/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package tun //go:generate go run $GOROOT/src/syscall/mksyscall_windows.go -output ztun_windows.go tun_windows.go import ( "errors" "fmt" "os" "strings" "syscall" "time" "unsafe" "git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-go/setupapi" "golang.org/x/sys/windows" "golang.org/x/sys/windows/registry" ) const ( TUN_MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 1600 TUN_MAX_PACKET_EXCHANGE = 256 // Number of packets that can be exchanged at a time TUN_EXCHANGE_BUFFER_SIZE = 410632 ) const ( TUN_SIGNAL_DATA_AVAIL = 0 TUN_SIGNAL_CLOSE = 1 TUN_SIGNAL_MAX = 2 ) var deviceClassNetGUID = windows.GUID{0x4d36e972, 0xe325, 0x11ce, [8]byte{0xbf, 0xc1, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2b, 0xe1, 0x03, 0x18}} const TUN_HWID = "Wintun" type tunPacket struct { size uint32 data [TUN_MAX_PACKET_SIZE]byte } type tunRWQueue struct { numPackets uint32 packets [TUN_MAX_PACKET_EXCHANGE]tunPacket left uint32 } type nativeTun struct { ifid *windows.GUID tunName string signalName *uint16 tunFile *os.File wrBuff tunRWQueue rdBuff tunRWQueue signals [TUN_SIGNAL_MAX]windows.Handle rdNextPacket uint32 events chan TUNEvent errors chan error } func CreateTUN(ifname string) (TUNDevice, error) { // Does an interface with this name already exist? ifid, err := getInterface(ifname, 0) if ifid == nil || err != nil { // Interface does not exist or an error occured. Create one. ifid, _, err = createInterface("WireGuard Tunnel Adapter", 0) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Set interface name. (Ignore errors.) setInterfaceName(ifid, ifname) } ifidStr := guidToString(ifid) signalNameUTF16, err := windows.UTF16PtrFromString(fmt.Sprintf("Global\\WINTUN_EVENT_%s", ifidStr)) if err != nil { deleteInterface(ifid, 0) return nil, err } // Create instance. tun := &nativeTun{ ifid: ifid, tunName: fmt.Sprintf("\\\\.\\Global\\WINTUN_DEVICE_%s", ifidStr), signalName: signalNameUTF16, events: make(chan TUNEvent, 10), errors: make(chan error, 1), } // Create close event. tun.signals[TUN_SIGNAL_CLOSE], err = windows.CreateEvent(nil, 1 /*TRUE*/, 0 /*FALSE*/, nil) if err != nil { deleteInterface(ifid, 0) return nil, err } return tun, nil } func (tun *nativeTun) openTUN() error { for { // Open interface data pipe. // Data pipe must be opened first, as the interface data available event is created when somebody actually connects to the data pipe. file, err := os.OpenFile(tun.tunName, os.O_RDWR|os.O_SYNC, 0600) if err != nil { // After examining possible error conditions, many arose that were only temporary: windows.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "read closed", etc. // To simplify, we will enter a retry-loop on _any_ error until session is closed by user. switch evt, e := windows.WaitForSingleObject(tun.signals[TUN_SIGNAL_CLOSE], 1000); evt { case windows.WAIT_OBJECT_0, windows.WAIT_ABANDONED: return errors.New("TUN closed") case windows.WAIT_TIMEOUT: continue default: return errors.New("Unexpected result from WaitForSingleObject: " + e.Error()) } } // Open interface data available event. event, err := windows.OpenEvent(windows.SYNCHRONIZE, false, tun.signalName) if err != nil { file.Close() return errors.New("Opening interface data ready event failed: " + err.Error()) } tun.tunFile = file tun.signals[TUN_SIGNAL_DATA_AVAIL] = event return nil } } func (tun *nativeTun) closeTUN() (err error) { if tun.signals[TUN_SIGNAL_DATA_AVAIL] != 0 { // Close interface data ready event. e := windows.CloseHandle(tun.signals[TUN_SIGNAL_DATA_AVAIL]) if err != nil { err = e } tun.signals[TUN_SIGNAL_DATA_AVAIL] = 0 } if tun.tunFile != nil { // Close interface data pipe. e := tun.tunFile.Close() if err != nil { err = e } tun.tunFile = nil } return } func (tun *nativeTun) Name() (string, error) { return getInterfaceName(tun.ifid) } func (tun *nativeTun) File() *os.File { return nil } func (tun *nativeTun) Events() chan TUNEvent { return tun.events } func (tun *nativeTun) Close() error { windows.SetEvent(tun.signals[TUN_SIGNAL_CLOSE]) err := windows.CloseHandle(tun.signals[TUN_SIGNAL_CLOSE]) e := tun.closeTUN() if err == nil { err = e } if tun.events != nil { close(tun.events) } _, _, e = deleteInterface(tun.ifid, 0) if err == nil { err = e } return err } func (tun *nativeTun) MTU() (int, error) { return 1500, nil } func (tun *nativeTun) Read(buff []byte, offset int) (int, error) { select { case err := <-tun.errors: return 0, err default: for { if tun.rdNextPacket < tun.rdBuff.numPackets { // Get packet from the queue. tunPacket := &tun.rdBuff.packets[tun.rdNextPacket] tun.rdNextPacket++ if TUN_MAX_PACKET_SIZE < tunPacket.size { // Invalid packet size. continue } // Copy data. copy(buff[offset:], tunPacket.data[:tunPacket.size]) return int(tunPacket.size), nil } if tun.signals[TUN_SIGNAL_DATA_AVAIL] == 0 { // Data pipe and interface data available event are not open (yet). err := tun.openTUN() if err != nil { return 0, err } } if tun.rdBuff.numPackets < TUN_MAX_PACKET_EXCHANGE || tun.rdBuff.left == 0 { // Buffer was not full. Wait for the interface data or user close. r, err := windows.WaitForMultipleObjects(tun.signals[:], false, windows.INFINITE) if err != nil { return 0, errors.New("Waiting for data failed: " + err.Error()) } switch r { case windows.WAIT_OBJECT_0 + TUN_SIGNAL_DATA_AVAIL: // Data is available. case windows.WAIT_ABANDONED + TUN_SIGNAL_DATA_AVAIL: // TUN stopped. Reopen it. tun.closeTUN() continue case windows.WAIT_OBJECT_0 + TUN_SIGNAL_CLOSE, windows.WAIT_ABANDONED + TUN_SIGNAL_CLOSE: return 0, errors.New("TUN closed") case windows.WAIT_TIMEOUT: // Congratulations, we reached infinity. Let's do it again! :) continue default: return 0, errors.New("unexpected result from WaitForMultipleObjects") } } // Fill queue. data := (*[TUN_EXCHANGE_BUFFER_SIZE]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&tun.rdBuff)) n, err := tun.tunFile.Read(data[:]) tun.rdNextPacket = 0 if n != TUN_EXCHANGE_BUFFER_SIZE || err != nil { // TUN interface stopped, returned incomplete data, etc. // Retry. tun.rdBuff.numPackets = 0 tun.closeTUN() continue } } } } // Note: flush() and putTunPacket() assume the caller comes only from a single thread; there's no locking. func (tun *nativeTun) flush() error { // Flush write buffer. data := (*[TUN_EXCHANGE_BUFFER_SIZE]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&tun.wrBuff)) n, err := tun.tunFile.Write(data[:]) tun.wrBuff.numPackets = 0 if err != nil { return err } if n != TUN_EXCHANGE_BUFFER_SIZE { return fmt.Errorf("%d byte(s) written, %d byte(s) expected", n, TUN_EXCHANGE_BUFFER_SIZE) } return nil } func (tun *nativeTun) putTunPacket(buff []byte) error { size := len(buff) if size == 0 { return errors.New("Empty packet") } if size > TUN_MAX_PACKET_SIZE { return errors.New("Packet too big") } if tun.wrBuff.numPackets >= TUN_MAX_PACKET_EXCHANGE { // Queue is full -> flush first. err := tun.flush() if err != nil { return err } } // Push packet to the buffer. tunPacket := &tun.wrBuff.packets[tun.wrBuff.numPackets] tunPacket.size = uint32(size) copy(tunPacket.data[:size], buff) tun.wrBuff.numPackets++ return nil } func (tun *nativeTun) Write(buff []byte, offset int) (int, error) { err := tun.putTunPacket(buff[offset:]) if err != nil { return 0, err } // Flush write buffer. return len(buff) - offset, tun.flush() } // // getInterface finds interface ID by name. // // hwndParent is a handle to the top-level window to use for any user // interface that is related to non-device-specific actions (such as a select- // device dialog box that uses the global class driver list). This handle is // optional and can be 0. If a specific top-level window is not required, set // hwndParent to 0. // // Function returns interface ID when the interface was found, or nil // otherwise. // func getInterface(ifname string, hwndParent uintptr) (*windows.GUID, error) { // Create a list of network devices. devInfoList, err := setupapi.SetupDiGetClassDevsEx(&deviceClassNetGUID, "", hwndParent, setupapi.DIGCF_PRESENT, setupapi.DevInfo(0), "") if err != nil { return nil, err } defer devInfoList.Close() // Retrieve information associated with a device information set. // TODO: Is this really necessary? _, err = devInfoList.GetDeviceInfoListDetail() if err != nil { return nil, err } // TODO: If we're certain we want case-insensitive name comparison, please document the rationale. ifname = strings.ToLower(ifname) // Iterate. for index := 0; ; index++ { // Get the device from the list. deviceData, err := devInfoList.EnumDeviceInfo(index) if err != nil { if errWin, ok := err.