860 lines
26 KiB
860 lines
26 KiB
;Dogs of war demo by OnlyMe (now called I440r :)
;Assembles with A386.COM (Registered A86).
MaxPoints equ 125 ;Maximum number of points in an object
BumpMap equ Bumps+320 ;Pointer to second scan line of bump map
SpotX equ 160 ;Position of static bump map spotlight
SpotY equ 80
;A based structure (See A86 documentation for explanation)
struc [bx] ;Structure does NOT need a name
Counter dw ? ;Countdown to change
Reset dw ? ;Counter reset value
Position dw ? ;Points to item being modified
Delta dw ? ;Speed of change (also direction)
Upper dw ? ;Upper limit for position
Lower dw ? ;Lower limit for position
;Un-Initialised data
data segment
XAngle dw ? ;Angles of rotation for each axis
YAngle dw ? ; higher numbers rotate faster
ZAngle dw ?
X dw ? ;Coordinates of point being calculated
Y dw ?
Z dw ?
XSin dw ? ;Sin and Cos for each axis angle of rotation
YSin dw ?
ZSin dw ?
XCos dw ?
YCos dw ?
ZCos dw ?
NumPoints dw ? ;Number of points in current object
; V---MaxPoints
Trail1: dw 125 dup ? ;Display address of previous 8 positions for
Trail2: dw 125 dup ? ; each point being rotated. We only erase a
Trail3: dw 125 dup ? ; points 8'th previous position. This makes
Trail4: dw 125 dup ? ; the points leave a trail 7 pixles long
Trail5: dw 125 dup ?
Trail6: dw 125 dup ?
Trail7: dw 125 dup ?
Trail8: dw 125 dup ?
CharP dw ? ;Pointer to font def for scrollie char
BumpX dw ? ;Bump map coordinates being calculated
BumpY dw ?
;A copy of the ROM font moved here so we can reference it using DS
Font: db 256*8 dup ?
; The following buffer is the whole of the bump map. There is 1 scan
;line of ZERO data above and below the area that will contain the bumps.
;Therefore the bumpmap is at Bumps+320 (See Equates Above)
Bumps: db 320*18 dup ?
;Da Beeph (moo)
code segment
jmp Main ;Do it...
;Pre initialised data...
Shape dw Cube ;Pointer to current object
HalfH dw 160 ;Screen coordinates for centre of object
HalfV dw 100
XOff dw 150 ;Position of object in world space
YOff dw 150
ZOff dw 800
DeltaX dw 5 ;Rotational speeds on each axis
DeltaY dw 4
DeltaZ dw 7
;Modifiers: Tables follows this format: (as per above based structure)
; Counter Count down to next speed/position change
; Retet Value to reset counter to
; Position Pointer to data item to modify
; Delta Ammount to change item (also direction)
; Upper Upper limit fot item
; Lower Lower limit for item
W1: dw 30,30,offset DeltaX,2,15,2 ;Modifies X Rotational speed
W2: dw 20,20,offset DeltaY,-2,12,4 ;Modifies Y Rotational speed
W3: dw 40,40,offset DeltaZ,2,10,7 ;Modifies Z Rotational speed
W4: dw 02,02,offset ZOff,-3,800,180 ;Zooms object in and out of screen
;Bump mapped scrollie banner text stuffz
Bannerp dw Banner ;Points to next character
CharColumn db 080 ;Mask for next colunn of font def
db ' *** The Dogs Of WAR demo by OnlyMe! *** '
db 'Begin! '
db 'Oh the dogs they had a meeting '
db 'They came from near and far '
db 'And some dogs came by motor bus '
db 'And some by motor car '
db 0
dw Flies,Hall
db 'On entering the meeting hall '
db 'Each dog could take a look '
db 'Where he had to hang his asshole '
db 'Up high upon a hook '
db 0
dw Cross,Fire
db 'And when they were assembled '
