.\"             -*-Nroff-*-
.TH wmnet 1x "4 May 2000"
wmnet \- an IP accounting monitoring tool
.B wmnet
.RB [\| -h,--help \|]
.RB [\| -v,--version \|]
.RB [\| -T,--txrule=\fINUM \|]
.RB [\| -R,--rxrule=\fINUM \|]
.RB [\| -l,--logscale \|]
.RB [\| -t,--txcolor=\fICOLOR \|]
.RB [\| -r,--rxcolor=\fICOLOR \|]
.RB [\| -d\ \fIDELAY \|]
.RB [\| -x,--maxrate=\fIBYTES \|]
.RB [\| -F,--labelfg=\fICOLOR \|]
.RB [\| -B,--labelbg=\fICOLOR \|]
.RB [\| -L,--label=\fILABEL \|]
.RB [\| -e,--execute=\fICOMMAND \|]
.RB [\| -p,--promisc=\fIDEVICE \|]
.RB [\| -u,--unpromisc=\fIDEVICE \|]
.RB [\| -w,--withdrawn\ |\ -n,--normalstate \|]
.RB [\| -D,--driver=\fIDRIVER \|]
.RB [\| -W,--device=\fIDEVICE \|]
\fBwmnet\fP polls network statistics and does a few things with
the data it gets.  It has small blinking lights for the rx and tx of IP
packets, a digital speedometer of your networks current
speed and a bar graph like xload plotting your throughput. It
has a tx speed graph from bottom-up and rx speed graph from the top-down.
The speedometer keeps track of the current speed per second and shows
it in a color corresponding to which of rx or tx that has the highest
speed at the moment.  Also, the graph is drawn in a way that the highest
speed is drawn on top of the other while the other is in the background.
.B \-h,--help
displays a brief help message
.B -v,--version
displays version information
.B \-T,--txrule=\fINUM or NAME
in the case of the ipfwadm driver, this is the accounting rule number
to monitor for tx.  For the ipchains driver, this is the chain name to
.B \-R,--rxrule=\fINUM or NAME
in the case of the ipfwadm driver, this is the accounting rule number
to monitor for rx.  For the ipchains, this is the chain name to watch.
.B \-t,--txcolor=\fICOLOR
specifies the tx color
.B \-r,--rxcolor=\fICOLOR
specifies the rx color
.B \-x,--maxrate=\fIBYTES
maximum transfer rate for graph scale. Defaults to 6000, which should
be in the right area for modem connections.  The key is to experiment
with this setting and the --logscale option to get the kind of graph
that fits your connection type.  A general rule of thumb is to set this
to 4 to 5 times greater than your maximum throughput.  The author finds
using --logscale and --maxrate=10000000 to work nicely for the entire range
of his dorms ethernet based connection to the internet.

.B \-l,--logscale
sets logarithmic scale, which is good for fast connections.  This will 
allow, for example, the graph still being informative at extremely low
speeds (telnet), and extremely fast speeds (local FTP) simultaneously
without the scale constantly being blank or solid at those respective
.B -L,--label=\fILABEL
prints a given text label on the bottom of the window  
.B -F,--labelfg=\fICOLOR
specifies the color for the text of the label
.B -B,--labelbg=\fICOLOR
specifies the color for the background of the label text
.B --withdrawn 
.B --normalstate
sets the initial state of wmnet.  WMnet tries to automatically determine which
state to start up in by starting up in withdrawn state if a WindowMaker
defined atom is present, and in normalstate otherwise.  This behavior is
overriden by specifying one of these options.
.B -e,--execute=\fICOMMAND
executes \fICOMMAND \fPon a single click from button 1 (left mouse button).
.B -u,--unpromisc=\fIDEVICE
.B -p,--promisc=\fIDEVICE
put \fIDEVICE \fPin promiscuous mode to start applying accounting rules to all
network packets on your network segment.  You either need to be root or
have the wmnet binary suid root to use this feature.  This option may be
given more than once on the command line to specify more than one device.  
.B \-d \fIDELAY
delay time for polling /proc/net/ip_account (in
microseconds). Defaults to 25000, that is 0.025 seconds, or 40 Hz
.B -D,--driver=\fIDRIVER
use \fIDRIVER \fP to get the stats we monitor.  Compiled in drivers can be listed
with the -h switch.  
.B -W,--device=\fIDEVICE
watch statistics for \fIDEVICE \fP.  This option is only used for certain
stat drivers, namely: kmem, devstats, and pppstats.  The ipchains and ipfwadm
stat drivers do not use this parameter. 
wmnet uses different stat drivers to get the stats it needs to monitor your
network.  Exactly what drivers are available is determined at compile time.  The
driver wmnet ultimately uses at runtime is dependent on your system.  There
are 4 drivers specific to Linux and 1 to *BSD.  The driver used can be overridden
by the --driver option.  The available drivers are \fIpppstats, devstats, ipfwadm,
ipchains\fP and \fIkmem\fP.
.B pppstats
this driver works on Linux 2.0 or Linux 2.1 for ONLY ppp type devices.  
Specify the \fI--device\fP option for the interface to monitor.  By default it
uses interface ppp0.  Please note, that if the ppp device is not available or active, wmnet
will continue to try in the hopes that it is only temporarily offline.
.B devstats
use this driver on Linux 2.1 kernels for any interface.  Pass the \fI--device\fP option
for the device you want monitored, otherwise, the default is eth0.  This will be available
for ONLY Linux 2.1 kernels and will always be there on those kernels.
.B ipfwadm
use this driver on Linux 2.0 kernels compiled with IP accounting.  It won't work on Linux 2.1.
You'll also need to specify the \fI--txrule\fP and \fI--rxrule\fP options.  By default, wmnet uses
the first two rules it finds.
.B ipchains
this driver will only work in Linux 2.1 kernels with IP chains compiled in.  You'll want to also
specify the \fI--txrule\fP and \fI--rxrule\fP options and specify the chain names.  By default it
uses the chains "acctin" and "acctout" 
There must be at least one rule on the named ipchain, if there is more
than one rule in the specified chain, it uses the first.  The chain
must not immediately return to the parent chain, it has to pass through a rule first.
Otherwise, the kernel will not collect the stats we need.
.B kmem
this driver is available on FreeBSD and OpenBSD systems and must be passed
a device through the \fI--device\fP option.  By default, it uses ec0 but
will accept any valid device name.
.I /proc/net/ip_acct /proc/net/dev /proc/net/ipchains
kernel net accounting information
\fBwmnet\fP was created by \fIJesse B. Off <joff@iastate.edu>\fP and is
maintained by \fIKatharine Osborne <kaos@digitalkaos.net>\fP.

This manpange was originally written by \fIMarcelo Magallon
<mmagallo@debian.org>\fP for the \fIDebian Project\fP, and is GNU
Copyright 1998 Marcelo Magallon and later modifed by \fIJesse Off\fP
and \fIKatharine Osborne\fP for WMnet versions 1.05 and above.
.BR wmaker (1x)