Hints for WMMon Generic -------------------------------------------------------------- WMMon supports 5 commandline options: -h (help); -v (prints); -d (display); -i (startup in DiskI/O mode); -s (startup in SysInfo mode); WMMon can lauch 3 user definable commands for left, middle and right mouse button clicks, which you can define in ~/.wmmonrc, left: mycommand-1 & middle: mycommand-2 & right: mycommand-3 & If wmmon detects a ~/.wmmonrc file, it will launch your defined command(s) when you click in the average load display area. WMMon can cycle in realtime between CPU, Disk I/O and the SysInfo displays by simply left clicking on the upperleft gadget (which displays CPU info by default). Be sure to drag WMMon on it's outer edges, WMMon is a bit picky due to the large gfx pixmap it keeps ;-) WindowMaker -------------------------------------------------------------- WindowMaker users simply drag and drop the WMMon dock.app on the WindowMaker Dock (preferred) or on the Fiend and select 'autolaunch' from the rightmouse button popupmenu. Afterstep -------------------------------------------------------------- Afterstep users put the following in their .steprc "Wharf wmmon - MaxSwallow "wmmon" wmmon &". Note: AfterStep's Wharf has a problem with pixmaps that are larger than 60x60 pixels. Please tell the AfterStep authors to fix this, this is not our fault, but a Wharf problem! Other WindowManagers -------------------------------------------------------------- For other windowmanagers, WMMon runs nicely as a 64x64 shaped icon on your desktop.