#include "config.h" /* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch <anomie@users.sourceforge.net> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <math.h> #if TM_IN_SYS_TIME # if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME # include <sys/time.h> # include <time.h> # else # if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include <sys/time.h> # else # include <time.h> # endif # endif #else #include <time.h> #endif #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "convert.h" /* * To indicate unavailable data * 999 is used for temperature * x<0 is used for rh, pressure, and windspeed */ /* Calculations */ int rh_C(int temp_C, int dewpt_C){ float f; if(temp_C==999 || dewpt_C==999) return 999; f=1782.75*(dewpt_C-temp_C)/((237.7+dewpt_C)*(237.7+temp_C)); return round(pow(10, f+2)); } int rh_F(int temp_F, int dewpt_F){ float f; if(temp_F==999 || dewpt_F==999) return 999; f=3208.95*(dewpt_F-temp_F)/((395.86+dewpt_F)*(395.86+temp_F)); return round(pow(10, f+2)); } int heatindex_C(int temp_C, int rh){ #if 1 if(temp_C==999 || temp_C<21 || rh<0) return 999; return heatindex_F(temp_C2F(temp_C), rh); #else int temp2, rh2; if(temp_C==999 || temp_C<38 || rh<0) return 999; temp2=temp_C*temp_C; rh2=rh*rh; return round(16.18754948 + 2.900509394*temp_C - 0.0221545692*temp2 + 4.20938791*rh - 0.26300889*temp_C*rh + 0.0039811176*temp2*rh - 0.02956469*rh2 + 0.001305828*temp_C*rh2 - 6.4476e-06*temp2*rh2); #endif } int heatindex_F(int temp_F, int rh){ int temp2, temp3, rh2, rh3; if(temp_F==999 || temp_F<70 || rh<0) return 999; temp2=temp_F*temp_F; temp3=temp2*temp_F; rh2=rh*rh; rh3=rh2*rh; return round(16.923 + .185212*temp_F + 5.37941*rh - .100254*temp_F*rh + (9.41695e-3)*temp2 + (7.28898e-3)*rh2 + (3.45372e-4)*temp2*rh - (8.14971e-4)*temp_F*rh2 + (1.02102e-5)*temp2*rh2 - (3.8646e-5)*temp3 + (2.91583e-5)*rh3 + (1.42721e-6)*temp3*rh + (1.97483e-7)*temp_F*rh3 - (2.18429e-8)*temp3*rh2 + (8.43296e-10)*temp2*rh3 - (4.81975e-11)*temp3*rh3); #if 0 return round(-42.379 + 2.04901523*temp_F + 10.14333127*rh - 0.22475541*temp_F*rh - .00683783*temp2 - .05481717*rh2 + .00122874*temp2*rh + .00085282*temp_F*rh2 - .00000199*temp2*rh2); #endif } int windchill_C(int temp_C, int windspeed){ if(temp_C==999 || windspeed<0) return 999; return windchill_F(temp_C2F(temp_C), windspeed); } int windchill_F(int temp_F, int windspeed){ double ret; if(temp_F==999 || windspeed<0) return 999; ret=35.74 + 0.6215*temp_F + (-35.75 + 0.4275*temp_F)*pow(windspeed*50292/57875.0, 0.16); if(ret>temp_F) return temp_F; return round(ret); } /* Length Conversions */ int in2cm(int in){ if(in<0) return in; return round(in*2.54); } float m2mi(int meters){ if(meters<0) return meters; return meters*125/201168; } /* Windspeed Conversions */ int knots2mph(int knots){ if(knots<0) return knots; return round(knots*57875/50292.0); } int knots2kph(int knots){ if(knots<0) return knots; return