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2022-08-06 05:16:17 +00:00
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
-- Version: 1.1
-- Author: VideoPlayerCode
-- URL:
-- Description:
-- Quickly scale the video player to a target size,
-- with full control over target scale and max scale.
-- Helps you effortlessly resize a video to fit on your
-- desktop, or any other video dimensions you need!
-- History:
-- 1.0: Initial release.
-- 1.1: Do nothing if mpv is in fullscreen mode.
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
-- Parameters:
-- targetwidth = How wide you want the target area to be.
-- targetheight = How tall you want the target area to be.
-- targetscale = If this is 1, we use your target width/height
-- as-is, but if it's another value then we scale your provided
-- target size by that amount. This parameter is great if you want
-- a video to be a certain percentage of your desktop resolution.
-- In that case, just set targetwidth/targetheight to your
-- desktop resolution, and set this targetscale to the percentage
-- of your desktop that you want to use for the video, such as
-- "0.25" to resize the video to 25% of your desktop resolution.
-- maxvideoscale = If this is a positive number (anything above 0),
-- then the final video scale cannot exceed this number.
-- This is useful if you for example set the target to 25%
-- of your desktop resolution. If the video is smaller than that,
-- then it would be scaled up (enlarged) to the size of the target.
-- To control that behavior, simply set this parameter.
-- Here are some examples:
-- -1, 0, or any other non-positive number: We'll enlarge
-- too-small videos and shrink too-large videos. Small videos
-- will be enlarged as much as needed to match target size.
-- 1: Video will only be allowed to enlarge to 100% of its natural size.
-- This means that small videos won't become big and blurry.
-- 1.5: Video will only be allowed to enlarge to 150% of its natural size.
local options = require 'mp.options'
function quick_scale(targetwidth, targetheight, targetscale, maxvideoscale)
-- Don't attempt to scale the fullscreen window.
if (mp.get_property_bool("fullscreen", false)) then
return nil -- abort
-- Check parameter existence.
if (targetwidth == nil or targetheight == nil
or targetscale == nil or maxvideoscale == nil)
mp.osd_message("Quick_Scale: Missing parameters")
return nil -- abort
-- Ensure that the incoming strings are valid numbers.
targetwidth = tonumber(targetwidth)
targetheight = tonumber(targetheight)
targetscale = tonumber(targetscale)
maxvideoscale = tonumber(maxvideoscale)
if (targetwidth == nil or targetheight == nil
or targetscale == nil or maxvideoscale == nil)
mp.osd_message("Quick_Scale: Non-numeric parameters")
return nil -- abort
-- If the target scale isn't 1 (100%), we'll re-calculate target size.
if (targetscale ~= 1) then
targetwidth = targetwidth * targetscale
targetheight = targetheight * targetscale
-- Find smallest video scale that fits target size in both width and height.
-- This only looks at video and doesn't take window borders into account!
widthscale = targetwidth / mp.get_property("width")
heightscale = targetheight / mp.get_property("height")
local scale = (widthscale < heightscale and widthscale or heightscale)
-- If we arrived at a target width/height that is larger than the video's
-- natural "100%" scale, then we may want to limit it to a maximum amount.
if (maxvideoscale > 0 and scale > maxvideoscale) then
scale = maxvideoscale
-- Apply the new video scale.
mp.set_property_number("window-scale", scale)
-- Bind this via input.conf. Examples:
-- To fit a video to 100% of a 1680x1050 desktop size, with unlimited video enlarging:
-- Alt+9 script-message Quick_Scale "1680" "1050" "1" "-1"
-- To fit a video to 80% of a 1680x1050 desktop size, but disallowing the
-- video from becoming larger than 150% of its natural size:
-- Alt+9 script-message Quick_Scale "1680" "1050" "0.8" "1.5"
-- To fit a video to a 200x200 box, with unlimited video enlarging:
-- Alt+9 script-message Quick_Scale "200" "200" "1" "-1"
mp.register_script_message("Quick_Scale", quick_scale)
mp.register_event("file-loaded", function()
local scale = mp.get_opt("qs_scale")
if not (scale == nil) then
quick_scale("1920", "1080", scale, "1")