Doug Torrance e5eb888b1f wmacpi: Bump to version 1.99r4.
Source obtained from

2004 April 15 1.99r4
	Collected fixes for various small issues.

	* Fixed a problem with placement of the window when using the
	click to place mode - turned out to be a sizehints problem.

	* Some fixes to the manpage.

	* Reenabled the CLI build by default - the Debian patches can
	handle disabling it themselves.

	* Added a way to disable the scrolling message, since some users
	find this annoying.

	I've left the big changes that are needed (like using libdockapp,
	in the hope that it'll solve the docking problems) until later, so
	that I can get these smaller fixes out. Hopefully soon . . .
2014-08-19 18:13:57 +01:00

893 lines
23 KiB

/* apm/acpi dockapp - phear it 1.34
* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <X11/X.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
#include <X11/xpm.h>
#include "libacpi.h"
#include "wmacpi.h"
#define WMACPI_VER "1.99r2"
/* main pixmap */
#ifdef LOW_COLOR
#include "master_low.xpm"
#include "master.xpm"
typedef struct {
Display *display; /* X11 display struct */
int screen; /* current screen */
Window root; /* root window */
Window win; /* one window */
Window iconwin; /* another one */
Pixmap pixmap; /* UI pixmap, window pixmap */
Pixmap mask; /* mask pixmap for shape */
GC gc; /* main drawing GC */
Pixmap text; /* pixmap for text scroller */
int tw; /* text width inside text pixmap */
int update; /* need to redraw? */
int blink; /* should we blink the LED? (critical battery) */
int bell; /* bell on critical low, or not? */
int scroll; /* scroll message text? */
} Dockapp;
/* globals */
Dockapp *dockapp;
global_t *globals;
int count = 0; /* global timer variable */
/* extern int verbosity; */
/* Time for scroll updates */
#define DEFAULT_UPDATE 150
static int update_timeout = DEFAULT_UPDATE;
/* proto for local stuff */
static void new_window(char *name);
static int open_display(char *display);
static void redraw_window(void);
static void render_text(char *string);
static void scroll_text(int x, int y, int width, int tw, int reset);
static void display_percentage(int percent);
static void display_time(int minutes);
#define copy_xpm_area(x, y, w, h, dx, dy) \
{ \
XCopyArea(dockapp->display, dockapp->pixmap, dockapp->pixmap, \
dockapp->gc, x, y, w, h, dx, dy); \
dockapp->update = 1; \
/* display AC power symbol */
static void display_power_glyph(void)
copy_xpm_area(67, 38, 12, 7, 6, 17);
/* get rid of AC power symbol */
static void kill_power_glyph(void)
copy_xpm_area(67, 48, 12, 7, 6, 17);
/* display battery symbol */
static void display_battery_glyph(void)
copy_xpm_area(82, 38, 12, 7, 20, 17);
/* get rid of battery symbol */
static void kill_battery_glyph(void)
copy_xpm_area(82, 48, 12, 7, 20, 17);
/* clear the time display */
static void clear_time_display(void)
copy_xpm_area(114, 76, 31, 11, 7, 32);
/* set time display to -- -- */
static void invalid_time_display(void)
copy_xpm_area(122, 13, 31, 11, 7, 32);
static void redraw_window(void)
if (dockapp->update) {
XCopyArea(dockapp->display, dockapp->pixmap, dockapp->iconwin,
dockapp->gc, 0, 0, 64, 64, 0, 0);
XCopyArea(dockapp->display, dockapp->pixmap, dockapp->win,
dockapp->gc, 0, 0, 64, 64, 0, 0);
dockapp->update = 0;
static void new_window(char *name)
XpmAttributes attr;
Pixel fg, bg;
XGCValues gcval;
XSizeHints sizehints;
XClassHint classhint;
XWMHints wmhints;
dockapp->screen = DefaultScreen(dockapp->display);
dockapp->root = DefaultRootWindow(dockapp->display);
sizehints.flags = USSize | USPosition;
sizehints.width = 64;
sizehints.height = 64;
fg = BlackPixel(dockapp->display, dockapp->screen);
