.TH wmix 1x "2.2" "Fredrik Steen" .SH NAME wmix \- Dockapp mixer for OSS or ALSA . .SH SYNOPSIS wmix [\fI\-h\fP] .br wmix \fI\-f\fP <\fIfile\fP> . .SH DESCRIPTION Dockapp mixer for OSS or ALSA. Allows toggling record source, muting individual channels, adjusting volume and balance, all in a compact dockapp size, with TV\-like on\-screen\-display for volume levels. .LP Supports mousewheel to adjust current channelvolume and can be controlled remotely with SIGUSR1 / SIGUSR2 to adjust the volume. Keeps a simple configuration file for user\-defined settings. . .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-h\fR Display list of command\-line options. .TP \fB\-f\fR <\fIfile\fP> use alternate config file . .SH FILES .LP See \fI/usr/share/doc/wmix/README.gz\fP for more information . .SH AUTHORS This man page was written by Fredrik Steen for the Debian distribution. .PP wmix was written by Tim, timecop