool seen_colon = false; if (s.len < 2) return false; if (s.s[pos] == ':' && s.s[++pos] != ':') return false; if (s.s[s.len - 1] == ':' && s.s[s.len - 2] != ':') return false; for (size_t j, i = 0; pos < s.len; ++i) { if (s.s[pos] == ':' && !seen_colon) { seen_colon = true; if (++pos == s.len) break; if (i == 7) return false; continue; } for (j = 0; j < 4 && pos + j < s.len && is_hexadecimal(s.s[pos + j]); ++j); if (j == 0) return false; if (pos + j == s.len && (seen_colon || i == 7)) break; if (i == 7) return false; if (s.s[pos + j] != ':') { if (s.s[pos + j] != '.' || (i < 6 && !seen_colon)) return false; return is_valid_ipv4((string_span_t){ s.s + pos, s.len - pos }); } pos += j + 1; } return true; } static bool is_valid_uint(string_span_t s, bool support_hex, uint64_t min, uint64_t max) { uint64_t val = 0; /* Bound this around 32 bits, so that we don't have to write overflow logic. */ if (s.len > 10 || !s.len) return false; if (support_hex && s.len > 2 && s.s[0] == '0' && s.s[1] == 'x') { for (size_t i = 2; i < s.len; ++i) { if ((unsigned)s.s[i] - '0' < 10) val = 16 * val + (s.s[i] - '0'); else if (((unsigned)s.s[i] | 32) - 'a' < 6) val = 16 * val + (s.s[i] | 32) - 'a' + 10; else return false; } } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) { if (!is_decimal(s.s[i])) return false; val = 10 * val + s.s[i] - '0'; } } return val <= max && val >= min; } static bool is_valid_port(string_span_t s) { return is_valid_uint(s, false, 0, 65535); } static bool is_valid_mtu(string_span_t s) { return is_valid_uint(s, false, 576, 65535); } static bool is_valid_persistentkeepalive(string_span_t s) { if (is_same(s, "off")) return true; return is_valid_uint(s, false, 0, 65535); } #ifndef MOBILE_WGQUICK_SUBSET static bool is_valid_fwmark(string_span_t s) { if (is_same(s, "off")) return true; return is_valid_uint(s, true, 0, 4294967295); } static bool is_valid_table(string_span_t s) { if (is_same(s, "auto")) return true; if (is_same(s, "off")) return true; /* This pretty much invalidates the other checks, but rt_names.c's * fread_id_name does no validation aside from this. */ if (s.len < 512) return true; return is_valid_uint(s, false, 0, 4294967295); } static bool is_valid_saveconfig(string_span_t s) { return is_same(s, "true") || is_same(s, "false"); } static bool is_valid_prepostupdown(string_span_t s) { /* It's probably not worthwhile to try to validate a bash expression. * So instead we just demand non-zero length. */ return s.len; } #endif static bool is_valid_scope(string_span_t s) { if (s.len > 64 || !s.len) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) { if (!is_alphabet(s.s[i]) && !is_decimal(s.s[i]) && s.s[i] != '_' && s.s[i] != '=' && s.s[i] != '+' && s.s[i] != '.' && s.s[i] != '-') return false; } return true; } static bool is_valid_endpoint(string_span_t s) { if (!s.len) return false; if (s.s[0] == '[') { bool seen_scope = false; string_span_t hostspan = { s.s + 1, 0 }; for (size_t i = 1; i < s.len; ++i) { if (s.s[i] == '%') { if (seen_scope) return false; seen_scope = true; if (!is_valid_ipv6(hostspan)) return false; hostspan = (string_span_t){ s.s + i + 1, 0 }; } else if (s.s[i] == ']') { if (seen_scope) { if (!is_valid_scope(hostspan)) return false; } else if (!is_valid_ipv6(hostspan)) { return false; } if (i == s.len - 1 || s.s[i + 1] != ':') return false; return is_valid_port((string_span_t){ s.s + i + 2, s.len - i - 2 }); } else { ++hostspan.len; } } return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) { if (s.s[i] == ':') { string_span_t host = { s.s, i }, port = { s.s + i + 1, s.len - i - 1}; return is_valid_port(port) && (is_valid_ipv4(host) || is_valid_hostname(host)); } } return false; } static bool is_valid_network(string_span_t s) { for (size_t i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) { if (s.s[i] == '/') { string_span_t ip = { s.s, i }, cidr = { s.s + i + 1, s.len - i - 1}; uint16_t cidrval = 0; if (cidr.len > 3 || !cidr.len) return false; for (size_t j = 0; j < cidr.len; ++j) { if (!is_decimal(cidr.s[j])) return false; cidrval = 10 * cidrval + cidr.s[j] - '0'; } if (is_valid_ipv4(ip)) return cidrval <= 32; else if (is_valid_ipv6(ip)) return cidrval <= 128; return false; } } return is_valid_ipv4(s) || is_valid_ipv6(s); } static bool is_valid_dns(string_span_t s) { return is_valid_ipv4(s) || is_valid_ipv6(s); } enum field { InterfaceSection, PrivateKey, ListenPort, Address, DNS, MTU, #ifndef MOBILE_WGQUICK_SUBSET FwMark, Table, PreUp, PostUp, PreDown, PostDown, SaveConfig, #endif