#ifndef _WMCLIPHIST_H_ #define _WMCLIPHIST_H_ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define VERSION 0x0003 #define DEF_LOCKED_COLOR "red" #define DEF_MENUKEY "Control+Alt+V" #define DEF_PREV_ITEM_KEY "Control+Alt+C" #define DEF_EXEC_ITEM_KEY "Control+Alt+E" #define MAX_ITEM_LENGTH 40 /* ========================================================================== * CLIPBOARD FUNCTIONS */ /* history item */ typedef struct { GtkWidget *menu_item; gint locked; gchar *content; GtkWidget *menu; } HISTORY_ITEM; /* number of items to keep (may be overriden from command line) */ extern gint num_items_to_keep; /* when true, clipboard will be automatically taken up by wmcliphist */ extern gint auto_take_up; /* number of items kept */ extern gint num_items; /* list of clipboard history items */ extern GList *history_items; /* selected item */ extern HISTORY_ITEM *selected; /* current number of locked items */ extern gint locked_count; #ifdef DEBUG #define dump_history_list(header) dump_history_list_fn(header) #else #define dump_history_list(header) #endif /* * get clipboard content - partialy inspired by Downloader for X */ gboolean my_get_xselection(GtkWidget *window, GdkEvent *event); /* * clipboard conversion - inspired by Downloader for X too :) */ gboolean time_conv_select(); /* * handles request for selection from other apps */ gint selection_handle(GtkWidget *widget, GtkSelectionData *selection_data, guint info, guint time_stamp, gpointer data); /* ========================================================================== * RC CONFIG */ /* action record */ typedef struct { regex_t expression; enum { ACT_EXEC, ACT_SUBMENU, ACT_IGNORE } action; char *command; GtkWidget *menu_item; GtkWidget *submenu; } ACTION; extern GList *action_list; /* * returns config/data file name in user's home */ char * rcconfig_get_name(char *append); /* * read and parse rcconfig */ int rcconfig_get(char *fname); /* * free rcconfig data */ void rcconfig_free(); /* ========================================================================== * GUI */ /* error codes */ #define E_BASE 10000 #define E_OPEN (E_BASE | 1) #define E_INVALID (E_BASE | 2) #define E_REMOVE (E_BASE | 3) #define E_TOO_MUCH (E_BASE | 4) #define E_WRITE (E_BASE | 5) #define E_RENAME (E_BASE | 6) /* * process new history item */ void process_item(char *content, gint locked, gboolean exec); /* ========================================================================== * HISTORY FUNCTIONS */ /* * autosave period */ extern int autosave_period; /* * confirm actions? */ extern int confirm_exec; /* * Exec immediately when item is captured? */ extern int exec_immediately; /* * move supplied item to begin */ void move_item_to_begin(HISTORY_ITEM *item); /* * Execute an item. */ void exec_item(char *content, ACTION *action); /* * loads history from file */ int history_load(gboolean dump_only); /* * store history to file */ int history_save(); /* * free history data */ void history_free(); /* * autosave timer function */ gboolean history_autosave(); /* ========================================================================== * HOTKEYS */ /* hotkeys */ extern gchar menukey_str[32]; extern guint menukey; extern gchar prev_item_key_str[32]; extern gchar exec_item_key_str[32]; /* * Exec on hotkey? */ extern int exec_hotkey; /* * initialize hotkeys */ void hotkeys_init(); /* * disable hotkeys */ void hotkeys_done(); /* ========================================================================== * GUI */ /* color of locked item */ extern gchar locked_color_str[32]; extern GdkColor locked_color; extern GtkStyle *style_locked, *style_normal; extern gint submenu_count; /* * Exec on middle click? */ extern int exec_middleclick; /* main window widget */ extern GtkWidget *main_window; /* dock icon widget */ extern GtkWidget *dock_app; /* clipboard history menu */ extern GtkWidget *menu_hist; extern GtkWidget *menu_title; /* application menu */ extern GtkWidget *menu_app; extern GtkWidget *menu_app_clip_ignore; extern GtkWidget *menu_app_clip_lock; extern GtkWidget *menu_app_exit; extern GtkWidget *menu_app_save; /* button */ extern GtkWidget *button; /* pixmap */ extern GtkWidget *pixmap; extern GdkPixmap *icon; extern GdkBitmap *icon_mask; extern GdkBitmap *mask; /* * dock button click response */ gboolean button_press(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data); /* * checks, if there is already such item in menu, * in which case it moves it to the begining */ HISTORY_ITEM * menu_item_exists(gchar *content, GtkWidget *submenu); /* * add new item to menu */ HISTORY_ITEM * menu_item_add(gchar *content, gint locked, GtkWidget *target_menu); /* * application main menu handler */ gboolean menu_app_item_click(GtkWidget *menuitem, gpointer data); /* * open dialog with specified message andbuttons * and return number of button pressed */ gint show_message(gchar *message, char *title, char *b1_text, char *b2_text, char *b3_text); /* ========================================================================== * UTILITIES */ gchar * from_utf8(gchar *string); #endif