db 'Each canine son and sire '
db 'Some dirty bulldog son of a bitch '
db 'Jumped up and hollared FIRE '
db 0
dw Square,Panic
db 'All was in a panic '
db 'Twas hell upon to look '
db 'Each doggie grabbed at random '
db 'An asshole from a hook '
db 0
dw Cube,Sore
db 'Now the assholes were all mixed up '
db 'Which made each doggie sore '
db 'To have to wear another dogs ass '
db 'He''d never worn before '
db 0
dw Star,Bone
db 'And that is why until this day '
db 'A dog will drop a bone '
db 'To go and smell another dogs ass '
db 'To see if it''s his OWN! '
db '*** THE END *** ??? '
db 'Now what have i forgotz ???? '
db 'ERM..... Oh Yea.... '
db 'Greetings *** ROTATE *** Out To ~~~~~~ '
db 0
dw Heart,Catgirl
db 'Catgirl - Jeg Elsker DEG - Purrrrrrrrrrrrr :) '
db 'Myriaam - Cute Sexy BABE Princess DOLL :) - heheheheheh - '
db 'okokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokok '
db 'LuvrsCrs - Manager''ess and savior''ess of UnderNUT #CODERS '
db '--> '
db 0
dw Square,Unf
db 'Unf - Fatar - Debonaire - Isomer - Hexsane & MrsHex - '
db 'nop - mole - oreo - RatKing - \hatred\ - KBerg - '
db 'RyanT - Mafia - Yosha - Jungle - Fid - Binary - '
db 'PRIM8 - IiTM - Topanga - Tig2 - deRanged - RuneStar - '
db '_RyAn_ - DaParasit - Spansh - CodeX - Wicked - '
db 'Likwid - KingTroll - tpanther - ED_Lead - Reptile - '
db 0
dw Cross,NoIdea
db 'Noidea - ^Para^ - Wh0is - Chiew - [QWORD] - LoneWolf - '
db 'DaveDavis - PsYkOtIk - ^Ion^ - Weathros - LittleLoc - '
db 'MissMilla - Centmo - Entlin - CreepGuy - eom - Xico - '
db '^Axe^ & Sturnella - Almighty - o - Zyklon - hammr - '
db '|Geo| - '
db 'MarkIII (Hi Dad) - Diamond1 & Mermaid1 (Hi Sis1 and Sis2 :) - '
db 0
dw Flies,Snoo
db 'Snoo - Queen1 & Truely - Shama - Pink^Rose - Divebum - '
db 'DEWDROP - KaDaM2 - Freakmama - mr007 - SIOK - Alih - '
db 'Asterix - MoKie - Rats - RoadRoach - masdale - mystie - '
db 'e|ectricTom - Techa^ - TX-Cowboy - buch - luth - '
db 0
dw Cross,Eche
db 'BaBs - Ratty - Lexzy - PJ - Blondii - dew - Kittie - '
db '^Kristi - strawbery - grlafraid - Krystal1 - ortho - '
db 'Danni_ - Anne^ - brokngrl - keldog - AnGelDevo - '
db '^DE^ - Avantyful & Niece babe :) - mauddib - lil_miss - '
db 'Eche & Godis^ hehehehe - lowlife - X & W - '
db '******** And Everyone else OnlyMe! dun MISSED '
db '*** THE END IS NOT NEIGH *** '
db '---====*** Begin Again ---> ',0
dw Cube,Begin
;Do IT!
mov ax,013 ;VGA GFX mode = 320 x 200 x 256
int 010
mov cx,(320*18)/2 ;Erase bump map buffer
mov di,Bumps
xor ax,ax
rep stosw
call GetPalette ;Create shaded palette
call GetFont ;Read font data out of ROM into current DS
call InitScroll ;Point to font data for first char of banner
mov ax,0a000 ;Point ES at video segment
mov es,ax
call ChangeAngles ;Get next angle of rotation for all axis
call GetSinCos ;Calculate Sin and Cos for all rotation angles
call DoFrame ;Rotate all points of shape and display
call DoScroll ;Scroll text through bump map buffer
call DoBump ;Bump map scrolly text and display it
call Retrace ;Wait for next raster frame
call ErasePoints ;Erase all pixles that are 8 frames old
call DoDeltas ;Modify rotational speeds etc
in al,060 ;Read keyboard port
cmp al,081 ;Escape key released?
