Here it is, just what you always wanted -- tetris for the dock. To install, type make or something. I started with the wmapm code and made just enough changes to make it play tetris and not show your laptop's battery status. So if you want actual documentation, refer to the files that come with wmapm. This is commercial software. If you decide to keep it after your 21 day evaluation period, you are required by law to send me the registration fee of $899 U.S. Failure to promptly transfer these funds may result in criminal prosecution for violation of U.S. copyright law and Bill Gates will shake is finger at you and condemn you as a thief of "intellectual property". WMTETRIS IS PROVIDED "AS IS", AND COMES WITH NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTEES OF NOT MAKING YOU FEEL LIKE A JERK FOR DOWNLOADING CRAPPY SOFTWARE, AND OF NOT CAUSING A CULT FOLLOWING TO DEVELOP ;-). Comments, questions, and psychiatric referrals to