2014-10-05 19:18:49 +01:00

883 lines
23 KiB

* wmMoonClock-1.26 (C) 1998, 1999 Mike Henderson (
* - Shows Moon Phase....
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program (see the file COPYING); if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Things TODO:
* - clean up code!
* - more detailed documentation.
* - reduce size of pixmap! Dont need it in one pixmap.
* Aslo, does the hi-color pixmap really need all those colors?
* - add rotation of moon so user sees it as they would in reality?
* - eclipses. The calcs are quite acurate so this should be easily doable.
* (Note the Sun position calcs in CalcEphem are low precision -- high is not
* as costly as the Moon calcs.) Sun posiiton is calculated but not used yet...
* - Next new moons, next full moons, next quarters, etc...
* - Moon names. I.e. Harvest, Blue, etc...
* Changes:
* Version 1.27 - released June 7, 1999.
* fixed a minor bug in computation of azimuth (A in Horizon Coords). Thanks to
* Dan Moraru for spotting this one. (There were two SinGlat factors instead of one).
* Version 1.26 - released April 22, 1999 (?).
* Version 1.25 - released March 22, 1999.
* Now auto-detects 8-bit display and forces the LowColor pixmap to
* be used. The -low option still works if you need to conserve colors
* even on high-color displays.
* Added 3 command line options + code to change colors of the data
* entries:
* -bc <Color> to change background color.
* -lc <Color> to change color of labels and headers.
* -dc <Color> to change color of data values.
* Version 1.24 - released February 9, 1999.
* Added low color support via the -low command line option.
* Version 1.23 - released February 4, 1999.
* cosmetic for AfterStep users. removed spurious black line at RHS edge an mask.
* Version 1.22 - released January 8, 1999.
* + Changed PI2 to TwoPi in Moon.c -- Linux Pyth. had probs because
* PI2 was defined in <math.h>.
* Version 1.21 - released January 7, 1999.
* + minor bug fixes in Makefile and manpage.
* Version 1.2 - released January 3, 1999.
* Added:
* + Local Time/ Universal Time display.
* + Visible: Yes/No to indicate if Moon is up or not.
* + Frac (percent through orbit -- this is NOT a simple
* conversion of AGE....).
* + Horizon Coords. Altitude is measured up from horizon to
* Moon in degrees. Azimuth is in degrees from due south.
* Also shuffled things around a bit...
* Version 1.1 - released December 24, 1998.
* Fixed bug in AGE calculation. It now should be highly accurate.
* Note that AGE is not the same as Phase*29.530589 ...
* I have checked with the Astronomical Almanac and it agrees very
* well....
* Version 1.0 - released December 16, 1998.
* Includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <X11/X.h>
#include <X11/xpm.h>
#include "CalcEphem.h"
#include "MoonRise.h"
#include "xutils.h"
#include "wmMoonClock_master.xpm"
#include "wmMoonClock_masterLow.xpm"
#include "wmMoonClock_mask.xbm"
* Delay between refreshes (in microseconds)
#define DELAY 1000000L
void ParseCMDLine(int argc, char *argv[]);
void pressEvent(XButtonEvent *xev);
void print_usage();
int ToggleWindow = 0;
int nMAX = 1;
int Flag = 1;
double Glat, Glon, SinGlat, CosGlat, TimeZone;
int UseLowColorPixmap = 0;
char LabelColor[30] = "#a171ff";
char DataColor[30] = "#3dafff";
char BackColor[30] = "#010101";
* main
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
struct tm *GMTTime, *LocalTime;
XEvent event;
int i, n, j, ImageNumber, Year, Month, DayOfMonth, digit;
long CurrentLocalTime, CurrentGMTTime, date;
double UT, val, RA, DEC, UTRise, UTSet, LocalHour, hour24();
int D, H, M, S, sgn, A, B, q;
CTrans c;
struct timeval timeout;
fd_set xfdset;
* Parse any command line arguments.