jne L0
;Exit nicely
mov ax,3 ;Back to textmode
int 010
mov ah,2 ;Place cursor at bottom left of display
mov dx,01700
xor bx,bx
int 010
mov dx,AuRevoir
mov ah,9
int 021
mov ah,04c ;Return control to dos
int 021
;Do one frame of rotating object. Calculate and plot all points
;DI points to first trail buffer. We store the address of every pixle
;we write into this buffer. When it comes time to erase these pixles we
;do not need to recalculat them. We just collect the address!
xor ch,ch ;Clear hi byte of loop counter
xor di,di ;Point to start of trail buffer
mov si,[Shape] ;Point to object to be rotated
mov cl,[si] ;Get number of points
mov NumPoints,cx ;We need this count later too...
inc si
movsx ax,[si] ;Get X coordinate of point
mov [X],ax
movsx ax,[si+1] ;Get Y coordinate
mov [Y],ax
movsx ax,[si+2] ;Get Z coordinate
mov [Z],ax
call Rotate ;Rotate point in 3d
call Draw ;Draw this point
add si,3 ;Point to next point
add di,2 ;point to next slot of trail buffer
dec cx
jne L0
;Project a single XYZ point into 2D space on screen
mov ax,[YOff] ;YOff * Y / Z+ZOff = Screen Y
imul [Y]
mov bx,[Z]
add bx,[ZOff]
idiv bx
add ax,[HalfV] ;Centre object on screen
cmp dx,0 ;Clip this pixle if outside display area
jb short ret
cmp ax,200
ja short ret
mov bx,320 ;Calculate 320 * Y...
imul bx
mov bx,ax
mov ax,[XOff] ;XOff * X / Z+ ZOff = Screen X
mov bp,[X]
imul bp
mov bp,[Z]
add bp,[ZOff] ;Distance
idiv bp
add ax,[HalfH]
cmp dx,0 ;Clip pixle if outside display area
jb short ret
cmp ax,320
ja short ret
add bx,ax
mov ax,-1 ;Generate colour for point based on X Y and Z axis
sub ax,[Z] ; of dot
xor ax,[X] ;Divides cube into 8 smaller cubes and alternates
or ax,[Y] ; light/dark (opposite corners same shade)
shr ax,4
add ax,[X] ;This addition makes the cube stripey man :)
add ax,[Y]
es mov [bx],al ;Place a dot with color al
mov Trail8[di],bx ;Save address for erase
;Erase pixles that are 8 frames old.
;Every time a pixles is drawn to the display we remember its video
;offset (address). This saves time when we want to erase that dot
;because we dont need to recalculate the address given an XYZ
xor di,di
mov cx,MaxPoints
mov bx,Trail8[di] ;Pixles added to display on THIS frame
; es dec b[bx] ; Make them less bright
xchg bx,Trail7[di] ;Pixles one frame old
; es dec b[bx] ; Make them less bright
xchg bx,Trail6[di] ;Etc...
; es dec b[bx]
xchg bx,Trail5[di]
; es dec b[bx]
xchg bx,Trail4[di]
; es dec b[bx]
xchg bx,Trail3[di]
; es dec b[bx]
xchg bx,Trail2[di]
; es dec b[bx]
xchg bx,Trail1[di] ;Pixles 8 frames old
es mov b[bx],0 ;Erase them
inc di,2
dec cx
jne L0
;Rotate a single point in 3D space
push cx ;Need to keep this....
;Rotate object about X axis (changes Y and Z)
;Y' = Y * Cos(Xang) - Z. Sin(Xang)
;Z' = Y * Sin(Xang) + Z. Cos(Xang)
movsx eax,[Z] ;Get Z * Sin(X)
movsx ebx,[XSin]
mul ebx
mov ecx,eax ;Save in cx...
movsx eax,[Y] ;Get Y * Cos(x)
movsx ebx,[XCos]
imul ebx
sub eax,ecx ;Get Y * Cos(X) - Z * Sin(X)
sar eax,14 ;Sin and Cos Table values are scaled up
mov bp,ax ; by 16384. SHR scales results back down
;We just calculated our new Y coordinate. We cant yet overwrite the old
;Y because we still need it to calculated the new Z
movsx eax,[Z] ;Get Z * Cos(X) Exact opposite of above!
