Installation instructions for WMTime.

Nothing particular, but a computer might come in handy doh ;-)

1)  % tar -zxvf wmtime-1.1.tar.gz
2)  % cd wmtime/wmtime
3)* xmkmf -a (for *BSD systems needed only!).
4)  % make
5)  % make install (as root)

6)* WMTime uses month and weekday abbreviations from the
    currently set locale.  If these abbreviations do not
    use Latin alphabet characters, then WMTime defaults to

    You may change this behavior by setting the LANG
    environment variable, e.g.,

    % LANG=es_MX.UTF-8 wmtime

7)* This Imakefile was kindly donated by Pascal Hofstede but
    untested by the authors because we don't have a *BSD box
    to test and try it out... we're working on generic
    Imakefiles though ;-)

Be sure to read the HINTS and TODO files too!