Josh Bleecher Snyder 6252de0db9 device: split IpcSetOperation into parts
The goal of this change is to make the structure
of IpcSetOperation easier to follow.

IpcSetOperation contains a small state machine:
It starts by configuring the device,
then shifts to configuring one peer at a time.

Having the code all in one giant method obscured that structure.
Split out the parts into helper functions and encapsulate the peer state.

This makes the overall structure more apparent.

Signed-off-by: Josh Bleecher Snyder <josh@tailscale.com>
2021-01-25 09:09:24 -08:00

446 lines
11 KiB

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Copyright (C) 2017-2020 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
package device
import (
type IPCError struct {
code int64 // error code
err error // underlying/wrapped error
func (s IPCError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("IPC error %d: %v", s.code, s.err)
func (s IPCError) Unwrap() error {
return s.err
func (s IPCError) ErrorCode() int64 {
return s.code
func ipcErrorf(code int64, msg string, args ...interface{}) *IPCError {
return &IPCError{code: code, err: fmt.Errorf(msg, args...)}
// IpcGetOperation implements the WireGuard configuration protocol "get" operation.
// See https://www.wireguard.com/xplatform/#configuration-protocol for details.
func (device *Device) IpcGetOperation(w io.Writer) error {
lines := make([]string, 0, 100)
send := func(line string) {
lines = append(lines, line)
func() {
// lock required resources
defer device.net.RUnlock()
defer device.staticIdentity.RUnlock()
defer device.peers.RUnlock()
// serialize device related values
if !device.staticIdentity.privateKey.IsZero() {
send("private_key=" + device.staticIdentity.privateKey.ToHex())
if device.net.port != 0 {
send(fmt.Sprintf("listen_port=%d", device.net.port))
if device.net.fwmark != 0 {
send(fmt.Sprintf("fwmark=%d", device.net.fwmark))
// serialize each peer state
for _, peer := range device.peers.keyMap {
defer peer.RUnlock()
send("public_key=" + peer.handshake.remoteStatic.ToHex())
send("preshared_key=" + peer.handshake.presharedKey.ToHex())
if peer.endpoint != nil {
send("endpoint=" + peer.endpoint.DstToString())
nano := atomic.LoadInt64(&peer.stats.lastHandshakeNano)
secs := nano / time.Second.Nanoseconds()
nano %= time.Second.Nanoseconds()
send(fmt.Sprintf("last_handshake_time_sec=%d", secs))
send(fmt.Sprintf("last_handshake_time_nsec=%d", nano))
send(fmt.Sprintf("tx_bytes=%d", atomic.LoadUint64(&peer.stats.txBytes)))
send(fmt.Sprintf("rx_bytes=%d", atomic.LoadUint64(&peer.stats.rxBytes)))
send(fmt.Sprintf("persistent_keepalive_interval=%d", atomic.LoadUint32(&peer.persistentKeepaliveInterval)))
for _, ip := range device.allowedips.EntriesForPeer(peer) {
send("allowed_ip=" + ip.String())
// send lines (does not require resource locks)
for _, line := range lines {
_, err := io.WriteString(w, line+"\n")
if err != nil {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorIO, "failed to write output: %w", err)
return nil
// IpcSetOperation implements the WireGuard configuration protocol "set" operation.
// See https://www.wireguard.com/xplatform/#configuration-protocol for details.
func (device *Device) IpcSetOperation(r io.Reader) (err error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
peer := new(ipcSetPeer)
deviceConfig := true
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
if line == "" {
// Blank line means terminate operation.
return nil
parts := strings.Split(line, "=")
if len(parts) != 2 {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorProtocol, "failed to parse line %q, found %d =-separated parts, want 2", line, len(parts))
key := parts[0]
value := parts[1]
if key == "public_key" {
if deviceConfig {
device.log.Debug.Println("UAPI: Transition to peer configuration")
deviceConfig = false
// Load/create the peer we are now configuring.
err := device.handlePublicKeyLine(peer, value)
if err != nil {
return err
var err error
if deviceConfig {
err = device.handleDeviceLine(key, value)
} else {
err = device.handlePeerLine(peer, key, value)
if err != nil {
return err
return scanner.Err()
func (device *Device) handleDeviceLine(key, value string) error {
switch key {
case "private_key":
var sk NoisePrivateKey
err := sk.FromMaybeZeroHex(value)
if err != nil {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorInvalid, "failed to set private_key: %w", err)
device.log.Debug.Println("UAPI: Updating private key")
case "listen_port":
port, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 16)
if err != nil {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorInvalid, "failed to parse listen_port: %w", err)
// update port and rebind
device.log.Debug.Println("UAPI: Updating listen port")
device.net.port = uint16(port)
if err := device.BindUpdate(); err != nil {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorPortInUse, "failed to set listen_port: %w", err)
case "fwmark":
// parse fwmark field
fwmark, err := func() (uint32, error) {
if value == "" {
return 0, nil
mark, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 32)
return uint32(mark), err
if err != nil {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorInvalid, "invalid fwmark: %w", err)
device.log.Debug.Println("UAPI: Updating fwmark")
if err := device.BindSetMark(uint32(fwmark)); err != nil {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorPortInUse, "failed to update fwmark: %w", err)
case "replace_peers":