bg = WhitePixel(dockapp->display, dockapp->screen);
dockapp->win = XCreateSimpleWindow(dockapp->display, dockapp->root,
0, 0, sizehints.width,
sizehints.height, 1, fg, bg);
dockapp->iconwin =
XCreateSimpleWindow(dockapp->display, dockapp->win, 0, 0,
sizehints.width, sizehints.height, 1, fg, bg);
XSetWMNormalHints(dockapp->display, dockapp->win, &sizehints);
classhint.res_name = name;
classhint.res_class = name;
XSetClassHint(dockapp->display, dockapp->win, &classhint);
XSelectInput(dockapp->display, dockapp->win,
ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask |
XSelectInput(dockapp->display, dockapp->iconwin,
ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask |
XStoreName(dockapp->display, dockapp->win, name);
XSetIconName(dockapp->display, dockapp->win, name);
gcval.foreground = fg;
gcval.background = bg;
gcval.graphics_exposures = False;
dockapp->gc =
XCreateGC(dockapp->display, dockapp->win,
GCForeground | GCBackground | GCGraphicsExposures,
attr.exactColors = 0;
attr.alloc_close_colors = 1;
attr.closeness = 1L << 15;
attr.valuemask = XpmExactColors | XpmAllocCloseColors | XpmCloseness;
if (XpmCreatePixmapFromData(dockapp->display, dockapp->win,
master_xpm, &dockapp->pixmap,
&dockapp->mask, &attr) != XpmSuccess) {
pfatal("FATAL: Not enough colors for main pixmap!\n");
/* text area is 318x7, or 53 characters long */
dockapp->text = XCreatePixmap(dockapp->display, dockapp->win, 318, 7,
if (!dockapp->text) {
pfatal("FATAL: Cannot create text scroll pixmap!\n");
XShapeCombineMask(dockapp->display, dockapp->win, ShapeBounding, 0, 0,
dockapp->mask, ShapeSet);
XShapeCombineMask(dockapp->display, dockapp->iconwin, ShapeBounding, 0,
0, dockapp->mask, ShapeSet);
wmhints.initial_state = WithdrawnState;
wmhints.flags = StateHint;
wmhints.icon_window = dockapp->iconwin;
wmhints.icon_x = sizehints.x;
wmhints.icon_y = sizehints.y;
wmhints.window_group = dockapp->win;
wmhints.flags =
StateHint | IconWindowHint | IconPositionHint | WindowGroupHint;
XSetWMHints(dockapp->display, dockapp->win, &wmhints);
XMapWindow(dockapp->display, dockapp->win);
static void render_text(char *string)
int i, c, k;
/* drop out immediately if scrolling is disabled - we don't render
* any text at all, since there's not much else we could do
* sensibly without scrolling. */
if (!dockapp->scroll)
if (strlen(string) > 53)
/* prepare the text area by clearing it */
for (i = 0; i < 54; i++) {
XCopyArea(dockapp->display, dockapp->pixmap, dockapp->text,
dockapp->gc, 133, 57, 6, 8, i * 6, 0);
k = 0;
for (i = 0; string[i]; i++) {
c = toupper(string[i]);
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { /* letter */
c = c - 'A';
XCopyArea(dockapp->display, dockapp->pixmap, dockapp->text,
dockapp->gc, c * 6, 67, 6, 7, k, 0);
} else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { /* number */
c = c - '0';
XCopyArea(dockapp->display, dockapp->pixmap, dockapp->text,
dockapp->gc, c * 6 + 66, 58, 6, 7, k, 0);
} else if (c == '.') {
XCopyArea(dockapp->display, dockapp->pixmap, dockapp->text,
dockapp->gc, 140, 58, 6, 7, k, 0);
} else if (c == '-') {
XCopyArea(dockapp->display, dockapp->pixmap, dockapp->text,
dockapp->gc, 126, 58, 6, 7, k, 0);
k += 6;
dockapp->tw = k; /* length of text segment */
/* re-scroll the message */
scroll_text(6, 50, 52, dockapp->tw, 1);
/* reset the scroll repeat counter */
count = 0;
static int open_display(char *display)
dockapp->display = XOpenDisplay(display);
if (!dockapp->display) {
perr("Unable to open display '%s'\n", display);
return 1;
return 0;
static void scroll_text(int x, int y, int width, int tw, int reset)
static int pos, first, stop;
if (!dockapp->scroll)