movsx ebx,[XCos]
imul ebx
mov ecx,eax ;Save value...
movsx eax,[Y] ;Get Y * Sin(X)
movsx ebx,[XSin]
imul ebx
add eax,ecx ;Get Y * Sin(X) + Z * Cos(X)
sar eax,14 ;Scale results down by 16384
mov [Y],bp ;Set newly calculated Y and Z coordinates
mov [Z],ax
;Rotate point in Y axis
;X' = X * Cos(Yang) - Z * Sin(Yang)
;Z' = X * Sin(Yang) + Z * Cos(Yang)
movsx eax,[Z] ;Following code is very similar to above.
movsx ebx,[YSin] ;It rotates the point in the Y axis
imul ebx ;I.E. It calculates new X and Z
mov ecx,eax
movsx eax,[X]
movsx ebx,[YCos]
imul ebx
sub eax,ecx
sar eax,14
mov bp,ax ;Save new X coord
movsx eax,[Z] ;Calculate Z
movsx ebx,[YCos]
imul ebx
mov ecx,eax
movsx eax,[X]
movsx ebx,[YSin]
imul ebx
add eax,ecx
sar eax,14
mov [X],bp ;Set new X and Z for point
mov [Z],ax
;Rotate objecct along Z axis
;X' = X * Cos(Zang) - Y * Sin(Zang)
;Y' = X * Sin(Zang) + Y * Cos(Zang)
movsx eax,[Y] ;Hmmm isnt this... the same, arent we just
movsx ebx,[ZSin] ;doing the same, calculations on in exactly
imul ebx ;The same, way but using different
mov ecx,eax ;Variables? Couldnt we optimise here ???
movsx eax,[X]
movsx ebx,[ZCos] ;Answer...
imul ebx ;
sub eax,ecx ;Yes! But that is a space optimisation
sar eax,14 ;Not a speed optimisation. The INLINE
mov bp,ax ;method is faster
movsx eax,[Y] ;There is also a much better way to do this
movsx ebx,[ZCos] ;that is both smaller and faster.
imul ebx
mov ecx,eax ;I.E. Use a Matrix to rotates points
movsx eax,[X] ;This however is much easier to follow
movsx ebx,[ZSin] ;and MAFFZ wuzz never my strong suit :)
imul ebx
add eax,ecx ;Maybe if this gets too.. slow ill use
sar eax,14 ;matricies tho :)
mov [X],bp
mov [Y],ax
pop cx
;calculate new angles of rotation for all points (to angles)
;We do NOT rotate a point by 1 degree on one frame and then rotate that
;rotated point by 1 degree in the next. We rotate by 1 degree in the
;first frame, by 2 in the next, by 3 in the next etc.
;Every time a point is rotated there is a slight ammount of error in our
;calculation. If we rotated previously rotated points we would accumulate
;errors on each rotation of the point and our object would distort.
;By rotating the SAME points (i.e the original shape) on every frame but
;by different ammounts each time, we never distort our shape by more
;than ONE rotations worth of error (which u cant see :)
mov ax,[DeltaX] ;Adjust X angles of rotation
add [XAngle],ax
mov ax,[DeltaY] ;And Y
add [YAngle],ax
mov ax,[DeltaZ] ;And Z
add [ZAngle],ax
;Get Sin and Cos of all 3 angles of rotation.
mov ax,[XAngle] ;Get angle
call SinCos ;Get Sin and Cos
mov [XSin],ax ;Save em!
mov [XCos],bx
mov ax,[YAngle] ;Same but different :)
call SinCos
mov [YSin],ax
mov [YCos],bx
mov ax,[ZAngle] ;Same but different :)
call SinCos
mov [ZSin],ax
mov [ZCos],bx
;This moves a value between two limits at a specific rate.
;This code uses the structure defined at the top of the source file.
;The structure is defined as...
