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# Set hotkey for history menu popup.
# you can use combination of modifiers (ctrl, alt, shift) and one
# character (function keys etc. are not supported now).
# Default: Ctrl+Alt+V
menukey Ctrl+Alt+V
# Set hotkey returning previously captured item back to clipboard. It's
# useful when you replace your clipboard content with some other (e.g.
# upon clearing of paste destination) and you want to switch back to it
# quickly and easily.
# Default: Ctrl+Alt+C
prev_item_key Ctrl+Alt+C
# Set hotkey to perform the first matching exec action on the current
# clipboard item
# Default: Ctrl+Alt+E
exec_item_key Ctrl+Alt+E
# Should wmcliphist automaticaly take up clipboard content?
# Default: yes
auto_take_up yes
# Set number of items to keep.
# Default: 10
keep 10
# Set color for locked items. Value is color in any X11-supported
# format, eg. blue, green, #000080, #FF8000
# Default: red
lcolor red
# Set autosave period in seconds.
# Default: 120
autosave 60
# Should wmcliphist ask you before performing action of exec type?
# Default: no
confirm_exec yes
# Should wmcliphist exec commands immediately when matching item is captured?
# Default: yes
exec_immediately yes
# Should wmcliphist exec commands on a middle click from the menu?
# Default: yes
exec_middleclick yes
# Should wmcliphist exec commands from the exec hotkey?
# Default: yes
exec_hotkey yes
# You can define regular expressions driven actions executed when new
# item is captured. Items can be silently ignored, inserted to submenus
# or you can execute any command.
# Action is defined like this:
# action "pattern" action_type command
# "pattern" is extended regular expression and it MUST by enclosed with
# double quotes (")
# action_type can be "ignore", "submenu" or "exec" (without quotes).
# Actions of type "ignore" and "submenu" are terminating - no more
# actions will be executed after them. Action of type "exec" is not
# terminating and any matching actions will be executed too. For
# example, you can let start browser automaticaly when URL is
# captured and then drop this item with "ignore" statement or put it
# into special submenu with "submenu" statement.
# command is either submenu name for actions of type "submenu" or
# command to be executed through /bin/sh for actions of type "exec".
# Whole rest of line is taken as command so don't enclose it with
# quotes.
# If action type is "exec", you can include "%s" string in command
# and it will be replaced with item content (don't use "%s" more
# than once and any other occurrence of '%' character write as
# "%%"!!!).
# If action type is "submenu", command can be "-" (without quotes),
# which means item will be placed in main menu, not in submenu. It's
# usable if you want to use "exec" and then put item into main menu.
# In other cases this construction doesn't make sense, because items
# are placed into main menu by default.
# show URLs in links browser started in new xterm window...
action "^http://.*$" exec xterm -e links "%s"
# ... and put it to submenu URL (action of type "ignore" can be used to
# drop URLs)
action "^http://.*$" submenu URL
# put email addresses to submenu "Emails"
action "^[^@]+@([^.]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}$" submenu Emails
# ignore strings containing spaces or tabs only
action "^[ \t]+$" ignore
# ignore strings shorter than four characters (mostly selected by mistake)
action "^.{1,3}$" ignore