Glat = Glon = 0.0;
ParseCMDLine(argc, argv);
c.Glat = Glat, c.Glon = Glon;
Glat *= RadPerDeg; SinGlat = sin( Glat ); CosGlat = cos( Glat );
initXwindow(argc, argv);
if ((DisplayDepth <= 8)||UseLowColorPixmap)
openXwindow(argc, argv, wmMoonClock_masterLow, wmMoonClock_mask_bits, wmMoonClock_mask_width, wmMoonClock_mask_height, BackColor, LabelColor, DataColor);
openXwindow(argc, argv, wmMoonClock_master, wmMoonClock_mask_bits, wmMoonClock_mask_width, wmMoonClock_mask_height, BackColor, LabelColor, DataColor);
* Loop until we die
n = 32000;
while(1) {
if (Flag) {
n = 32000;
Flag = 0;
* The Moon Ephemeris calculations are somewhat costly (the Moon is one of the most
* difficult objects to compute position for). So only process every nMAXth cycle of this
* loop. We run outer loop it faster to catch expose events, button presses, etc...
if (n>nMAX){
n = 0;
CurrentGMTTime = time(CurrentTime); GMTTime = gmtime(&CurrentGMTTime);
UT = GMTTime->tm_hour + GMTTime->tm_min/60.0 + GMTTime->tm_sec/3600.0;
Year = GMTTime->tm_year+1900;
Month = GMTTime->tm_mon+1;
DayOfMonth = GMTTime->tm_mday;
date = Year*10000 + Month*100 + DayOfMonth;
CurrentLocalTime = CurrentGMTTime; LocalTime = localtime(&CurrentLocalTime);
LocalHour = LocalTime->tm_hour + LocalTime->tm_min/60.0 + LocalTime->tm_sec/3600.0;
TimeZone = UT - LocalHour;
CalcEphem(date, UT, &c);
if (ToggleWindow == 0){
* Update Moon Image
nMAX = 1000;
ImageNumber = (int)(c.MoonPhase * 60.0 + 0.5);
if (ImageNumber > 59) ImageNumber = 0;
if (Glat < 0) ImageNumber = 59 - ImageNumber; /* add southern hemisphere support, closes: #537480 */
j = ImageNumber/10;
i = ImageNumber%10;
copyXPMArea(67+58*i, 2+58*j, 54, 54, 5, 5);
} else if (ToggleWindow == 1){
* Update Numerical Display
/* This requires second precision for LT and UT */
nMAX = 0;
* Clear plotting area
copyXPMArea(4, 69, 56, 56, 4, 4);
* Paste up LT and UT.
val = LocalHour;
H = (int)val; val = (val - H)*60.0;
M = (int)val; val = (val - M)*60.0;
S = (int)val;
digit = H/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 25, 6);
digit = H%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 25+5, 6);
copyXPMArea(117, 353, 1, 6, 25+10, 6);
digit = M/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 25+12, 6);
digit = M%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 25+17, 6);
val = UT;
H = (int)val; val = (val - H)*60.0;
M = (int)val; val = (val - M)*60.0;
S = (int)val;
digit = H/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 25, 15);
digit = H%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 25+5, 15);
copyXPMArea(117, 353, 1, 6, 25+10, 15);
digit = M/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 25+12, 15);
digit = M%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 25+17, 15);
* Paste up AGE.
val = c.MoonAge;
q = (val < 10.0) ? 5 : 0;
A = (int)val;
val = (val - A)*100.0;
B = (int)val;
digit = A/10; if (digit != 0) copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 26-q, 24);
digit = A%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 26+5-q, 24);
copyXPMArea(62, 357, 3, 3, 26+11-q, 28);
digit = B/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 26+15-q, 24);
digit = B%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 26+20-q, 24);
copyXPMArea(143, 354, 3, 3, 26+25-q, 23);
* Paste up Phase (Percent Illuminated).
val = 0.5*( 1.0 - cos(c.MoonPhase*6.2831853) );
val *= 100.0;
A = (int)(val+0.5);
if (A == 100){
copyXPMArea(72, 353, 5, 7, 32+5, 42);
copyXPMArea(67, 353, 5, 7, 32+10, 42);
copyXPMArea(67, 353, 5, 7, 32+15, 42);
copyXPMArea(147, 353, 5, 7, 32+20, 42);
} else if (A >= 10){
digit = A/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 32+5, 42);
digit = A%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 32+10, 42);
copyXPMArea(147, 353, 5, 7, 32+15, 42);
} else {
digit = A; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 32+5, 42);
copyXPMArea(147, 353, 5, 7, 32+10, 42);
* Paste up Frac (Percent of way through current lunar cycle).
