I tried to get the latest versions from dockapps.org, but I haven't tested any of them. More dockapps will be added as time permits.
78 lines
2 KiB
78 lines
2 KiB
Source = /proc/meminfo
Regex = {MemTotal: *([0-9]+).*MemFree: *([0-9]+).*Buffers: *([0-9]+) kB.Cached: *([0-9]+)}[\1 - \2 - \3 - \4]s
Source = /proc/diskstats
#major minor name rio rmerge rsect ruse wio wmerge wsect wuse running use aveq
# note that "name" part is limited to letters!
# thus we count, e.g. "sda" line, but bit "sda1", "sda2", etc.
Regex = /^( +[0-9]+){2} [a-z]+ ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+ ){3}([0-9]+) /DIFF(SUM(\2+\4))/
# cpu load
Source = /proc/stat
Regex = {cpu ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)}{DIFF(\1+\2+\3+0.01)/DIFF(\1+\2+\3+\4+0.01)}
# cpu load - CPU0
Source = /proc/stat
Regex = {cpu0 ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)}{DIFF(\1+\2+\3+0.01)/DIFF(\1+\2+\3+\4+0.01)}
# cpu load - CPU1
Source = /proc/stat
Regex = {cpu1 ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)}{DIFF(\1+\2+\3+0.01)/DIFF(\1+\2+\3+\4+0.01)}
# cpu frequency
Source = /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq
Scale = 1000
# temperature from the second sensor (cpu temperature on my motherboard)
Source = /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/w83627hf/9191-0290/temp2_input
Scale = 1000
Range = 37 .. 55
# second fan speed (cpu fan on my motherboard)
Source = /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/w83627hf/9191-0290/fan2_input
# eth0 - download speed
Source = /proc/net/dev
Regex = !eth0:([0-9]+) +([0-9]+ +){7}([0-9]+) !DIFF(\1)!
Scale = 1000
Action = xterm -e "netstat -a|less"
# eth0 - upload speed
Source = /proc/net/dev
Regex = !eth0:([0-9]+) +([0-9]+ +){7}([0-9]+) !DIFF(\3)!
Scale = 1000
Action = xterm -e "netstat -a|less"
# network monitor - down- and upload speed, alternating
in = number -label
in = graph -scaledown smooth
out = number -label
out = graph -scaledown -smooth
# CPU monitor - cpu load, frequency, temperature, fan speed
cpu = graph -small
Tem = bar -label
mhz = number -label
fan = number -label
# memory and i/o monitor
mem = number -label
mem = graph -small
i/o = number -label
i/o = graph -small