Fork 0
Alexey I. Froloff 31c2845466 Mass update GPLv2 from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
Signed-off-by: Alexey I. Froloff <raorn@raorn.name>
2012-06-05 20:45:40 +01:00
debian Fix FTBFS with ld --as-needed Patch sent by Angel Abad <angelabad@ubuntu.com> 2011-09-21 12:27:47 +02:00
XPM wmmixer: Remove hidden .xvpics folder 2011-08-10 16:36:13 +02:00
CHANGES Fix FTBFS with ld --as-needed Patch sent by Angel Abad <angelabad@ubuntu.com> 2011-09-21 12:27:47 +02:00
common.h Rename wmmixer folder 2011-07-13 11:33:50 +02:00
COPYING Mass update GPLv2 from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt 2012-06-05 20:45:40 +01:00
exception.cc Rename wmmixer folder 2011-07-13 11:33:50 +02:00
exception.h wmmixer patches 2011-07-13 11:38:14 +02:00
home.wmmixer Rename wmmixer folder 2011-07-13 11:33:50 +02:00
INSTALL Rename wmmixer folder 2011-07-13 11:33:50 +02:00
Makefile Fix FTBFS with ld --as-needed Patch sent by Angel Abad <angelabad@ubuntu.com> 2011-09-21 12:27:47 +02:00
mixctl.cc wmmixer: Warnings about g++ const removed 2011-08-10 16:29:50 +02:00
mixctl.h wmmixer patches 2011-07-13 11:38:14 +02:00
README wmmixer patches 2011-07-13 11:38:14 +02:00
wmmixer.1 Rename wmmixer folder 2011-07-13 11:33:50 +02:00
wmmixer.cc wmmixer patches 2011-07-13 11:38:14 +02:00
wmmixer.h wmmixer patches 2011-07-13 11:38:14 +02:00
xhandler.cc wmmixer: Warnings about g++ const removed 2011-08-10 16:29:50 +02:00
xhandler.h wmmixer patches 2011-07-13 11:38:14 +02:00

wmmixer - A mixer designed for WindowMaker
25 June 2002  Release 1.5

Copyright (C) 1998  Sam Hawker <shawkie@geocities.com>
Copyright (C) 2002  Gordon Fraser <gordon@debian.org>

This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This software is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions
See the COPYING file for details.

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


Original Author: Sam Hawker <shawkie@geocities.com>
Current Author: Gordon Fraser <gordon@debian.org>


Users can configure wmmixer to suit their requirements by means of a ~/.wmmixer
file. A commented example is supplied, and would be a good starting point.

cp home.wmmixer ~/.wmmixer


You can access all the channels on your soundcard's mixer with wmmixer. Most
common channels are identified with an appropriate icon.
Controls include a stereo (mono where appropriate) volume control and a recording
source toggle button.

Press the "<" and ">" arrow buttons to select a channel.
The icon identifies the current channel (a volume symbol with a question mark
represents an unrecognised channel).
Click and/or drag the volume display to set channel volume.
There is a also a button to set recording sources.

See the program's manpage ('man wmmixer') for detailed listings of the
available options.

As of version 1.5 wmmixer allows shading the volume bar in two colours.
If you do not want this and prefer the traditional single-coloured
look, you'll have to tell wmmixer to use the same colour for high and
low colours:

$ wmmixer -l green -L green
...this will give you the traditional look.

$ wmmixer -l lightgreen -L blue
...this is an example for the new look. By default, green is used for low volume
settings and fade to red for high volumes.

(thanks to tygris@erols.com)

This release includes in a new command line option.
The effect this has is to enable shape support (it implies "-s"), and
to reduce the size of the window to 56x56 pixels.
The "-position position" option has also been added, so you can push
wmcdplay off the edge of the screen while it gets swallowed.
To put wmmixer in your Wharf, add the following line in the appropriate
part of your .steprc

*Wharf wmmixer nil MaxSwallow "wmmixer" wmmixer -a -g -0-0 &

It is also possible (by editing and recompiling the afterstep sources),
to make Wharf handle the new 56x56 pixel window properly - yes, I add
an option to use a 56x56 pixel window, even though the AfterStep Wharf
really wants 55x57 pixel ones.

I am told (by tygris@erols.com):

"Locate Wharf.c (or is it Wharf.cc?)  Should be in
AfterStep-1.0/modules/Wharf.  Locate this:

            if (Buttons[button].maxsize) {
              Buttons[button].icons[0].w = 55;
              Buttons[button].icons[0].h = 57;

and change the 55 and 57 to 56's.  Save and compile."