val = c.MoonPhase*100.0;
A = (int)(val+0.5);
if (A == 100){
copyXPMArea(72, 353, 5, 7, 27+5, 33);
copyXPMArea(67, 353, 5, 7, 27+10, 33);
copyXPMArea(67, 353, 5, 7, 27+15, 33);
copyXPMArea(147, 353, 5, 7, 27+20, 33);
} else if (A >= 10){
digit = A/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 27+5, 33);
digit = A%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 27+10, 33);
copyXPMArea(147, 353, 5, 7, 27+15, 33);
} else {
digit = A; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 27+5, 33);
copyXPMArea(147, 353, 5, 7, 27+10, 33);
* Paste up Visible Status.
if (c.Visible)
copyXPMArea(6, 327, 13, 6, 46, 51);
copyXPMArea(26, 327, 9, 6, 46, 51);
} else if (ToggleWindow == 2){
* Plot up Moon Rise/Set Times
nMAX = 60;
* Clear plotting area
copyXPMArea(4, 134, 56, 56, 4, 4);
* Do Yesterday's first
MoonRise(Year, Month, DayOfMonth-1, LocalHour, &UTRise, &UTSet);
UTTohhmm(UTRise, &H, &M);
if (H >= 0){
digit = H/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 7, 19);
digit = H%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 7+5, 19);
copyXPMArea(117, 354, 1, 4, 7+10, 20);
digit = M/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 7+12, 19);
digit = M%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 7+17, 19);
} else {
copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 7, 22); copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 7+5, 22);
copyXPMArea(117, 354, 1, 4, 7+10, 20);
copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 7+12, 22); copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 7+17, 22);
UTTohhmm(UTSet, &H, &M);
if (H >= 0){
digit = H/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 35, 19);
digit = H%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 35+5, 19);
copyXPMArea(117, 354, 1, 4, 35+10, 20);
digit = M/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 35+12, 19);
digit = M%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 35+17, 19);
} else {
copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 35, 22); copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 35+5, 22);
copyXPMArea(117, 354, 1, 4, 35+10, 20);
copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 35+12, 22); copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 35+17, 22);
* Plot up todays Rise/Set times.
MoonRise(Year, Month, DayOfMonth, LocalHour, &UTRise, &UTSet);
UTTohhmm(UTRise, &H, &M);
if (H >= 0){
digit = H/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 7, 29);
digit = H%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 7+5, 29);
copyXPMArea(117, 354, 1, 4, 7+10, 30);
digit = M/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 7+12, 29);
digit = M%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 7+17, 29);
} else {
copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 7, 32); copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 7+5, 32);
copyXPMArea(117, 354, 1, 4, 7+10, 30);
copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 7+12, 32); copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 7+17, 32);
UTTohhmm(UTSet, &H, &M);
if (H >= 0){
digit = H/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 35, 29);
digit = H%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 35+5, 29);
copyXPMArea(117, 354, 1, 4, 35+10, 30);
digit = M/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 35+12, 29);
digit = M%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 35+17, 29);
} else {
copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 35, 32); copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 35+5, 32);
copyXPMArea(117, 354, 1, 4, 35+10, 30);
copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 35+12, 32); copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 35+17, 32);
* Plot up tomorrow's Rise/Set times.