if (reset) {
pos = 0;
first = 0;
stop = 0;
XCopyArea(dockapp->display, dockapp->pixmap, dockapp->text,
dockapp->gc, 0, 0, width, 7, x, y);
if (stop) {
if ((first == 0) && pos == 0) {
pos = width;
first = 1;
if (pos == (0 - tw - 2)) {
first = 1;
pos = width;
stop = 1;
pos -= 2;
if (pos > 0) {
copy_xpm_area(66, 9, pos, 7, x, y); /* clear */
XCopyArea(dockapp->display, dockapp->text, dockapp->pixmap,
dockapp->gc, 0, 0, width - pos, 7, x + pos, y);
} else { /* don't need to clear, already in text */
XCopyArea(dockapp->display, dockapp->text, dockapp->pixmap,
dockapp->gc, abs(pos), 0, width, 7, x, y);
dockapp->update = 1;
static void display_percentage(int percent)
static int op = -1;
static unsigned int obar;
unsigned int bar;
if (percent == -1)
percent = 0;
if (op == percent)
if (percent < 0)
percent = 0;
if (percent > 100)
percent = 100;
if (percent < 100) { /* 0 - 99 */
copy_xpm_area(95, 48, 8, 7, 37, 17);
if (percent >= 10)
copy_xpm_area((percent / 10) * 6 + 67, 28, 5, 7, 40, 17);
copy_xpm_area((percent % 10) * 6 + 67, 28, 5, 7, 46, 17);
} else
copy_xpm_area(95, 37, 21, 9, 37, 16); /* 100% */
op = percent;
bar = percent / 1.8518;
if (bar == obar)
copy_xpm_area(66, 0, bar, 8, 5, 5);
if (bar < 54)
copy_xpm_area(66 + bar, 18, 54 - bar, 8, bar + 5, 5);
obar = bar;
static void display_time(int minutes)
static int ohour = -1, omin = -1;
int hour, min, tmp;
if (minutes <= 0) { /* error - clear the display */
ohour = omin = -1;
/* render time on the display */
hour = minutes / 60;
/* our display area only fits %2d:%2d, so we need to make sure
* what we're displaying will fit in those constraints. I don't
* think we're likely to see any batteries that do more than
* 100 hours any time soon, so it's fairly safe. */
if (hour >= 100) {
hour = 99;
min = 59;
} else
min = minutes % 60;
if (hour == ohour && min == omin)
tmp = hour / 10;
copy_xpm_area(tmp * 7 + 1, 76, 6, 11, 7, 32);
tmp = hour % 10;
copy_xpm_area(tmp * 7 + 1, 76, 6, 11, 14, 32);
tmp = min / 10;
copy_xpm_area(tmp * 7 + 1, 76, 6, 11, 25, 32);
tmp = min % 10;
copy_xpm_area(tmp * 7 + 1, 76, 6, 11, 32, 32);
copy_xpm_area(71, 76, 3, 11, 21, 32);
ohour = hour;
omin = min;
* The reworked state handling stuff.
/* set the current state of the power panel */
enum panel_states {
static void really_blink_power_glyph(void)
static int counter = 0;
if (counter == 10)
else if (counter == 20)
else if (counter > 30)
counter = 0;
static void blink_power_glyph(void)
if (dockapp->blink)
static void really_blink_battery_glyph(void)
static int counter = 0;
if (counter == 10)
else if (counter == 20)
else if (counter > 30)
counter = 0;
static void blink_battery_glyph(void)
if (dockapp->blink)
static void set_power_panel(void)
enum panel_states power = PS_NULL;
battery_t *binfo = globals->binfo;
adapter_t *ap = &globals->adapter;
if (ap->power == AC) {
if (power != PS_AC) {
power = PS_AC;
} else if (ap->power == BATT) {
if (power != PS_BATT) {
power = PS_BATT;
if (binfo->charge_state == CHARGE)
if (binfo->state == CRIT)
if (binfo->state == HARD_CRIT) {
/* we only do this here because it'd be obnoxious to
* do it anywhere else. */
if (dockapp->bell) {
XBell(dockapp->display, 100);
* The message that needs to be displayed needs to be decided
* according to a heirarchy: a message like not present needs to take
* precedence over a global thing like the current power status, and
* something like a low battery warning should take precedence over
* the "on battery" message. Likewise, a battery charging message
* needs to take precedence over the on ac power message. The other
* question is how much of a precedence local messages should take
* over global ones . . .
