WMAPM-3.1 release -------------------------------------------------------------- Authors....: wmapm was originally written by Chris D. Faulhaber <jedgar@fxp.org>. Version 3.0 modifications due to Michael G. Henderson <mghenderson@lanl.gov> Credits...: Rik Faith <faith@cs.unc.edu> for his implementation of libapm with respect to Linux APM support. Martijm Pieterse <pieterse@xs4all.nl> and Antoine Nulle <warp@xs4all.nl> for a great (and somewhat standardised interface) which I used as a template (wmmon.app and wmgeneral). Thanx to..: Brice Ruth <bruth@ltic.com> for the corrections pertaining to the 100% bug (err...feature). Timecop <timecop@linuxwarez.com> for corrections to fix the meter mismatch. William M. Perry - Added Solaris support. Also, thanks to the following for various bug fixes, patches and/or suggestions; ObiTuarY MATSUBAYASHI 'Shaolin' Kohji" Fumihiko Nishio Description -------------------------------------------------------------- WMAPM monitors the APM statistics through the APM support in the Linux and FreeBSD Kernels. This information, presented in a nice visual format, can be invaluable on laptops (as I have found in my recent/continual travels as a Field Engineer for a small computer hardware manufacturer). WMAPM compiles successfully on both 2.0.x and 2.1.1xx kernels using libc5 and libc6 (glibc2), and on FreeBSD 3.x-RELEASE/ FreeBSD-3.x-STABLE. WMAPM currently provides: * Status of power supply (battery or AC); * Percentage of battery remaining (numeric and meter); * Battery charging status; * Time left to battery depletion; * High/Low/Critical battery status (Red/Yellow/Green); Files -------------------------------------------------------------- README This file. INSTALL Installation instructions. HINTS Hints about what you can do with WMAPM. BUGS Things you don't want to know ;-) CHANGES Description of changes. COPYING GNU General Public License Version 2. TODO Stuff I've planned for future WMAPM releases. Bugs -------------------------------------------------------------- If you discover any bugs in this software, please send a bugreport to jedgar@fxp.org and describe the problem as as detailed as you can. Copyright -------------------------------------------------------------- WMAPM.app is copyright (c)1998,1999 by Chris D. Faulhaber and licensed through the GNU General Public License. Read the COPYING file for the complete GNU license. Other -------------------------------------------------------------- You are free to distribute this application per the GNU General Public License; however, if this package is distributed (through source and/or binary) in a larger package (e.g. Linux distribution), I would appreciate a copy (mostly to gloat as to where my apps have been distributed :).