MoonRise(Year, Month, DayOfMonth+1, LocalHour, &UTRise, &UTSet);
UTTohhmm(UTRise, &H, &M);
if (H >= 0){
digit = H/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 7, 39);
digit = H%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 7+5, 39);
copyXPMArea(117, 354, 1, 4, 7+10, 40);
digit = M/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 7+12, 39);
digit = M%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 7+17, 39);
} else {
copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 7, 42); copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 7+5, 42);
copyXPMArea(117, 354, 1, 4, 7+10, 40);
copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 7+12, 42); copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 7+17, 42);
UTTohhmm(UTSet, &H, &M);
if (H >= 0){
digit = H/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 35, 39);
digit = H%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 35+5, 39);
copyXPMArea(117, 354, 1, 4, 35+10, 40);
digit = M/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 35+12, 39);
digit = M%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 35+17, 39);
} else {
copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 35, 42); copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 35+5, 42);
copyXPMArea(117, 354, 1, 4, 35+10, 40);
copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 35+12, 42); copyXPMArea(57, 355, 5, 1, 35+17, 42);
} else if (ToggleWindow == 3){
* Plot up Horizon Coords
nMAX = 3;
* Clear plotting area
copyXPMArea(4, 199, 56, 56, 4, 4);
* Paste up Azimuth, A
val = c.A_moon;
sgn = (val < 0.0) ? -1 : 0;
val = fabs(val);
D = (int)val;
val = (val-(double)D)*100.0;
M = (int)val;
if (sgn < 0) copyXPMArea(120, 357, 2, 1, 19, 27);
/* degrees 100's */
digit = D/100; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 22, 24);
D -= digit*100;
/* degrees 10's */
digit = D/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 22+5, 24);
/* degrees 1's */
digit = D%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 22+10, 24);
/* Decimal */
copyXPMArea(62, 357, 3, 3, 22+15, 28);
/* Decimal Part */
digit = M/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 22+19, 24);
/* mins 1's */
digit = M%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 22+24, 24);
copyXPMArea(120, 353, 3, 3, 22+29, 23);
* Paste up Altitude, h
val = c.h_moon;
sgn = (val < 0.0) ? -1 : 0;
val = fabs(val);
D = (int)val;
val = (val-(double)D)*100.0;
M = (int)val;
if (sgn < 0) copyXPMArea(120, 357, 2, 1, 19, 39);
/* degrees 10's */
digit = D/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 22, 36);
/* degrees 1's */
digit = D%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 22+5, 36);
/* Decimal */
copyXPMArea(62, 357, 3, 3, 22+10, 40);
/* Decimal Part */
digit = M/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 22+14, 36);
/* mins 1's */
digit = M%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 22+19, 36);
copyXPMArea(120, 353, 3, 3, 22+24, 35);
* Paste up Earth-Moon Distance (in units of Earth radii).
val = c.EarthMoonDistance;
A = (int)val;
val = (val - A)*100.0;
B = (int)val;
digit = A/10; if (digit != 0) copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 30, 47);
digit = A%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 30+5, 47);
copyXPMArea(62, 357, 3, 3, 30+11, 51);
digit = B/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 30+15, 47);
digit = B%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 30+20, 47);
} else if (ToggleWindow == 4){
* Plot up RA/DEC Coords
nMAX = 3;
* Clear plotting area
copyXPMArea(4, 264, 56, 56, 4, 4);
* Paste up Right Ascention
RA = c.RA_moon/15.0;
H = (int)RA;
RA = (RA-(double)H)*60.0;
M = (int)RA; RA = (RA-(double)M)*60.0;
S = (int)(RA+0.5);
/* hours 10's */
digit = H/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 17, 25);
/* hours 1's */
digit = H%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 17+5, 25);
/* hour symbol */
copyXPMArea(138, 354, 3, 3, 17+10, 24);
/* mins 10's */
digit = M/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 17+14, 25);
/* mins 1's */
digit = M%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 17+19, 25);
/* min symbol */
copyXPMArea(124, 353, 3, 3, 17+23, 24);
/* secs 10's */
digit = S/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 17+27, 25);
/* secs 1's */
digit = S%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 17+32, 25);
/* sec symbol */
copyXPMArea(128, 353, 5, 3, 17+36, 24);
* Paste up Declination
DEC = c.DEC_moon;
sgn = (DEC < 0.0) ? -1 : 0;
DEC = fabs(DEC);
D = (int)DEC;
DEC = (DEC-(double)D)*60.0;
M = (int)DEC;
DEC = (DEC-(double)M)*60.0;
S = (int)(DEC+0.5);
if (sgn < 0) copyXPMArea(120, 357, 2, 1, 14, 39);
/* degrees 10's */
digit = D/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 17, 36);
/* degrees 1's */
digit = D%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 17+5, 36);
/* degree symbol */
copyXPMArea(120, 353, 3, 3, 17+10, 35);
/* mins 10's */
digit = M/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 17+14, 36);
/* mins 1's */
digit = M%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 17+19, 36);
/* min symbol */
copyXPMArea(124, 353, 3, 3, 17+23, 35);
/* secs 10's */
digit = S/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 17+27, 36);
/* secs 1's */
digit = S%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 17+32, 36);
/* sec symbol */
copyXPMArea(128, 353, 5, 3, 17+36, 35);
* Paste up Earth-Moon Distance (in units of Earth radii).