PeerSection, PublicKey, PresharedKey, AllowedIPs, Endpoint, PersistentKeepalive, Invalid }; static enum field section_for_field(enum field t) { if (t > InterfaceSection && t < PeerSection) return InterfaceSection; if (t > PeerSection && t < Invalid) return PeerSection; return Invalid; } static enum field get_field(string_span_t s) { #define check_enum(t) do { if (is_caseless_same(s, #t)) return t; } while (0) check_enum(PrivateKey); check_enum(ListenPort); check_enum(Address); check_enum(DNS); check_enum(MTU); check_enum(PublicKey); check_enum(PresharedKey); check_enum(AllowedIPs); check_enum(Endpoint); check_enum(PersistentKeepalive); #ifndef MOBILE_WGQUICK_SUBSET check_enum(FwMark); check_enum(Table); check_enum(PreUp); check_enum(PostUp); check_enum(PreDown); check_enum(PostDown); check_enum(SaveConfig); #endif return Invalid; #undef check_enum } static enum field get_sectiontype(string_span_t s) { if (is_caseless_same(s, "[Peer]")) return PeerSection; if (is_caseless_same(s, "[Interface]")) return InterfaceSection; return Invalid; } struct highlight_span_array { size_t len, capacity; struct highlight_span *spans; }; /* A useful OpenBSD-ism. */ static void *realloc_array(void *optr, size_t nmemb, size_t size) { if ((nmemb >= (size_t)1 << (sizeof(size_t) * 4) || size >= (size_t)1 << (sizeof(size_t) * 4)) && nmemb > 0 && SIZE_MAX / nmemb < size) { errno = ENOMEM; return NULL; } return realloc(optr, size * nmemb); } static bool append_highlight_span(struct highlight_span_array *a, const char *o, string_span_t s, enum highlight_type t) { if (!s.len) return true; if (a->len >= a->capacity) { struct highlight_span *resized; a->capacity = a->capacity ? a->capacity * 2 : 64; resized = realloc_array(a->spans, a->capacity, sizeof(*resized)); if (!resized) { free(a->spans); memset(a, 0, sizeof(*a)); return false; } a->spans = resized; } a->spans[a->len++] = (struct highlight_span){ t, s.s - o, s.len }; return true; } static void highlight_multivalue_value(struct highlight_span_array *ret, const string_span_t parent, const string_span_t s, enum field section) { switch (section) { case DNS: append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, s, is_valid_dns(s) ? HighlightIP : HighlightError); break; case Address: case AllowedIPs: { size_t slash; if (!is_valid_network(s)) { append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, s, HighlightError); break; } for (slash = 0; slash < s.len; ++slash) { if (s.s[slash] == '/') break; } if (slash == s.len) { append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, s, HighlightIP); } else { append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, (string_span_t){ s.s, slash }, HighlightIP); append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, (string_span_t){ s.s + slash, 1 }, HighlightDelimiter); append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, (string_span_t){ s.s + slash + 1, s.len - slash - 1 }, HighlightCidr); } break; } default: append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, s, HighlightError); } } static void highlight_multivalue(struct highlight_span_array *ret, const string_span_t parent, const string_span_t s, enum field section) { string_span_t current_span = { s.s, 0 }; size_t len_at_last_space = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) { if (s.s[i] == ',') { current_span.len = len_at_last_space; highlight_multivalue_value(ret, parent, current_span, section); append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, (string_span_t){ s.s + i, 1 }, HighlightDelimiter); len_at_last_space = 0; current_span = (string_span_t){ s.s + i + 1, 0 }; } else if (s.s[i] == ' ' || s.s[i] == '\t') { if (&s.s[i] == current_span.s && !current_span.len) ++current_span.s; else ++current_span.len; } else { len_at_last_space = ++current_span.len; } } current_span.len = len_at_last_space; if (current_span.len) highlight_multivalue_value(ret, parent, current_span, section); else if (ret->spans[ret->len - 1].type == HighlightDelimiter) ret->spans[ret->len - 1].type = HighlightError; } static void highlight_value(struct highlight_span_array *ret, const string_span_t parent, const string_span_t s, enum field section) { switch (section) { case PrivateKey: append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, s, is_valid_key(s) ? HighlightPrivateKey : HighlightError); break; case PublicKey: append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, s, is_valid_key(s) ? HighlightPublicKey : HighlightError); break; case PresharedKey: append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, s, is_valid_key(s) ? HighlightPresharedKey : HighlightError); break; case MTU: append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, s, is_valid_mtu(s) ? HighlightMTU : HighlightError); break; #ifndef MOBILE_WGQUICK_SUBSET case SaveConfig: append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, s, is_valid_saveconfig(s) ? HighlightSaveConfig : HighlightError); break; case FwMark: append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, s, is_valid_fwmark(s) ? HighlightFwMark : HighlightError); break; case Table: append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, s, is_valid_table(s) ? HighlightTable : HighlightError); break; case PreUp: case PostUp: case PreDown: case PostDown: append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, s, is_valid_prepostupdown(s) ? HighlightCmd : HighlightError); break; #endif case ListenPort: append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, s, is_valid_port(s) ? HighlightPort : HighlightError); break; case PersistentKeepalive: append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, s, is_valid_persistentkeepalive(s) ? HighlightKeepalive : HighlightError); break; case Endpoint: { size_t colon; if (!is_valid_endpoint(s)) { append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, s, HighlightError); break; } for (colon = s.len; colon --> 0;) { if (s.s[colon] == ':') break; } append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, (string_span_t){ s.s, colon }, HighlightHost); append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, (string_span_t){ s.s + colon, 1 }, HighlightDelimiter); append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, (string_span_t){ s.s + colon + 1, s.len - colon - 1 }, HighlightPort); break; } case Address: case DNS: case AllowedIPs: highlight_multivalue(ret, parent, s, section); break; default: append_highlight_span(ret, parent.s, s, HighlightError); } } struct highlight_span *highlight_config(const char *config) { struct highlight_span_array ret = { 0 }; const string_span_t s = { config, strlen(config) }; string_span_t current_span = { s.s, 0 }; enum field current_section = Invalid, current_field = Invalid; enum { OnNone, OnKey, OnValue, OnComment, OnSection } state = OnNone; size_t len_at_last_space = 0, equals_location = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i <= s.len; ++i) { if (i == s.len || s.s[i] == '\n' || (state != OnComment && s.s[i] == '#')) { if (state == OnKey) { current_span.len = len_at_last_space; append_highlight_span(&ret, s.s, current_span, HighlightError); } else if (state == OnValue) { if (current_span.len) { append_highlight_span(&ret, s.s, (string_span_t){ s.s + equals_location, 1 }, HighlightDelimiter); current_span.len = len_at_last_space; highlight_value(&ret, s, current_span, current_field); } else { append_highlight_span(&ret, s.s, (string_span_t){ s.s + equals_location, 1 }, HighlightError); } } else if (state == OnSection) { current_span.len = len_at_last_space; current_section = get_sectiontype(current_span); append_highlight_span(&ret, s.s, current_span, current_section == Invalid ? HighlightError : HighlightSection); } else if (state == OnComment) { append_highlight_span(&ret, s.s, current_span, HighlightComment); } if (i == s.len) break; len_at_last_space = 0; current_field = Invalid; if (s.s[i] == '#') { current_span = (string_span_t){ s.s + i, 1 }; state = OnComment; } else { current_span = (string_span_t){ s.s + i + 1, 0 }; state = OnNone; } } else if (state == OnComment) { ++current_span.len; } else if (s.s[i] == ' ' || s.s[i] == '\t') { if (&s.s[i] == current_span.s && !current_span.len) ++current_span.s; else ++current_span.len; } else if (s.s[i] == '=' && state == OnKey) { current_span.len = len_at_last_space; current_field = get_field(current_span); enum field section = section_for_field(current_field); if (section == Invalid || current_field == Invalid || section != current_section) append_highlight_span(&ret, s.s, current_span, HighlightError); else append_highlight_span(&ret, s.s, current_span, HighlightField); equals_location = i; current_span = (string_span_t){ s.s + i + 1, 0 }; state = OnValue; } else { if (state == OnNone) state = s.s[i] == '[' ? OnSection : OnKey; len_at_last_space = ++current_span.len; } } append_highlight_span(&ret, s.s, (string_span_t){ s.s, -1 }, HighlightEnd); return ret.spans; }