round(knots*463/250.0); } int kph2knots(int kph){ if(kph<0) return kph; return round(kph*250/463.0); } int knots2mps(int knots){ if(knots<0) return knots; return round(knots*463/900.0); } int mps2knots(int mps){ if(mps<0) return mps; return round(mps*900/463.0); } int knots2beaufort(int knots){ if(knots<0) return knots; if(knots<1) return 0; if(knots<=3) return 1; if(knots<=6) return 2; if(knots<=10) return 3; if(knots<=16) return 4; if(knots<=21) return 5; if(knots<=27) return 6; if(knots<=33) return 7; if(knots<=40) return 8; if(knots<=47) return 9; if(knots<=55) return 10; if(knots<=63) return 11; return 12; } /* Temperature Conversions */ int temp_C2F(int temp_C){ if(temp_C==999) return 999; return round(temp_C*9/5.0+32); } int temp_F2C(int temp_F){ if(temp_F==999) return 999; return round((temp_F-32)*5/9.0); } /* Pressure Conversions */ float inHg2mmHg(float inHg){ if(inHg<0) return inHg; return inHg*25.4; } float inHg2hPa(float inHg){ if(inHg<0) return inHg; return inHg*33.8639; } float inHg2atm(float inHg){ if(inHg<0) return inHg; return inHg*.033421052632; } float hPa2inHg(float hPa){ if(hPa<0) return hPa; return hPa/33.8639; } /* Time Conversions */ /* NOTE: y%400==100 because y=year-1900 */ #define is_leap(y) (y%4==0 && (y%100!=0 || y%400==100)) /* mktime for UTC, more or less. * Differences: * - no range checking * - never recalculates tm_wday or tm_yday */ time_t mkgmtime(struct tm *tm){ static long msec[]={0, 2678400, 5097600, 7776000, 10368000, 13046400, 15638400, 18316800, 20995200, 23587200, 26265600, 28857600}; time_t t; int i; t=0; if(tm->tm_year>70){ for(i=70; i<tm->tm_year; i++){ t+=31536000; if(is_leap(i)) t+=86400; } } else if(tm->tm_year<70){ for(i=69; i>=tm->tm_year; i--){ t-=31536000; if(is_leap(i)) t-=86400; } } t+=msec[tm->tm_mon]; if(tm->tm_mon>1 && is_leap(tm->tm_year)) t+=86400; t+=(((tm->tm_mday-1)*24+tm->tm_hour)*60+tm->tm_min)*60+tm->tm_sec; return t; } int utc2local(int hm, int *month, int *day, int *year, int *wday){ time_t t=time(NULL); struct tm *tm; tm=gmtime(&t); tm->tm_hour=hm/100; tm->tm_min=hm%100; if(month!=NULL && *month!=-1) tm->tm_mon=*month-1; if(day!=NULL && *day!=-1) tm->tm_mday=*day; if(year!=NULL && *year!=-1) tm->tm_year=*year; t=mkgmtime(tm); tm=localtime(&t); if(month!=NULL) *month=tm->tm_mon+1; if(day!=NULL) *day=tm->tm_mday; if(year!=NULL) *year=tm->tm_year; if(wday!=NULL) *wday=tm->tm_wday; return tm->tm_hour*100+tm->tm_min; } int local2utc(int hm, int *month, int *day, int *year, int *wday){ time_t t=time(NULL); struct tm *tm; tm=localtime(&t); tm->tm_hour=hm/100; tm->tm_min=hm%100; if(month!=NULL && *month!=-1) tm->tm_mon=*month-1; if(day!=NULL && *day!=-1) tm->tm_mday=*day; if(year!=NULL && *year!=-1) tm->tm_year=*year; t=mktime(tm); tm=gmtime(&t); if(month!=NULL) *month=tm->tm_mon+1; if(day!=NULL) *day=tm->tm_mday; if(year!=NULL) *year=tm->tm_year; if(wday!