* So, there are three possible sets of messages: not present, on-line
* and off-line messages. We need to decide which of those sets is
* appropriate right now, and then decide within them.
enum messages {
M_NP, /* not present */
M_AC, /* on ac power */
M_CH, /* battery charging */
M_BATT, /* on battery */
M_LB, /* low battery */
M_CB, /* critical low battery */
M_HCB, /* battery reported critical capacity state */
M_NULL, /* empty starting state */
static void set_message(void)
static enum messages state = M_NULL;
battery_t *binfo = globals->binfo;
adapter_t *ap = &globals->adapter;
/* battery not present case */
if (!binfo->present) {
if (state != M_NP) {
state = M_NP;
render_text("not present");
} else if (ap->power == AC) {
if (binfo->charge_state == CHARGE) {
if (state != M_CH) {
state = M_CH;
update_timeout = DEFAULT_UPDATE;
render_text("battery charging");
} else {
if (state != M_AC) {
state = M_AC;
update_timeout = DEFAULT_UPDATE;
render_text("on ac power");
} else {
if (binfo->state == CRIT) {
if (state != M_CB) {
state = M_CB;
update_timeout = 80;
render_text("critical low battery");
} else if (binfo->state == HARD_CRIT) {
if (state != M_HCB) {
state = M_HCB;
update_timeout = 60;
render_text("hard critical low battery");
} else if (binfo->state == LOW) {
if (state != M_LB) {
state = M_LB;
update_timeout = 100;
render_text("low battery");
} else {
if (state != M_BATT) {
state = M_BATT;
update_timeout = DEFAULT_UPDATE;
render_text("on battery");
void set_time_display(void)
battery_t *binfo = &batteries[battery_no];
if (binfo->charge_state == CHARGE)
else if (binfo->charge_state == DISCHARGE)
* This should really be fixed so that it can handle more than two batteries.
void set_id_1(void)
copy_xpm_area(118, 38, 15, 15, 44, 30);
void set_id_2(void)
copy_xpm_area(136, 38, 15, 15, 44, 30);
void set_batt_id_area(int bno)
switch(bno) {
case 0:
case 1:
void usage(char *name)
printf("%s - help\t\t[]\n\n"
"-d display\t\tdisplay on remote display <display>\n"
"-b\t\t\tmake noise when battery is critical low (beep)\n"
"-r\t\t\tdisable scrolling message\n"
"-c value\t\tset critical low alarm at <value> percent\n"
"\t\t\t(default: 10 percent)\n"
"-m <battery number>\tbattery number to monitor\n"
"-s <sample rate>\trate at which to sample battery status\n"
"\t\t\tdefault 100 (once every three seconds)\n"
"-n\t\t\tdo not blink\n"
"-w\t\t\trun in command line mode\n"
"-a <samples>\t\tsamples to average over (cli mode only)\n"
"-v\t\t\tincrease verbosity\n"
"\t\t\tcan be used multiple times to increase verbosity further\n"
"-h\t\t\tdisplay this help\n",
void print_version(void)
printf("wmacpi version %s\n", WMACPI_VER);
printf(" Using libacpi version %s\n", LIBACPI_VER);
void cli_wmacpi(int samples)
int i, j, sleep_time = 0;
battery_t *binfo;
adapter_t *ap;
printf("%d\n", samples);
if(samples > 1)
sleep_time = 1000000/samples;
/* we want to acquire samples over some period of time, so . . . */
for(i = 0; i < samples + 2; i++) {
for(j = 0; j < batt_count; j++)
ap = &globals->adapter;
if(ap->power == AC) {
printf("On AC Power");
for(i = 0; i < batt_count; i++) {
binfo = &batteries[i];
if(binfo->present && (binfo->charge_state == CHARGE)) {
printf("; Battery %s charging", binfo->name);
printf(", currently at %2d%%", binfo->percentage);
if(binfo->charge_time >= 0)
printf(", %2d:%02d remaining",
} else if(ap->power == BATT) {
printf("On Battery");
for(i = 0; i < batt_count; i++) {
binfo = &batteries[i];
if(binfo->present && (binfo->percentage >= 0))
printf(", Battery %s at %d%%", binfo->name,
if(globals->rtime >= 0)
printf("; %d:%02d remaining", globals->rtime/60,
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char *display = NULL;
int ch;
int update = 0;
int cli = 0, samples = 1;
int samplerate = 100;
battery_t *binfo;
dockapp = calloc(1, sizeof(Dockapp));
globals = calloc(1, sizeof(global_t));
dockapp->blink = 1;
dockapp->bell = 0;
dockapp->scroll = 1;
globals->crit_level = 10;
battery_no = 1;
/* parse command-line options */
while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "d:c:m:s:a:hnwbrvV")) != EOF) {
switch (ch) {
case 'c':
if (optarg) {
globals->crit_level = atoi(optarg);
