/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Copyright (C) 2019 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package setupapi import ( "golang.org/x/sys/windows" ) // DIGCF flags controll what is included in the device information set built by SetupDiGetClassDevs type DIGCF uint32 const ( DIGCF_DEFAULT DIGCF = 0x00000001 // only valid with DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE DIGCF_PRESENT DIGCF = 0x00000002 DIGCF_ALLCLASSES DIGCF = 0x00000004 DIGCF_PROFILE DIGCF = 0x00000008 DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE DIGCF = 0x00000010 ) // DevInfo holds reference to device information set type DevInfo windows.Handle // Close function deletes a device information set and frees all associated memory. func (h DevInfo) Close() error { if h != DevInfo(windows.InvalidHandle) { return SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(h) } return nil } const ( // SP_MAX_MACHINENAME_LENGTH defines maximum length of a machine name in the format expected by ConfigMgr32 CM_Connect_Machine (i.e., "\\\\MachineName\0"). SP_MAX_MACHINENAME_LENGTH = windows.MAX_PATH + 3 ) type _SP_DEVINFO_LIST_DETAIL_DATA struct { Size uint32 ClassGUID windows.GUID RemoteMachineHandle windows.Handle RemoteMachineName [SP_MAX_MACHINENAME_LENGTH]uint16 } // DevInfoListDetailData is a structure for detailed information on a device information set (used for SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetail which supercedes the functionality of SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListClass). type DevInfoListDetailData struct { ClassGUID windows.GUID RemoteMachineHandle windows.Handle RemoteMachineName string } // SP_DEVINFO_DATA is a device information structure (references a device instance that is a member of a device information set) type SP_DEVINFO_DATA struct { Size uint32 ClassGUID windows.GUID DevInst uint32 // DEVINST handle _ uintptr } // DICS_FLAG specifies the scope of a device property change type DICS_FLAG uint32 const ( DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL DICS_FLAG = 0x00000001 // make change in all hardware profiles DICS_FLAG_CONFIGSPECIFIC DICS_FLAG = 0x00000002 // make change in specified profile only DICS_FLAG_CONFIGGENERAL DICS_FLAG = 0x00000004 // 1 or more hardware profile-specific changes to follow ) // DIREG specifies values for SetupDiCreateDevRegKey, SetupDiOpenDevRegKey, and SetupDiDeleteDevRegKey. type DIREG uint32 const ( DIREG_DEV DIREG = 0x00000001 // Open/Create/Delete device key DIREG_DRV DIREG = 0x00000002 // Open/Create/Delete driver key DIREG_BOTH DIREG = 0x00000004 // Delete both driver and Device key ) // DI_FLAGS is SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS.Flags values type DI_FLAGS uint32 const ( // Flags for choosing a device DI_SHOWOEM DI_FLAGS = 0x00000001 // support Other... button DI_SHOWCOMPAT DI_FLAGS = 0x00000002 // show compatibility list DI_SHOWCLASS DI_FLAGS = 0x00000004 // show class list DI_SHOWALL DI_FLAGS = 0x00000007 // both class & compat list shown DI_NOVCP DI_FLAGS = 0x00000008 // don't create a new copy queue--use caller-supplied FileQueue DI_DIDCOMPAT DI_FLAGS = 0x00000010 // Searched for compatible devices DI_DIDCLASS DI_FLAGS = 0x00000020 // Searched for class devices DI_AUTOASSIGNRES DI_FLAGS = 0x00000040 // No UI for resources if possible // Flags returned by DiInstallDevice to indicate need to reboot/restart DI_NEEDRESTART DI_FLAGS = 0x00000080 // Reboot required to take effect DI_NEEDREBOOT DI_FLAGS = 0x00000100 // "" // Flags for device installation DI_NOBROWSE DI_FLAGS = 0x00000200 // no Browse... in InsertDisk // Flags set by DiBuildDriverInfoList DI_MULTMFGS DI_FLAGS = 0x00000400 // Set if multiple manufacturers in class driver list // Flag indicates that device is disabled DI_DISABLED DI_FLAGS = 0x00000800 // Set if device disabled // Flags for Device/Class Properties DI_GENERALPAGE_ADDED DI_FLAGS = 0x00001000 DI_RESOURCEPAGE_ADDED DI_FLAGS = 0x00002000 // Flag to indicate the setting properties for this Device (or class) caused a change so the Dev Mgr UI probably needs to be updated. DI_PROPERTIES_CHANGE DI_FLAGS = 0x00004000 // Flag to indicate that the sorting from the INF file should be used. DI_INF_IS_SORTED DI_FLAGS = 0x00008000 // Flag to indicate that only the the INF specified by SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS.DriverPath should be searched. DI_ENUMSINGLEINF DI_FLAGS = 0x00010000 // Flag that prevents ConfigMgr from removing/re-enumerating devices during device // registration, installation, and deletion. DI_DONOTCALLCONFIGMG DI_FLAGS = 0x00020000 // The following flag can be used to install a device disabled DI_INSTALLDISABLED DI_FLAGS = 0x00040000 // Flag that causes SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList to build a device's compatible driver // list from its existing class driver list, instead of the normal INF search. DI_COMPAT_FROM_CLASS DI_FLAGS = 0x00080000 // This flag is set if the Class Install params should be used. DI_CLASSINSTALLPARAMS DI_FLAGS = 0x00100000 // This flag is set if the caller of DiCallClassInstaller does NOT want the internal default action performed if the Class installer returns ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT. DI_NODI_DEFAULTACTION DI_FLAGS = 0x00200000 // Flags for device installation DI_QUIETINSTALL DI_FLAGS = 0x00800000 // don't confuse the user with