Fork 0

196 lines
3.9 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "menu.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "error.h"
#define MAXENTRIES 50
#define BLANKS " \t\f\r\n"
#define SPACES " \t\f"
#define ENDLINE "\r\n"
static int NbEntries = 0 ;
static int Rows = 1 ;
static const char * Pixmaps [MAXENTRIES] ;
static const char * Commands [MAXENTRIES] ;
static char * MenuFileText = NULL ;
static char MenuPath [FILENAME_MAX] = "" ;
static time_t MenuAge = 0 ;
static void ParseMenu (void)
char * p ;
assert (MenuFileText != NULL) ;
p = MenuFileText ;
p += strspn (p, BLANKS) ;
NbEntries = 0 ;
Pixmaps[0] = NULL ;
Commands[0] = NULL ;
while (NbEntries < MAXENTRIES && *p != EOS) switch (*p++)
case '#' :
p += strcspn (p, ENDLINE) ;
p += strspn (p, BLANKS) ;
break ;
case '"' :
Pixmaps[NbEntries] = p ;
p += strcspn (p, "\"") ;
*p++ = EOS ;
p += strspn (p, SPACES) ;
break ;
default :
if (Pixmaps[NbEntries] == NULL)
warn ("entry #%d has no pixmap", NbEntries) ;
else Commands[NbEntries++] = p-1 ;
p += strcspn (p, ENDLINE) ;
*p++ = EOS ;
p += strspn (p, BLANKS) ;
Commands[NbEntries] = NULL ;
Pixmaps[NbEntries] = NULL ;
break ;
if (*p != EOS)
warn ("too many entries") ;
extern void Menu_LoadFromFile (const char * name)
char path [FILENAME_MAX] ;
const char * home ;
FILE * f ;
struct stat finfo ;
assert (name != NULL) ;
if (strchr (name, '/') == NULL && (home = getenv ("HOME")) != NULL &&
home[0] != EOS)
sprintf (path, "%s/.wmmenu/%s", home, name) ;
else sprintf (path, "%s", name) ;
if ((f = fopen (path, "r")) == NULL)
error ("can't open %s", path) ;
if (fstat (fileno (f), & finfo) == 0)
MenuAge = finfo.st_mtime ;
sprintf (MenuPath, "%.*s", (int)(sizeof MenuPath)-1, path) ;
if (MenuFileText != NULL) free (MenuFileText) ;
MenuFileText = File_ReadAll (f) ;
fclose (f) ;
ParseMenu () ;
extern int Menu_GetNbRows(void)
assert (Rows > 0) ;
return Rows ;
extern void Menu_SetNbRows (const char *s)
int h;
h = atoi(s) ;
if (h > 0) Rows = h ;
extern int Menu_GetNbColumns (void)
assert (NbEntries > 1 && Rows > 0) ;
Remove 1 entry used for header, then apply the formula:
UNITS = int (floor ((USED - 1) / PERUNIT)) + 1
(USED is NbEntries - 1)
return ((NbEntries - 2) / Rows) + 1 ;
extern int Menu_GetNbEntries (void)
assert (NbEntries > 1) ;
return NbEntries-1 ;
extern const char * Menu_GetEntryPixmap (int i)
assert (0 <= i && i < NbEntries-1) ;
return Pixmaps[i+1] ;
extern const char * Menu_GetEntryCommand (int i)
assert (0 <= i && i < NbEntries-1) ;
return Commands[i+1] ;
extern const char * Menu_GetPixmap (void)
assert (0 < NbEntries) ;
return Pixmaps[0] ;
extern const char * Menu_GetTitle (void)
assert (0 < NbEntries) ;
return Commands[0] ;
extern int Menu_HasChanged (void)
struct stat finfo ;
if (stat (MenuPath, & finfo) == 0 && finfo.st_mtime > MenuAge)
return 1 ; /* should reload */
return 0 ; /* don't try to reload */
extern void Menu_Reload (void)
FILE * f ;
struct stat finfo ;
if ((f = fopen (MenuPath, "r")) != NULL)
if (fstat (fileno (f), & finfo) == 0)
MenuAge = finfo.st_mtime ;
if (MenuFileText != NULL) free (MenuFileText) ;
MenuFileText = File_ReadAll (f) ;
fclose (f) ;
ParseMenu () ;