if value != "true" {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorInvalid, "failed to set replace_peers, invalid value: %v", value)
device.log.Debug.Println("UAPI: Removing all peers")
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorInvalid, "invalid UAPI device key: %v", key)
return nil
// An ipcSetPeer is the current state of an IPC set operation on a peer.
type ipcSetPeer struct {
*Peer // Peer is the current peer being operated on
dummy bool // dummy reports whether this peer is a temporary, placeholder peer
created bool // new reports whether this is a newly created peer
func (device *Device) handlePublicKeyLine(peer *ipcSetPeer, value string) error {
// Load/create the peer we are configuring.
var publicKey NoisePublicKey
err := publicKey.FromHex(value)
if err != nil {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorInvalid, "failed to get peer by public key: %w", err)
// Ignore peer with the same public key as this device.
peer.dummy = device.staticIdentity.publicKey.Equals(publicKey)
if peer.dummy {
peer.Peer = &Peer{}
} else {
peer.Peer = device.LookupPeer(publicKey)
peer.created = peer.Peer == nil
if peer.created {
peer.Peer, err = device.NewPeer(publicKey)
if err != nil {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorInvalid, "failed to create new peer: %w", err)
device.log.Debug.Println(peer, "- UAPI: Created")
return nil
func (device *Device) handlePeerLine(peer *ipcSetPeer, key, value string) error {
switch key {
case "update_only":
// allow disabling of creation
if value != "true" {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorInvalid, "failed to set update only, invalid value: %v", value)
if peer.created && !peer.dummy {
peer.Peer = &Peer{}
peer.dummy = true
case "remove":
// remove currently selected peer from device
if value != "true" {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorInvalid, "failed to set remove, invalid value: %v", value)
if !peer.dummy {
device.log.Debug.Println(peer, "- UAPI: Removing")
peer.Peer = &Peer{}
peer.dummy = true
case "preshared_key":
device.log.Debug.Println(peer, "- UAPI: Updating preshared key")
err := peer.handshake.presharedKey.FromHex(value)
if err != nil {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorInvalid, "failed to set preshared key: %w", err)
case "endpoint":
device.log.Debug.Println(peer, "- UAPI: Updating endpoint")
err := func() error {
defer peer.Unlock()
endpoint, err := conn.CreateEndpoint(value)
if err != nil {
return err
peer.endpoint = endpoint
return nil
if err != nil {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorInvalid, "failed to set endpoint %v: %w", value, err)
case "persistent_keepalive_interval":
device.log.Debug.Println(peer, "- UAPI: Updating persistent keepalive interval")
secs, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 16)
if err != nil {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorInvalid, "failed to set persistent keepalive interval: %w", err)
old := atomic.SwapUint32(&peer.persistentKeepaliveInterval, uint32(secs))
// Send immediate keepalive if we're turning it on and before it wasn't on.
if old == 0 && secs != 0 {
if err != nil {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorIO, "failed to get tun device status: %w", err)
if device.isUp.Get() && !peer.dummy {
case "replace_allowed_ips":
device.log.Debug.Println(peer, "- UAPI: Removing all allowedips")
if value != "true" {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorInvalid, "failed to replace allowedips, invalid value: %v", value)
if peer.dummy {
return nil
case "allowed_ip":
device.log.Debug.Println(peer, "- UAPI: Adding allowedip")
_, network, err := net.ParseCIDR(value)
if err != nil {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorInvalid, "failed to set allowed ip: %w", err)
if peer.dummy {
return nil
ones, _ := network.Mask.Size()
device.allowedips.Insert(network.IP, uint(ones), peer.Peer)
case "protocol_version":
if value != "1" {
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorInvalid, "invalid protocol version: %v", value)
return ipcErrorf(ipc.IpcErrorInvalid, "invalid UAPI peer key: %v", key)
return nil
func (device *Device) IpcGet() (string, error) {
buf := new(strings.Builder)
if err := device.IpcGetOperation(buf); err != nil {
return "", err
return buf.String(), nil
func (device *Device) IpcSet(uapiConf string) error {
return device.IpcSetOperation(strings.NewReader(uapiConf))
func (device *Device) IpcHandle(socket net.Conn) {
// create buffered read/writer
defer socket.Close()
buffered := func(s io.ReadWriter) *bufio.ReadWriter {
reader := bufio.NewReader(s)
writer := bufio.NewWriter(s)
return bufio.NewReadWriter(reader, writer)
defer buffered.Flush()
op, err := buffered.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
// handle operation
var status *IPCError
switch op {
case "set=1\n":
err = device.IpcSetOperation(buffered.Reader)
if err != nil && !errors.As(err, &status) {
// should never happen
status = ipcErrorf(1, "invalid UAPI error: %w", err)
case "get=1\n":
err = device.IpcGetOperation(buffered.Writer)
if err != nil && !errors.As(err, &status) {
// should never happen
status = ipcErrorf(1, "invalid UAPI error: %w", err)
device.log.Error.Println("Invalid UAPI operation:", op)
// write status
if status != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(buffered, "errno=%d\n\n", status.ErrorCode())
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(buffered, "errno=0\n\n")