Fork 0
2012-02-12 22:50:31 +00:00

206 lines
5.6 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include "wmacpi.h"
#define MAXBATT 8
#ifdef ACPI
#ifdef PRO
extern char *state[];
extern APMInfo *apminfo;
static char batteries[MAXBATT][128];
static char battinfo[MAXBATT][128];
int batt_count;
/* temp buffer */
char buf[512];
/* local proto */
int acpi_get_design_cap(int battery);
/* see if we have ACPI support and check version */
int power_init(void)
FILE *acpi;
char buf[4096];
DIR *battdir;
struct dirent *batt;
char *name;
int acpi_ver = 0;
if (!(acpi = fopen("/proc/acpi/info", "r"))) {
fprintf(stderr, "This system does not support ACPI\n");
return 1;
/* okay, now see if we got the right version */
fread(buf, 4096, 1, acpi);
acpi_ver = strtol(buf + 25, NULL, 10);
eprint(1, "ACPI version detected: %d\n", acpi_ver);
if (acpi_ver < 20020214) {
fprintf(stderr, "This version requires ACPI subsystem version 20020214\n");
return 1;
/* yep, all good */
/* now enumerate batteries */
batt_count = 0;
battdir = opendir("/proc/acpi/battery");
if (battdir == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "No batteries or ACPI not supported\n");
return 1;
while ((batt = readdir(battdir))) {
name = batt->d_name;
/* skip . and .. */
if (!strncmp(".", name, 1) || !strncmp("..", name, 2))
sprintf(batteries[batt_count], "/proc/acpi/battery/%s/state", name);
sprintf(battinfo[batt_count], "/proc/acpi/battery/%s/info", name);
eprint(1, "battery detected at %s\n", batteries[batt_count]);
/* tell user some info */
eprint(1, "%d batteries detected\n", batt_count);
fprintf(stderr, "wmacpi: found %d batter%s\n", batt_count,
(batt_count == 1) ? "y" : "ies");
return 0;
int acpi_get_design_cap(int battery)
FILE *acpi;
char *ptr;
int design_cap;
if (battery > MAXBATT)
return -1;
if (!(acpi = fopen(battinfo[battery], "r")))
return -1;
fread(buf, 512, 1, acpi);
if ((ptr = strstr(buf, "last full capacity"))) {
ptr += 25;
sscanf(ptr, "%d", &design_cap);
eprint(1, "last full capacity: %d\n", design_cap);
} else {
/* hack. if there isnt any info on last capacity, we are
* screwed, but let's not come back here again */
design_cap = -1;
eprint(1, "Cannot retrieve design capacity!");
return design_cap;
void acquire_info(void)
FILE *acpi;
char *ptr;
char stat;
static int dcap = 0xdeadbeef;
int percent = 100; /* battery percentage */
int ptemp, rate, rtime = 0;
if (dcap == 0xdeadbeef) {
/* get from first battery for now */
dcap = acpi_get_design_cap(0);
if (!(acpi = fopen(batteries[0], "r")))
eprint(1, "opened acpi file successfully");
fread(buf, 512, 1, acpi);
/* This section of the code will calculate "percentage remaining"
* using battery capacity, and the following formula (acpi spec 3.9.2):
* percentage = (current_capacity / last_full_capacity) * 100; */
if ((ptr = strstr(buf, "remaining capacity"))) {
ptr += 25;
sscanf(ptr, "%d", &ptemp);
eprint(1, "capacity: %d\n", ptemp);
percent = (float)((float)ptemp / (float)dcap) * 100;
eprint(1, "percent: %d\n", percent);
apminfo->percentage = percent;
/* this section of code will calculate "time remaining"
* using battery remaining capacity, and battery "rate" (3.9.3) */
if ((ptr = strstr(buf, "present rate"))) {
ptr += 25;
sscanf(ptr, "%d", &rate);
eprint(1, "rate: %d\n", rate);
if (rate <= 0)
rate = 0;
/* time remaining in minutes */
rtime = ((float)((float)ptemp / (float)rate)) * 60;
if (rtime <= 0)
rtime = 0;
eprint(1, "time rem: %d\n", rtime);
apminfo->rtime = rtime;
if ((ptr = strstr(buf, "charging state"))) {
/* found battery discharging. This is used to determine if
* we are on AC power or not. Notice check for "ch" later on */
stat = *(ptr + 25);
if (stat == 'o' || stat == 'u') /* "ok" | "unknown" : charged, on ac power */
apminfo->power = POWER;
/* we set this, and later on use percentage
* value to determine high/med/low */
apminfo->power = HIGH;
/* but if we are on power, we might be charging too. Check. */
if ((ptr = strstr(buf, "charging state"))) {
/* found battery charging line. We will change power state
* if we are on power, and charging. */
stat = *(ptr + 25);
/* this is seriously stupid - but we catch "critical" */
if (stat == 'c' && (*(ptr + 26) == 'h'))
apminfo->power = CHARGING;
/* we are not on power, and not charging. So, it would make sense
* to check if battery is "critical low", and calculate interesting
* things like battery HIGH/LOW, and maybe battery usage LOAD
* This will be replaced with some code to allow setting user-specified
* low / critical alarms */
if ((apminfo->power != POWER) && (apminfo->power != CHARGING)) {
eprint(1, "entering battery status check");
if ((ptr = strstr(buf, "capacity state"))) {
stat = *(ptr + 25);
/* only check "c" here because we already caught "CHarging" earlier
* and also look into crit_level */
if (stat == 'c' || (apminfo->percentage <= apminfo->crit_level)) {
/* nothing else to do here - critical battery. get out */
eprint(1, "Received critical battery status");
apminfo->power = CRIT;
eprint(1, "current state: %s (%d)", state[apminfo->power], apminfo->power);
#endif /* ACPI */