; struc [bx]
;This makes the address in BX the base of the structure. A86 now allows
;us to just name the structure element without reference to BX, This makes
;the code easier to read if you understand the mechanism but impossible to
;follow if you dont :)
;Where you see a something like
; dec Counter
; dec Counter[bx]
mov bx,W1 ;Modify X rotation
call >L0
mov bx,W2 ;Modify Y rotation
call >L0
mov bx,W3 ;Modify Z rotation
call >L0
mov bx,W4 ;Zoom in and out
dec Counter ;Count down to next change
jne ret
mov ax,Reset ;Counter hit ZERO. Reset it
mov Counter,ax
mov ax,Delta ;Get rate. of change (also direction)
mov si,Position ;Get pointer to variable to modify
add ax,[si] ;Add delta to variable
mov [si],ax ;Store back
cmp ax,Upper ;Did variable reach upper limit?
jl >L2
neg Delta ;Change direction!
cmp ax,Lower ;Did variable reach lower limit?
jl L1
;MOA's bump mapping routine. (Yea im uzing this again hehe I like it :)
mov ax,0a000 ;Point to video
mov es,ax
mov si,BumpMap+320*16 ;Point to end of last line of bumpmap
mov di,16 ;16 scan lines
mov ax,di
sub ax,SpotY
mov BumpY,ax
mov ax,320-2 ;320 Pels per scan
mov cx,ax
sub ax,SpotX
mov BumpX,ax
mov ax,-1[si] ;Look... No spotlight :) (Addition by OnlyMe)
or al,1[si]
or ax,-321[si]
or al,321[si]
test ax
jz >L9
xor ah,ah ;Clear scratch registers
xor bh,bh
mov al,[si+1] ;Read bump heights to left and right of this bump
mov bl,[si-1]
sub ax,bx ;Compute differenct
sub ax,BumpX ;I think this gets a 2D normal (erm)
xor ax,dx
sub ax,dx ;But Maff izznt my strong suit
mov bx,07f
sub bx,ax
mov ax,bx
not dx
and bx,dx
push bx
xor ah,ah ;When i understand how this code actually
xor bh,bh ; works ill add propper comments. Maybe someone
mov al,[si+0141] ; can fill me in eh
mov bl,[si-0140]
sub ax,bx
sub ax,BumpY
xor ax,dx
sub ax,dx
mov bx,07F
sub bx,ax
mov ax,bx
not dx
and bx,dx
pop ax
mul bl
shr ax,6+2
; shr ax,2
; add ax,5
es mov 0e600-BumpMap[si],al
dec BumpX
dec si
loop L1
dec BumpY
sub si,2
dec di
jnz L0
xor si,si ;First pixle row in current column
mov bx,BumpMap ;Erm... Actually.... This is wrong... hehehe
mov bp,[CharP] ;Point to characters font data
mov dh,b[CharColumn] ;Get column mask
xor cx,cx ;Assume no bumps (0 pixle)
mov al,[bp+si] ;Get character row from font
and al,dh ;Mask out all but current column
if nz mov cx,03030 ;Raise bumps
mov [bx],cx ;Write double width pixle
mov 320[bx],cx ;Double height too!
add bx,2*320
inc si ;Add 1 to row
cmp si,8 ;Font is 8 by 8
jne L0
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov si,BumpMap ;Scroll bumpmap 2 pixles left
mov di,si ;pixles at far left move to far right hehehe
add si,2
mov cx,320*16/2
rep movsw
ror CharColumn,1 ;Shift row mask 1
jnc short ret ;Wrap round and compute next char
mov si,[BannerP] ;Get pointer to next char in banner
test b[si] ;End of text?
jnz >L0
inc si
mov [Shape],ax
mov si,ax
xor ah,ah
lodsb ;Get text character
mov [BannerP],si
shl ax,3 ;Compute chars ROM offset
add ax,Font
mov CharP,ax ;Points to font data for character
;Get a copy of the font data out of ROM into default DS
mov ax,0f000 ;Point to ROM
mov ds,ax
mov si,0fa6e ;Offset to font data in ROM
mov di,Font
mov cx,256*2
rep movsw
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
;Write a KEWL purple palette (Shut Up! I like PuRplE :P)
mov dx,03C8 ;Write new palette
xor cx,cx
xor ax,ax
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,cl ;Select colour number to updata
out dx,al ;Write Red
xchg ah,al
out dx,al ;Write Green (Zero)
xchg ah,al
out dx,al ;Write Blue
inc cl
jnz L0
;Shape structure defined as....