val = c.EarthMoonDistance;
A = (int)val;
val = (val - A)*100.0;
B = (int)val;
digit = A/10; if (digit != 0) copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 30, 47);
digit = A%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 30+5, 47);
copyXPMArea(62, 357, 3, 3, 30+11, 51);
digit = B/10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 30+15, 47);
digit = B%10; copyXPMArea(67+digit*5, 353, 5, 7, 30+20, 47);
} else {
* Update the counter.
* Add X display to file descriptor set for polling.
FD_SET(ConnectionNumber(display), &xfdset);
* Process any pending X events.
XNextEvent(display, &event);
case Expose:
case ButtonPress:
case ButtonRelease:
* Redraw and wait for next update
timeout.tv_sec = DELAY / 1000000L;
timeout.tv_usec = DELAY % 1000000L;
select(ConnectionNumber(display) + 1, &xfdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
* ParseCMDLine()
void ParseCMDLine(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i;
char *eptr;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-display")){
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-bc")){
if ((i+1 >= argc)||(argv[i+1][0] == '-')) {
fprintf(stderr, "wmMoonClock: -bc needs a color argument.\n");
strcpy(BackColor, argv[++i]);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-lc")){
if ((i+1 >= argc)||(argv[i+1][0] == '-')) {
fprintf(stderr, "wmMoonClock: -lc needs a color argument.\n");
strcpy(LabelColor, argv[++i]);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-dc")){
if ((i+1 >= argc)||(argv[i+1][0] == '-')) {
fprintf(stderr, "wmMoonClock: -dc needs a color argument.\n");
strcpy(DataColor, argv[++i]);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-low")){
UseLowColorPixmap = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-lat")){
if (i+1 >= argc){
fprintf(stderr, "wmMoonClock: -lat needs a value in degrees.\n");
} else {
Glat = strtod(argv[i+1], &eptr);
if ((Glat == 0.0)&&(eptr == argv[i+1])){
fprintf(stderr, "wmMoonClock: could not convert latitude %s.\n", argv[i+1]);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-lon")){
if (i+1 >= argc){
fprintf(stderr, "wmMoonClock: -lat needs a value in degrees.\n");
} else {
Glon = strtod(argv[i+1], &eptr);
if ((Glon == 0.0)&&(eptr == argv[i+1])){
fprintf(stderr, "wmMoonClock: could not convert longitude %s.\n", argv[i+1]);
} else {
void print_usage(){
printf("\nwmMoonClock version: %s\n", WMMOONCLOCK_VERSION);
printf("\nusage: wmMoonClock [-display <Display>] [-lat <Latitude>] [-lon <Longitude>] [-h]\n");
printf(" [-bc <Color>] [-lc <Color>] [-dc <Color>]\n\n");
printf("\t-display <Display>\tUse alternate X display.\n");
printf("\t-bc <Color> \t\tBackground color. (e.g. #ffbb00 or orange)\n");
printf("\t-lc <Color> \t\tColor for lables.\n");
printf("\t-dc <Color> \t\tColor for data entries.\n");
printf("\t-low \t\tUse lower color pixmap (for 8-bit displays).\n");
printf("\t-lat <Latitude>\t\tObservers Latitude. Positive in northern\n");
printf("\t \t\themisphere, negative in southern hemisphere.\n");
printf("\t-lon <Longitude>\tObservers Longitude. Greenwich is 0.0, and longitude\n");
printf("\t \tincreases positively toward the west. (Alternatively,\n");
printf("\t \tnegative numbers can also be used to specify\n");
printf("\t \tlongitudes to the east of Greenwich).\n");
printf("\t-h\t\t\tDisplay help screen.\n\n");
* This routine handles button presses. Clicking in the window
* toggles the display.
void pressEvent(XButtonEvent *xev){
if (ToggleWindow > 4) ToggleWindow = 0;
Flag = 1;