(syscall.Errno); ok && errWin == 259 /*ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS*/ { break } // Something is wrong with this device. Skip it. continue } // Get interface ID. ifid, err := getInterfaceId(devInfoList, deviceData, 1) if err != nil { // Something is wrong with this device. Skip it. continue } // Get interface name. ifname2, err := getInterfaceName(ifid) if err != nil { // Something is wrong with this device. Skip it. continue } if ifname == strings.ToLower(ifname2) { // Interface name found. return ifid, nil } } return nil, nil } // // createInterface creates a TUN interface. // // description is a string that supplies the text description of the device. // Description is optional and can be "". // // hwndParent is a handle to the top-level window to use for any user // interface that is related to non-device-specific actions (such as a select- // device dialog box that uses the global class driver list). This handle is // optional and can be 0. If a specific top-level window is not required, set // hwndParent to 0. // // Function returns the network interface ID and a flag if reboot is required. // func createInterface(description string, hwndParent uintptr) (*windows.GUID, bool, error) { // Create an empty device info set for network adapter device class. devInfoList, err := setupapi.SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoListEx(&deviceClassNetGUID, hwndParent, "") if err != nil { return nil, false, err } // Get the device class name from GUID. className, err := setupapi.SetupDiClassNameFromGuidEx(&deviceClassNetGUID, "") if err != nil { return nil, false, err } // Create a new device info element and add it to the device info set. deviceData, err := devInfoList.CreateDeviceInfo(className, &deviceClassNetGUID, description, hwndParent, setupapi.DICD_GENERATE_ID) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } // Set a device information element as the selected member of a device information set. err = devInfoList.SetSelectedDevice(deviceData) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } // Set Plug&Play device hardware ID property. hwid, err := syscall.UTF16FromString(TUN_HWID) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } err = devInfoList.SetDeviceRegistryProperty(deviceData, setupapi.SPDRP_HARDWAREID, setupapi.UTF16ToBuf(append(hwid, 0))) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } // Search for the driver. const driverType = setupapi.SPDIT_CLASSDRIVER err = devInfoList.BuildDriverInfoList(deviceData, driverType) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } defer devInfoList.DestroyDriverInfoList(deviceData, driverType) driverDate := windows.Filetime{} driverVersion := uint64(0) for index := 0; ; index++ { // Get a driver from the list. driverData, err := devInfoList.EnumDriverInfo(deviceData, driverType, index) if err != nil { if errWin, ok := err.(syscall.Errno); ok && errWin == 259 /*ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS*/ { break } // Something is wrong with this driver. Skip it. continue } // Check the driver version first, since the check is trivial and will save us iterating over hardware IDs for any driver versioned prior our best match. if driverData.IsNewer(driverDate, driverVersion) { // Get driver info details. driverDetailData, err := devInfoList.GetDriverInfoDetail(deviceData, driverData) if err != nil { // Something is wrong with this driver. Skip it. continue } if driverDetailData.IsCompatible(TUN_HWID) { // Matching hardware ID found. Select the driver. err := devInfoList.SetSelectedDriver(deviceData, driverData) if err != nil { // Something is wrong with this driver. Skip it. continue } driverDate = driverData.DriverDate driverVersion = driverData.DriverVersion } } } if driverVersion == 0 { return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("No driver for device \"%v\" installed", TUN_HWID) } // Call appropriate class installer. err = devInfoList.CallClassInstaller(setupapi.DIF_REGISTERDEVICE, deviceData) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } // Register device co-installers if any. devInfoList.CallClassInstaller(setupapi.DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS, deviceData) // Install interfaces if any. devInfoList.CallClassInstaller(setupapi.DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES, deviceData) var ifid *windows.GUID var rebootRequired bool // Install the device. err = devInfoList.CallClassInstaller(setupapi.DIF_INSTALLDEVICE, deviceData) if err == nil { // Check if a system reboot is required. (Ignore errors) if ret, _ := checkReboot(devInfoList, deviceData); ret { rebootRequired = true } // Get network interface ID from registry. Retry for max 30sec. ifid, err = getInterfaceId(devInfoList, deviceData, 30) } if err == nil { return ifid, rebootRequired, nil } // The interface failed to install, or the interface ID was unobtainable. Clean-up. removeDeviceParams := setupapi.SP_REMOVEDEVICE_PARAMS{ ClassInstallHeader: setupapi.SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER{ InstallFunction: setupapi.DIF_REMOVE, }, Scope: setupapi.DI_REMOVEDEVICE_GLOBAL, } removeDeviceParams.ClassInstallHeader.Size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(removeDeviceParams.ClassInstallHeader)) // Set class installer parameters for DIF_REMOVE. if devInfoList.SetClassInstallParams(deviceData, &removeDeviceParams.ClassInstallHeader, uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(removeDeviceParams))) == nil { // Call appropriate class installer. if devInfoList.CallClassInstaller(setupapi.DIF_REMOVE, deviceData) == nil { // Check if a system reboot is required. (Ignore errors) if ret, _ := checkReboot(devInfoList, deviceData); ret { rebootRequired = true } } } return nil, false, err } // // deleteInterface deletes a TUN interface. // // hwndParent is a handle to the top-level window to use for any user // interface that is related to non-device-specific actions (such as a select- // device dialog box that uses the global class driver list). This handle is // optional and can be 0. If a specific top-level window is not required, set // hwndParent to 0. // // Function returns true if the interface was found and deleted and a flag if // reboot is required. // func deleteInterface(ifid *windows.GUID, hwndParent uintptr) (bool, bool, error) { // Create a list of network devices. devInfoList, err := setupapi.SetupDiGetClassDevsEx(&deviceClassNetGUID, "", hwndParent, setupapi.DIGCF_PRESENT, setupapi.DevInfo(0), "") if err != nil { return false, false, err } defer devInfoList.Close() // Retrieve information associated with a device information set. // TODO: Is this really necessary? _, err = devInfoList.GetDeviceInfoListDetail() if err != nil { return false, false, err } // Iterate. for index := 0; ; index++ { // Get the device from the list. deviceData, err := devInfoList.EnumDeviceInfo(index) if err != nil { if errWin, ok := err.(syscall.Errno); ok && errWin == 259 /*ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS*/ { break } // Something is wrong with this device. Skip it. continue } // Get interface ID. ifid2, err := getInterfaceId(devInfoList, deviceData, 1) if err != nil { // Something is wrong with this device. Skip it. continue } if ifid == ifid2 { // Remove the device. removeDeviceParams := setupapi.SP_REMOVEDEVICE_PARAMS{ ClassInstallHeader: setupapi.SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER{ InstallFunction: setupapi.DIF_REMOVE, }, Scope: setupapi.DI_REMOVEDEVICE_GLOBAL, } removeDeviceParams.ClassInstallHeader.Size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(removeDeviceParams.ClassInstallHeader)) // Set class installer parameters for DIF_REMOVE. err = devInfoList.SetClassInstallParams(deviceData, &removeDeviceParams.ClassInstallHeader, uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(removeDeviceParams))) if err != nil { return false, false, err } // Call appropriate class installer. err = devInfoList.CallClassInstaller(setupapi.DIF_REMOVE, deviceData) if err != nil { return false, false, err } // Check if a system reboot is required. (Ignore errors) if ret, _ := checkReboot(devInfoList, deviceData); ret { return true, true, nil } return true, false, nil } } return false, false, nil } /// /// checkReboot checks device install parameters if a system reboot is required. /// func checkReboot(deviceInfoSet setupapi.DevInfo, deviceInfoData *setupapi.SP_DEVINFO_DATA) (bool, error) { devInstallParams, err := deviceInfoSet.GetDeviceInstallParams(deviceInfoData) if err != nil { return false, err } if (devInstallParams.Flags & (setupapi.DI_NEEDREBOOT | setupapi.DI_NEEDRESTART)) != 0 { return true, nil } return false, nil } // getInterfaceId returns network interface ID. // // After the device is created, it might take some time before the registry // key is populated. numAttempts parameter specifies the number of attempts // to read NetCfgInstanceId value from registry. A 1sec sleep is inserted // between retry attempts. // // Function