if ((globals->crit_level < 0) || (globals->crit_level > 100)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Please use values between 0 and 100%%\n");
globals->crit_level = 10;
fprintf(stderr, "Using default value of 10%%\n");
case 'd':
if (optarg)
display = strdup(optarg);
case 'm':
if (optarg) {
battery_no = atoi(optarg);
if (battery_no >= MAXBATT) {
fprintf(stderr, "Please specify a battery number below %d\n",
return 1;
if (battery_no > batt_count) {
fprintf(stderr, "Battery %d does not appear to be installed\n",
return 1;
fprintf(stderr, "Monitoring battery %d\n", battery_no);
case 's':
if (optarg) {
samplerate = atoi(optarg);
if (samplerate == 0) samplerate = 1;
if (samplerate > 3000) samplerate = 3000;
} else {
case 'h':
return 0;
case 'v':
case 'V':
return 0;
case 'n':
dockapp->blink = 0;
case 'w':
cli = 1;
case 'a':
if(optarg != NULL) {
samples = atoi(optarg);
if(samples > 1000 || samples <= 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Please specify a reasonable number of samples\n");
case 'b':
dockapp->blink = 1;
case 'r':
printf("disabling scroll\n");
dockapp->scroll = 0;
return 1;
/* see if whatever we want to use is supported */
if (power_init())
/* power_init functions handle printing error messages */
/* check for cli mode */
if (cli) {
/* open local or command-line specified display */
if (open_display(display))
/* make new dockapp window */
/* Don't even /think/ of asking me why, but if I set the window name to
* "acpi", the app refuses to dock properly - it's just plain /weird/.
* So, wmacpi it is . . . */
/* get initial statistics */
binfo = &batteries[battery_no];
globals->binfo = binfo;
pinfo("monitoring battery %s\n", binfo->name);
/* main loop */
while (1) {
XEvent event;
while (XPending(dockapp->display)) {
XNextEvent(dockapp->display, &event);
switch (event.type) {
case Expose:
/* update */
dockapp->update = 1;
while (XCheckTypedEvent(dockapp->display, Expose, &event));
case DestroyNotify:
case ButtonPress:
case ButtonRelease:
/* cycle through the known batteries. */
battery_no = battery_no % batt_count;
globals->binfo = &batteries[battery_no];
binfo = globals->binfo;
pinfo("changing to monitor battery %d\n", battery_no + 1);
/* XXX: some laptops have problems with sampling the battery
* regularly - apparently, the BIOS disables interrupts while
* reading from the battery, which is generally on a slow bus
* and is a slow device, so you get significant periods without
* interrupts. This causes interactivity to suffer . . .
* My proposed workaround is to allow the user to set the sample
* rate - it defaults to ten, but can be set lower (or higher).
* The only problem with this is that we need to sample less
* frequently, while still allowing the app to update normally.
* That means calling redraw_window() and all the set_*() functions
* normally, but only calling acquire_all_info() every so often.
* As it stands, we only call acquire_all_info() once every three
* seconds (once every thirty updates) . . . I'm not entirely sure
* /how/ this could cause interactivity problems, but hey . . .
* So, given the base rate of once every three seconds, we want to
* change this test to . . . */
if (update++ == (3000/samplerate)) {
update = 0;
if (count++ == update_timeout) {
scroll_text(6, 50, 52, dockapp->tw, 1);
count = 0;
/* the old code had some kind of weird crap with timers and the like.
* As far as I can tell, it's meaningless - the time we want to display
* is the time calculated from the remaining capacity, as per the
* ACPI spec. The only thing I'd change is the handling of a charging
* state: my best guess, based on the behaviour I'm seeing with my
* Lifebook, is that the present rate value when charging is the rate
* at which the batteries are being charged, which would mean I'd just
* need to reverse the rtime calculation to be able to work out how
* much time remained until the batteries were fully charged . . .
* That would be rather useful, though given it would vary rather a lot
* it seems likely that it'd be little more than a rough guesstimate. */
scroll_text(6, 50, 52, dockapp->tw, 0);
/* redraw_window, if anything changed - determined inside
* redraw_window. */
return 0;