; db number-of-points
; db x,y,z of first point
; db x,y,z ... of rest
db 125
db -35,-35,-35,-35,-35,-15,-35,-35, 05,-35,-35, 25,-35,-35, 45
db -35,-15,-35,-35,-15,-15,-35,-15, 05,-35,-15, 25,-35,-15, 45
db -35, 05,-35,-35, 05,-15,-35, 05, 05,-35, 05, 25,-35, 05, 45
db -35, 25,-35,-35, 25,-15,-35, 25, 05,-35, 25, 25,-35, 25, 45
db -35, 45,-35,-35, 45,-15,-35, 45, 05,-35, 45, 25,-35, 45, 45
db -15,-35,-35,-15,-35,-15,-15,-35, 05,-15,-35, 25,-15,-35, 45
db -15,-15,-35,-15,-15,-15,-15,-15, 05,-15,-15, 25,-15,-15, 45
db -15, 05,-35,-15, 05,-15,-15, 05, 05,-15, 05, 25,-15, 05, 45
db -15, 25,-35,-15, 25,-15,-15, 25, 05,-15, 25, 25,-15, 25, 45
db -15, 45,-35,-15, 45,-15,-15, 45, 05,-15, 45, 25,-15, 45, 45
db 05,-35,-35, 05,-35,-15, 05,-35, 05, 05,-35, 25, 05,-35, 45
db 05,-15,-35, 05,-15,-15, 05,-15, 05, 05,-15, 25, 05,-15, 45
db 05, 05,-35, 05, 05,-15, 05, 05, 05, 05, 05, 25, 05, 05, 45
db 05, 25,-35, 05, 25,-15, 05, 25, 05, 05, 25, 25, 05, 25, 45
db 05, 45,-35, 05, 45,-15, 05, 45, 05, 05, 45, 25, 05, 45, 45
db 25,-35,-35, 25,-35,-15, 25,-35, 05, 25,-35, 25, 25,-35, 45
db 25,-15,-35, 25,-15,-15, 25,-15, 05, 25,-15, 25, 25,-15, 45
db 25, 05,-35, 25, 05,-15, 25, 05, 05, 25, 05, 25, 25, 05, 45
db 25, 25,-35, 25, 25,-15, 25, 25, 05, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 45
db 25, 45,-35, 25, 45,-15, 25, 45, 05, 25, 45, 25, 25, 45, 45
db 45,-35,-35, 45,-35,-15, 45,-35, 05, 45,-35, 25, 45,-35, 45
db 45,-15,-35, 45,-15,-15, 45,-15, 05, 45,-15, 25, 45,-15, 45
db 45, 05,-35, 45, 05,-15, 45, 05, 05, 45, 05, 25, 45, 05, 45
db 45, 25,-35, 45, 25,-15, 45, 25, 05, 45, 25, 25, 45, 25, 45
db 45, 45,-35, 45, 45,-15, 45, 45, 05, 45, 45, 25, 45, 45, 45
db 65
db -35,-35, 05,-35,-15, 05,-35, 05, 05,-35, 25, 05,-35, 45, 05
db -15,-35, 05,-15,-15, 05,-15, 05, 05,-15, 25, 05,-15, 45, 05
db 05,-35, 05, 05,-15, 05, 05, 05, 05, 05, 25, 05, 05, 45, 05
db 25,-35, 05, 25,-15, 05, 25, 05, 05, 25, 25, 05, 25, 45, 05
db 45,-35, 05, 45,-15, 05, 45, 05, 05, 45, 25, 05, 45, 45, 05
db 05,-35,-35, 05,-35,-15, 05,-35, 25, 05,-35, 45,-35, 05,-35
db 05,-15,-35, 05,-15,-15, 05,-15, 25, 05,-15, 45,-15, 05,-35
db 05, 05,-35, 05, 05,-15, 05, 05, 25, 05, 05, 45, 05, 05,-35
db 05, 25,-35, 05, 25,-15, 05, 25, 25, 05, 25, 45, 25, 05,-35
db 05, 45,-35, 05, 45,-15, 05, 45, 25, 05, 45, 45, 45, 05,-35
