This patch is based in the code wrote by Christian Aichinger for the Debian distribution. The patch simplify the version number in the code.
107 lines
3.7 KiB
107 lines
3.7 KiB
/* wmbutton.h - Edward H. Flora - */
/* Last Modified 3/27/04 */
/****** Include Files ***************************************************/
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/xpm.h>
#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/****** Define Config File Info ***************************************/
#define CONFFILENAME "/.wmbutton" /* Default conf filename $HOME/.wmbutton */
#define CONFIGGLOBAL "/etc/wmbutton.conf" /* system configuration */
#define BUTTONFILENAME "/.wmbutton.xpm"
/****** Version Number *************************************************/
#define VER_STR "0.6.1" /* Version Number String */
/****** Define Error Codes *********************************************/
#define FAILDISP 20
#define FAILSWIN 21
#define FAILICON 22
#define FAILXPM 23
#define FAILWNAM 24
#define FAILGC 25
#define FAILCONF 26
#define FAILTMPL 27
#define FAILVIS 28
#define FAILBUT 29
/****** Define Other Options ****************************************/
#define VERB 0 /* Enable=1, Disable=0: Debugging (verbose) Mode*/
#define MIDMOUSE 1 /* Define Middle Mouse functionality */
#define LMASK 0 /* left button mask: run app # mask + button #*/
#define MMASK 10 /* middle button mask: run app # mask + button #*/
#define RMASK 20 /* right button mask: run app # mask + button #*/
#define NUMB_OF_APPS 9 /* Define number of apps */
#define EOLN '\n' /* Defines the new line character */
#define SIZE1 20 /* Defines the increment to increase the */
/* string by until a newline of EOF is found */
/****** Defines for Tool Tips ***************************************/
#define TOOLTIP_FONT "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
#define TOOLTIP_FONT_LEN 128
#define TOOLTIP_SPACE 12
#define TOOLTIP_TOP 0
#define TOOLTIP_LEFT 0
#define BUTTON_SIZE 18
#define BUTTON_COLS 3
#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024
/****** Typedefs *******************************************/
struct Config_t {
char *configfile;
char *buttonfile;
char *Geometry_str;
char *Display_str;
int mmouse;
int Verbose;
char* szTooltipFont;
int bTooltipSwapColors;
int bTooltipDisable;
/****** Function Prototyes *******************************************/
void RunAppN(int app); // function to run app N as found in conf file
char *Parse(int app); // parse data in config file
void parseargs(int argc, char **argv);
char *readln(FILE *fp); // read line from file, return pointer to it
void err_mess(int err, char *str); // Error Handling Routine
void show_usage(void); // show usage message to stderr
int flush_expose(Window w);
/****** Tooltip Function Prototypes **********************************/
void initTooltip();
void destroyTooltip ();
int hasTooltipSupport ();
void showTooltip (int nButton, int nMouseX, int nMouseY);
void hideTooltip ();
int hasTooltip ();
void drawTooltipBalloon (Pixmap pix, GC gc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int side);
Pixmap createTooltipPixmap (int width, int height, int side, Pixmap *mask);
void initTime ();
long currentTimeMillis ();
void getWindowOrigin (Window w, int* nX, int* nY);
void getButtonLocation (int nButton, int* nLocationX, int* nLocationY);
char *getButtonAppNames (int nButton);