Mathias Hall-Andersen cba1d6585a Number of fixes in response to code review
This version cannot complete a handshake.
The program will panic upon receiving any message on the UDP socket.
2017-08-07 15:25:04 +02:00

25 lines
685 B

package main
* The default MTU of the new device must be 1420
const DefaultMTU = 1420
type TUNEvent int
const (
TUNEventUp = 1 << iota
type TUNDevice interface {
Read([]byte) (int, error) // read a packet from the device (without any additional headers)
Write([]byte) (int, error) // writes a packet to the device (without any additional headers)
MTU() (int, error) // returns the MTU of the device
Name() string // returns the current name
Events() chan TUNEvent // returns a constant channel of events related to the device
Close() error // stops the device and closes the event channel