returns the network interface ID. // func getInterfaceId(deviceInfoSet setupapi.DevInfo, deviceInfoData *setupapi.SP_DEVINFO_DATA, numAttempts int) (*windows.GUID, error) { if numAttempts < 1 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid numAttempts (expected: >=1, provided: %v)", numAttempts) } // Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\\ registry key. key, err := deviceInfoSet.OpenDevRegKey(deviceInfoData, setupapi.DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, setupapi.DIREG_DRV, registry.READ) if err != nil { return nil, errors.New("Device-specific registry key open failed: " + err.Error()) } defer key.Close() for { // Query the NetCfgInstanceId value. Using get_reg_string() right on might clutter the output with error messages while the registry is still being populated. _, _, err = key.GetValue("NetCfgInstanceId", nil) if err != nil { if errWin, ok := err.(syscall.Errno); ok && errWin == windows.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND { numAttempts-- if numAttempts > 0 { // Wait and retry. // TODO: Wait for a cancellable event instead. time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond) continue } } return nil, errors.New("RegQueryValueEx(\"NetCfgInstanceId\") failed: " + err.Error()) } // Read the NetCfgInstanceId value now. value, err := getRegStringValue(key, "NetCfgInstanceId") if err != nil { return nil, errors.New("RegQueryStringValue(\"NetCfgInstanceId\") failed: " + err.Error()) } // Convert to windows.GUID. ifid, err := stringToGUID(value) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("NetCfgInstanceId registry value is not a GUID (expected: \"{...}\", provided: \"%v\")", value) } return ifid, err } } // // getInterfaceName returns network interface name. // func getInterfaceName(ifid *windows.GUID) (string, error) { // Open network interface registry key. key, err := registry.OpenKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, fmt.Sprintf("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Network\\%v\\%v\\Connection", guidToString(&deviceClassNetGUID), guidToString(ifid)), registry.QUERY_VALUE) if err != nil { return "", errors.New("Network-specific registry key open failed: " + err.Error()) } defer key.Close() // Get the interface name. return getRegStringValue(key, "Name") } // // setInterfaceName sets network interface name. // func setInterfaceName(ifid *windows.GUID, ifname string) error { // Open network interface registry key. key, err := registry.OpenKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, fmt.Sprintf("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Network\\%v\\%v\\Connection", guidToString(&deviceClassNetGUID), guidToString(ifid)), registry.SET_VALUE) if err != nil { return errors.New("Network-specific registry key open failed: " + err.Error()) } defer key.Close() // Set the interface name. return key.SetStringValue("Name", ifname) } //sys clsidFromString(lpsz *uint16, pclsid *windows.GUID) (hr int32) = ole32.CLSIDFromString // // stringToGUID parses "{XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}" string to GUID. // func stringToGUID(str string) (*windows.GUID, error) { strUTF16, err := syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(str) if err != nil { return nil, err } guid := &windows.GUID{} hr := clsidFromString(strUTF16, guid) if hr < 0 { return nil, syscall.Errno(hr) } return guid, nil } // // guidToString function converts GUID to string // "{XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}". // // The resulting string is uppercase. // func guidToString(guid *windows.GUID) string { return fmt.Sprintf("{%06X-%04X-%04X-%04X-%012X}", guid.Data1, guid.Data2, guid.Data3, guid.Data4[:2], guid.Data4[2:]) } // // getRegStringValue function reads a string value from registry. // // If the value type is REG_EXPAND_SZ the environment variables are expanded. // Should expanding fail, original string value and nil error are returned. // func getRegStringValue(key registry.Key, name string) (string, error) { // Read string value. value, valueType, err := key.GetStringValue(name) if err != nil { return "", err } if valueType != registry.EXPAND_SZ { // Value does not require expansion. return value, nil } valueExp, err := registry.ExpandString(value) if err != nil { // Expanding failed: return original sting value. return value, nil } // Return expanded value. return valueExp, nil }