=NULL) *wday=tm->tm_wday; return tm->tm_hour*100+tm->tm_min; } void fix_date(int *month, int *day, int *year, int *wday){ time_t t=time(NULL); struct tm *tm; tm=gmtime(&t); if(month!=NULL && *month!=-1) tm->tm_mon=*month-1; if(day!=NULL && *day!=-1) tm->tm_mday=*day; if(year!=NULL && *year!=-1) tm->tm_year=*year; t=mkgmtime(tm); tm=gmtime(&t); if(month!=NULL) *month=tm->tm_mon+1; if(day!=NULL) *day=tm->tm_mday; if(year!=NULL) *year=tm->tm_year; if(wday!=NULL) *wday=tm->tm_wday; } int hm2min(int hm){ return hm/100*60+hm%100; } /* Letter Case (destructive!) */ char *str_upper(char *str){ char *c; for(c=str; *c!='\0'; c++){ *c=toupper(*c); } return str; } char *str_lower(char *str){ char *c; for(c=str; *c!='\0'; c++){ *c=tolower(*c); } return str; } /* Angle conversions */ /* Convert radian angle to degrees */ double rad2deg(double angle) { return 180.0*angle/PI; } /* Convert degree angle to radians */ double deg2rad(double angle) { return PI*angle/180.0; } /* Date conversions */ /* Numerical day-of-year from month, day and year */ int mdy2doy(int mn, int dy, int y) { return 275*mn/9 - ((y%4==0 && (y%100!=0 || y%400==100))?1:2)*(mn + 9)/12 + dy-30; } /* Julian day from month/day/year */ double mdy2jd(int year, int month, int day) { int A, B; year+=1900; if (month <= 2) { year -= 1; month += 12; } A=year/100; B=2 - A + A/4; return (int)(365.25*(year + 4716)) + (int)(30.6001*(month+1)) + day + B - 1524.5; } /* convert Julian Day to centuries since J2000.0. */ double jd2jcent(double jd) { return (jd - 2451545.0)/36525.0; } /* convert centuries since J2000.0 to Julian Day. */ double jcent2jd(double t) { return t * 36525.0 + 2451545.0; } /* Lat/Long conversions */ static double parse_dd_or_dms(char *s, char **e){ double deg; *e=s; if(strchr(s, 'x') || strchr(s, 'X')) return NAN; if(!strchr(s, '\'')){ if(!isdigit(*s) && *s!='.') return NAN; return strtod(s, e); } if(!isdigit(*s)) return NAN; deg=strtol(s, e, 10); if(*e==s || *e==NULL || **e!='\'') return deg; s=++(*e); if(!isdigit(*s)) return deg; deg+=strtol(s, e, 10)/60.0; if(*e==s || *e==NULL || **e!='\'') return deg; s=++(*e); if(!isdigit(*s) && *s!='.') return NAN; deg+=strtod(s, e)/3600.0; if(*e!=s && *e!=NULL && **e=='\'') (*e)++; return deg; } int str2dd(char *s, double *lat, double *lon){ char *e; int dir=0; char c; c=toupper(*s); if(c=='+' || c=='N'){ s++; dir=1; } if(c=='-' || c=='S'){ s++; dir=-1; } *lat=parse_dd_or_dms(s, &e); if(isnan(*lat) || e==NULL || e==s || *e=='\0') return 0; if(!dir){ c=toupper(*e); if(c=='N') dir=1; if(c=='S') dir=-1; if(dir) e++; } if(dir<0) *lat=-*lat; while(isspace(*e)) e++; if(*e=='\0') return 0; s=e; dir=0; c=toupper(*s); if(c=='+' || c=='W'){ s++; dir=1; } if(c=='-' || c=='E'){ s++; dir=-1; } *lon=parse_dd_or_dms(s, &e); if(isnan(*lon) || e==s) return 0; if(e==NULL || *e=='\0') return 1; if(dir==0){ c=toupper(*e); if(c=='W') dir=1; if(c=='E') dir=-1; if(dir!=0) e++; } if(dir<0) *lon=-*lon; return (*e=='\0'); }