questions or excess info DI_NOFILECOPY DI_FLAGS = 0x01000000 // No file Copy necessary DI_FORCECOPY DI_FLAGS = 0x02000000 // Force files to be copied from install path DI_DRIVERPAGE_ADDED DI_FLAGS = 0x04000000 // Prop provider added Driver page. DI_USECI_SELECTSTRINGS DI_FLAGS = 0x08000000 // Use Class Installer Provided strings in the Select Device Dlg DI_OVERRIDE_INFFLAGS DI_FLAGS = 0x10000000 // Override INF flags DI_PROPS_NOCHANGEUSAGE DI_FLAGS = 0x20000000 // No Enable/Disable in General Props DI_NOSELECTICONS DI_FLAGS = 0x40000000 // No small icons in select device dialogs DI_NOWRITE_IDS DI_FLAGS = 0x80000000 // Don't write HW & Compat IDs on install ) // DI_FLAGSEX is SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS.FlagsEx values type DI_FLAGSEX uint32 const ( DI_FLAGSEX_CI_FAILED DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000004 // Failed to Load/Call class installer DI_FLAGSEX_FINISHINSTALL_ACTION DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000008 // Class/co-installer wants to get a DIF_FINISH_INSTALL action in client context. DI_FLAGSEX_DIDINFOLIST DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000010 // Did the Class Info List DI_FLAGSEX_DIDCOMPATINFO DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000020 // Did the Compat Info List DI_FLAGSEX_FILTERCLASSES DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000040 DI_FLAGSEX_SETFAILEDINSTALL DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000080 DI_FLAGSEX_DEVICECHANGE DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000100 DI_FLAGSEX_ALWAYSWRITEIDS DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000200 DI_FLAGSEX_PROPCHANGE_PENDING DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000400 // One or more device property sheets have had changes made to them, and need to have a DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE occur. DI_FLAGSEX_ALLOWEXCLUDEDDRVS DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000800 DI_FLAGSEX_NOUIONQUERYREMOVE DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00001000 DI_FLAGSEX_USECLASSFORCOMPAT DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00002000 // Use the device's class when building compat drv list. (Ignored if DI_COMPAT_FROM_CLASS flag is specified.) DI_FLAGSEX_NO_DRVREG_MODIFY DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00008000 // Don't run AddReg and DelReg for device's software (driver) key. DI_FLAGSEX_IN_SYSTEM_SETUP DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00010000 // Installation is occurring during initial system setup. DI_FLAGSEX_INET_DRIVER DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00020000 // Driver came from Windows Update DI_FLAGSEX_APPENDDRIVERLIST DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00040000 // Cause SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList to append a new driver list to an existing list. DI_FLAGSEX_PREINSTALLBACKUP DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00080000 // not used DI_FLAGSEX_BACKUPONREPLACE DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00100000 // not used DI_FLAGSEX_DRIVERLIST_FROM_URL DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00200000 // build driver list from INF(s) retrieved from URL specified in SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS.DriverPath (empty string means Windows Update website) DI_FLAGSEX_EXCLUDE_OLD_INET_DRIVERS DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00800000 // Don't include old Internet drivers when building a driver list. Ignored on Windows Vista and later. DI_FLAGSEX_POWERPAGE_ADDED DI_FLAGSEX = 0x01000000 // class installer added their own power page DI_FLAGSEX_FILTERSIMILARDRIVERS DI_FLAGSEX = 0x02000000 // only include similar drivers in class list DI_FLAGSEX_INSTALLEDDRIVER DI_FLAGSEX = 0x04000000 // only add the installed driver to the class or compat driver list. Used in calls to SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList DI_FLAGSEX_NO_CLASSLIST_NODE_MERGE DI_FLAGSEX = 0x08000000 // Don't remove identical driver nodes from the class list DI_FLAGSEX_ALTPLATFORM_DRVSEARCH DI_FLAGSEX = 0x10000000 // Build driver list based on alternate platform information specified in associated file queue DI_FLAGSEX_RESTART_DEVICE_ONLY DI_FLAGSEX = 0x20000000 // only restart the device drivers are being installed on as opposed to restarting all devices using those drivers. DI_FLAGSEX_RECURSIVESEARCH DI_FLAGSEX = 0x40000000 // Tell SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList to do a recursive search DI_FLAGSEX_SEARCH_PUBLISHED_INFS DI_FLAGSEX = 0x80000000 // Tell SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList to do a "published INF" search ) // HSPFILEQ is type for setup file queue type HSPFILEQ uintptr type _SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS struct { Size uint32 Flags DI_FLAGS FlagsEx DI_FLAGSEX hwndParent uintptr InstallMsgHandler uintptr InstallMsgHandlerContext uintptr FileQueue HSPFILEQ _ uintptr _ uint32 DriverPath [windows.MAX_PATH]uint16 } // DevInstallParams is device installation parameters structure (associated with a particular device information element, or globally with a device information set) type DevInstallParams struct { Flags DI_FLAGS FlagsEx DI_FLAGSEX hwndParent uintptr InstallMsgHandler uintptr InstallMsgHandlerContext uintptr FileQueue HSPFILEQ DriverPath string }