db -35, 05,-15,-35, 05, 25,-35, 05, 45,-15, 05,-15,-15, 05, 25
db -15, 05, 45, 05, 05,-15, 05, 05, 25, 05, 05, 45, 25, 05,-15
db 25, 05, 25, 25, 05, 45, 45, 05,-15, 45, 05, 25, 45, 05, 45
db 6
db -35,-35,-35,-35,-35, 45, 45, 45,-35, 45, 45, 45, 5,-35, 5
db 5, 45, 5
db 25
db -35,-35,-35,-35,-15,-35,-35, 05,-35,-35, 25,-35,-35, 45,-35
db -15,-35,-35,-15,-15,-35,-15, 05,-35,-15, 25,-35,-15, 45,-35
db 05,-35,-35, 05,-15,-35, 05, 05,-35, 05, 25,-35, 05, 45,-35
db 25,-35,-35, 25,-15,-35, 25, 05,-35, 25, 25,-35, 25, 45,-35
db 45,-35,-35, 45,-15,-35, 45, 05,-35, 45, 25,-35, 45, 45,-35
db 32
db -35,-15,-35,-35, 25,-35,-15,-35,-35,-15,-15,-35,-15, 05,-35
db -15, 25,-35,-15, 45,-35, 05,-35,-35, 05,-15,-35, 05, 05,-35
db 05, 25,-35, 05, 45,-35, 25,-15,-35, 25, 05,-35, 25, 25,-35
db 45, 05,-35
db -30,-10,-30,-30, 20,-30,-10,-30,-30,-10,-10,-30,-10, 00,-30
db -10, 20,-30,-10, 40,-30, 00,-30,-30, 00,-10,-30, 00, 00,-30
db 00, 20,-30, 00, 40,-30, 20,-10,-30, 20, 00,-30, 20, 20,-30
db 40, 00,-30
;I discovered this one completely by accident. I moved a table from the
;end of this file to somewhere up there... but forgot to move the label
;(hehehe). I was therfor referencing a table that is INCLUDED here by my
;assembler. It had lotsa junk in with it at first but i cleaned that out
;and this was the result. I love this object :) its KEWKL hehehe!
db 75
db 000,000,019,000,005,019,000,014,001,000,032,000,000,07D,000
db 000,0C9,000,001,05F,001,001,0AB,001,001,0F6,001,002,041,002
db 002,08D,002,002,0D8,002,003,023,003,003,005,004,003,06F,003
db 003,0BA,003,004,051,004,004,09C,004,004,0E7,004,005,013,006
db 005,032,005,005,07D,005,005,0C8,005,006,05E,006,006,0A9,006
db 006,0F4,006,007,03F,007,007,08A,007,007,0D5,007,008,000,009
db 008,020,008,008,06B,008,008,0B5,008,009,04B,009,009,095,009
db 009,0E0,009,00A,009,00B,00A,02A,00A,00A,075,00A,00A,0BF,00A
db 00B,054,00B,00D,007,026,00F,002,028,019,009,032,01E,004,037
db 022,00B,03B,02C,006,045,02D,001,046,039,008,052,03D,003,056
db 043,00A,05C,04B,000,064,04B,005,064,058,007,071,05B,002,074
db 064,009,07C,084,008,09C,088,003,0A1,08D,00A,0A6,096,000,0AF
db 096,005,0AF,0A3,007,0BC,0A6,002,0BF,0AE,009,0C7,0B5,004,0CE
db 0C2,006,0DB,0C4,001,0DD,0CE,008,0E7,0D3,003,0EC,0D8,00A,0F1
db 0E1,005,0FA,0E2,000,0FB,0EE,007,007,0F1,002,00A,0F9,009,011