conn,wintun: use unsafe.Slice instead of unsafeSlice

Signed-off-by: Jason A. Donenfeld <>
This commit is contained in:
Jason A. Donenfeld 2021-10-11 14:57:53 -06:00
parent 642a56e165
commit 982d5d2e84
2 changed files with 3 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -121,10 +121,8 @@ func (*WinRingBind) ParseEndpoint(s string) (Endpoint, error) {
if (addrinfo.Family != windows.AF_INET && addrinfo.Family != windows.AF_INET6) || addrinfo.Addrlen > unsafe.Sizeof(WinRingEndpoint{}) {
return nil, windows.ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS
var src []byte
var dst [unsafe.Sizeof(WinRingEndpoint{})]byte
unsafeSlice(unsafe.Pointer(&src), unsafe.Pointer(addrinfo.Addr), int(addrinfo.Addrlen))
copy(dst[:], src)
copy(dst[:], unsafe.Slice((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(addrinfo.Addr)), addrinfo.Addrlen))
return (*WinRingEndpoint)(unsafe.Pointer(&dst[0])), nil
@ -581,21 +579,3 @@ func bindSocketToInterface6(handle windows.Handle, interfaceIndex uint32) error
const IPV6_UNICAST_IF = 31
return windows.SetsockoptInt(handle, windows.IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_UNICAST_IF, int(interfaceIndex))
// unsafeSlice updates the slice slicePtr to be a slice
// referencing the provided data with its length & capacity set to
// lenCap.
// TODO: when Go 1.16 or Go 1.17 is the minimum supported version,
// update callers to use unsafe.Slice instead of this.
func unsafeSlice(slicePtr, data unsafe.Pointer, lenCap int) {
type sliceHeader struct {
Data unsafe.Pointer
Len int
Cap int
h := (*sliceHeader)(slicePtr)
h.Data = data
h.Len = lenCap
h.Cap = lenCap

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ func (session Session) ReceivePacket() (packet []byte, err error) {
err = e1
unsafeSlice(unsafe.Pointer(&packet), unsafe.Pointer(r0), int(packetSize))
packet = unsafe.Slice((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(r0)), packetSize)
@ -81,28 +81,10 @@ func (session Session) AllocateSendPacket(packetSize int) (packet []byte, err er
err = e1
unsafeSlice(unsafe.Pointer(&packet), unsafe.Pointer(r0), int(packetSize))
packet = unsafe.Slice((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(r0)), packetSize)
func (session Session) SendPacket(packet []byte) {
syscall.Syscall(procWintunSendPacket.Addr(), 2, session.handle, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&packet[0])), 0)
// unsafeSlice updates the slice slicePtr to be a slice
// referencing the provided data with its length & capacity set to
// lenCap.
// TODO: when Go 1.16 or Go 1.17 is the minimum supported version,
// update callers to use unsafe.Slice instead of this.
func unsafeSlice(slicePtr, data unsafe.Pointer, lenCap int) {
type sliceHeader struct {
Data unsafe.Pointer
Len int
Cap int
h := (*sliceHeader)(slicePtr)
h.Data = data
h.Len = lenCap
h.Cap = lenCap