Compiling and installing wmisdn: -------------------------------- 1. Change to the directory containing the wmisdn source 2. Type "make" 3. Copy the wmisdn binary to a directory of your choice or Type "make install" - this puts wmisdn into /usr/local/sbin 4. Type "make clean" to clean the source directory NOTE : In order to operate properly, wmisdn must have access to /dev/isdnctrl and /dev/isdninfo. There are two ways to grant this access, both of which require root privileges: I. The simple method: 1. Login as root 2. Change to the directory where the wmisdn binary resides 3. Type "chown root.root wmisdn" 4. Type "chmod +s wmisdn" II. The secure method: 1. Login as root 2. Create a group called net (or whatever name you like) 3. Add the accounts, that should be able to use wmisdn (and generally dial out or controll the isdn connection in some other way), to this group 4. Type "chgrp net /dev/isdninfo /dev/isdnctrl* /sbin/isdnctrl" 5. Type "chmod g=rw /dev/isdninfo /dev/isdnctrl*" I recommend the second method, since it protects your systems against bug exploits in wmisdn (I hope they don't exist, but I can't guarantee that to 100%). It is the method recommended by Tom Berger on his site "" (/connect/cisdn2.html). wmisdn currently compiles only under Linux. I have tested it on * SuSE 6.0 - Kernel 2.0.36, glibc 2.0.7, XFree 3.3.4 * SuSE 6.2 - Kernel 2.2.10, glibc 2.1, XFree 3.3.4 It has been reported to work on RedHat and Mandrake systems too and should actually compile and run on every Linux system with the kernel includes and isdn4linux on it. If you use WindowMaker, useful options for the info panel of the extended look are: NoTitlebar = Yes; NoResizebar = Yes; NoCloseButton = Yes; NoMiniaturizeButton = Yes; Omnipresent = Yes; SkipWindowList = Yes; You can set those in Windowmaker or in any other window manager that supports them. Quite a shame, but I still haven't found an X function that sets those attributes. I'd appreciate a mail if there is such function.