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# .wmailrc - wmail v2.0 configuration file
# note: cmd-line options always overide the settings in this file unless you
# force runtime reconfiguration by clicking on the docklets display area
# Format:
# identifier '=' value
# - identifiers are not case-sensitive
# - each identifier expects a typed value to be assigned with
# - typed value means either "string", boolean-switch (yes,on,true|no,off,false), some enum or int number
# - string values must be enclosed with `"'-characters (quoting)
# - string values supportes escape-sequences like \n,\r,\b,\t and decimal numbers \XXX (except \0)
# - # comments (only at beginning of lines)
# specify X display to open (not re-configurable during run-time)
# string value, default: ""
# Window.Display = "localhost:0.0"
# turn on non-shaped window-mode
# boolean value, default: No
# Window.NonShaped = Yes
# command to execute on button-click
# string value, default: "xterm -e mail"
Window.Button.Command = "wterm -fg white -bg black -T Pine -e pine &"
# specify your mailbox (if not, the $MAIL evironment-variable is used)
# string value, default: unset
# Mail.MailBox = "/var/spool/mail/YOUR_LOGIN"
# what file to use to store the cksums which help identify the mails
# string value, default: "" (causes fallback to $HOME/.wmail-cksums)
# Mail.ChecksumFile = "/home/YOUR_LOGIN/.wmail-cksums"
# enable wmail to ticker (and count) only new (unread) mails
# boolean value, default: No
Mail.ShowOnlyNew = Yes
# mail-check interval in seconds
# integer value, default: 1
Mail.CheckIntervall = 5
# setup the ticker-line: allowed values are: Address | NickName | FamilyName
# enum value, default: Address
Ticker.Mode = FamilyName
# set the ticker-frame-rate per seconds
# integer value, default: 60
# Ticker.Frames = 100
# like to use a real X11 font instead of the buildin ?
# Note the buildin font does not support all possible latin1 characters, so
# if you would like to see them you must make use of this.
# Ticker.X11Font = "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
# command to execute when receiving new mail (for example "/usr/bin/play somefile.wav &")
# string value, default: unset
# Mail.OnNew.Command = "/usr/bin/play /hda1/win98/media/notify.wav &"
# sender-skip-list, use this command multiple times to skip more then one sender-name
# string value, default: unset
Mail.SkipSender = "MAILER-DAEMON"
# force wmail to display and count only those mails who have their Status-field
# not set to RO (old read mail)
# this is useful if you do not remove your mails from the mbox after reading them
# default: Off
# Mail.UseStatusField = On
# supply the content of the status field that markes you email as read
# (The given value is substring-matched)
# default: "O"
# Mail.ReadStatus = "ro"
# color definitions follow: note that you can specify either
# - a X color-name like "Grey", "White", "light green" etc. or
# - a rgb-value using a hex-string like "#RRGGBB"
# color of the upper symbols
# string value, default: "#20B2AA"
# Colors.Symbols = "yellow"
# color of the ticker
# string value, default: "#D3D3D3"
# Colors.Font = "light grey"
# color of the dockapps background
# string value, default: "#282828"
# Colors.Backlight = "dark slate grey"
# color of inactive symbols
# string value, default: "black"
# Colors.OffLight = "#282828"
# color of the outer frame (using it will force non-shaped window mode)
# string value, default: unset
# Colors.NonShapedFrame = "grey"
### some color schemes :)
# wmcpuload like colors
# Colors.Symbols = "#131313"
# Colors.Font = "black"
# Colors.Backlight = "#6e766e"
# Colors.OffLight = "#5e665a"
# dark blue
# Colors.Symbols = "Yellow"
# Colors.Font = "White"
# Colors.Backlight = "DarkBlue"
# Colors.OffLight = "Black"