Known 'features and easter eggs' in WMMon, (or in non M$ talk, BUGS). WMMon 1.0b2 -------------------------------------------------------------- * CPU usage is now normal again, except SysInfo mode, SysInfo mode consumes about 1.6% CPU still :( ; * On some systems the MEM and SWP gfx are 'eaten'; * On some systems the MEM & SWP gauge seems dead, hopefully this is solved now, but we'll notice if this is not so ;) * GUI also cycles mode when clicking in the loadgraph area, should only happen when mode gadget is clicked; WMMon 1.0b1 -------------------------------------------------------------- * CPU usage is still too high (yes, i'm a whiner > warp); * GUI jumps back to the default CPU display if monitoring Disk I/O and/or System Info when you stop/restart X; * No real bugs in WMMon so far, mostly unfinished business ;)