/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <limits.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <time.h> #include <math.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <getopt.h> #ifdef ENABLE_HDDTEMP_QUERY #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netdb.h> #endif #define GLOBALS_HERE #include "global.h" #include "wmhdplop.h" uid_t euid, uid; void update_swap_matrix(App *app) { SwapMatrix *sm = &app->sm; unsigned i; int col,row; unsigned sw_in = ceil(get_swapin_throughput()*4), sw_out = ceil(get_swapout_throughput()*4); for (i=0; i < sw_in+sw_out; i++) { col = rand() % sm->ncol; row = rand() % sm->nrow; if (sm->intensity[row][col] == 0) { sm->pre_cnt[row][col] = rand() % 10; //(app->update_stats_mult); } sm->intensity[row][col] = app->swap_matrix_lighting * ((i < sw_in) ? -1 : +1); } } void update_io_matrix_rw(App *app, float mbs, int op) { IOMatrix *io = &app->iom; IO_op_lst *l; if (mbs > 10000) mbs = 10000; /* very quick and ugly fix for the strange bug which only occurs in gkhdplop */ int bsz = MAX(SQR(16*64./(app->dock->w + app->dock->h)),2); /* 1024 for a 64x64 applet */ while (mbs>1e-5) { float v = MIN(mbs, bsz); /* a throughput > 1MB/s will create more than one spot */ mbs -= v; l = calloc(1,sizeof(*l)); assert(l); l->next = io->ops; l->n = (int)(log2f(1+v*1024)/10.); l->op = op; l->i = rand() % io->h; l->j = rand() % io->w; io->ops = l; } } void update_io_matrix(App *app) { update_io_matrix_rw(app, get_read_throughput(), OP_READ); update_io_matrix_rw(app, get_write_throughput(), OP_WRITE); } #define IOSCAL 32768 void evolve_io_matrix(App *app, DATA32 * __restrict buff) { IOMatrix *io = &app->iom; int i,j; int * __restrict pl, * __restrict tmp; IO_op_lst *o = io->ops, *po = NULL, *no; while (o) { io->v[o->i+1][o->j+1] = ((o->op == OP_READ) ? +50000000 : -50000000); no = o->next; if (--o->n <= 0) { if (po) { po->next = no; } else { io->ops = no; } free(o); } else po = po->next; o = no; } /* brain-dead diffusion */ pl = io->v[io->h+2]; int * __restrict l = io->v[io->h+3]; for (j=1; j < io->w+1; ++j) pl[j] = 0; for (i=1; i < io->h+1; ++i) { /* for (j=1; j < io->w+1; ++j) { l[j] = io->v[i][j]*0.99 + (io->v[i][j-1] + io->v[i][j+1] + pl[j] + io->v[i+1][j] - 4*io->v[i][j])/5.; } */ /* float *__restrict nl = io->v[i+1]+1; float *__restrict cl = io->v[i]; for (j=1; j < io->w+1; ++j, ++cl) { l[j] = (cl[1])*0.99 + (cl[0] + cl[2] + pl[j] + *nl++ - 4*cl[1])/5.; } */ int *__restrict dest; int *__restrict pn = io->v[i+1]+1; int *__restrict pc = io->v[i]+1; int *__restrict pp = pl+1; int pj,cj=0,nj=*pc++; for (j=0, dest=l+1, pj = 0.; j < io->w; ++j) { pj = cj; cj = nj; nj = *pc++; *dest = (cj * 37)/200 + (pj + nj + *pp++ + *pn++)/5; /* *dest = 99*(cj + (pj + nj + *pp++ + *pn++)/(4))/200; */ //} for (j=0, dest=l+1; j < io->w; ++j) { int v = (int)(*dest++ >> 10); if (v == 0) { *buff++ = io->cm.p[CMAPSZ/2]; continue; } if (v > CMAPSZ/4) { /* cheaper than a log(vv) ... */ v = MIN(CMAPSZ/4 + (v-CMAPSZ/4)/16,CMAPSZ/2-1); } else if (v < -CMAPSZ/4) { v = MAX(-CMAPSZ/4 + (v+CMAPSZ/4)/16,-CMAPSZ/2); } *buff++ = io->cm.p[v+CMAPSZ/2]; } tmp = pl; pl = io->v[i]; io->v[i] = l; l = tmp; io->v[io->h+2] = pl; io->v[io->h+3] = l; } } #if 0 static void draw_io_matrix(App *app, DATA32 * __restrict buff) { IOMatrix *io = &app->iom; int i,j; for (i=0; i < io->h; ++i) { for (j=0; j < io->w; ++j) { float vv = io->v[i+1][j+1]; int v = (int)(vv * 32768); //((int)ldexpf(vv,15)); /* (int)v*(2^15) */ //if (v == 0) continue; //if (v < 0) v*=3; /* write op are rare, so they are brighter .. */ if (v > CMAPSZ/4) { /* cheaper than a log(vv) ... */ v = MIN(CMAPSZ/4 + (v-CMAPSZ/4)/16,CMAPSZ/2-1); } else if (v < -CMAPSZ/4) { v = MAX(-CMAPSZ/4 + (v+CMAPSZ/4)/16,-CMAPSZ/2); } //assert(v+CMAPSZ/2>=0); //assert(v+CMAPSZ/2 < sizeof io->cm.p); *buff++ /*[j+i*io->w]*/ = io->cm.p[v+CMAPSZ/2]; } } } #endif void draw_swap_matrix(App *app) { SwapMatrix *sm = &app->sm; int rcnt[sm->nrow+1], ccnt[sm->ncol+1]; int row, col; int isswapping = 0; static int darkcnt = 0; memset(rcnt, 0, sizeof rcnt); memset(ccnt, 0, sizeof ccnt); for (row = 0; row < sm->nrow; row++) { for (col = 0; col < sm->ncol; col++) { if (sm->pre_cnt[row][col]>0) { isswapping = 1; sm->pre_cnt[row][col]--; } } } if (isswapping) darkcnt = MIN(darkcnt+1,7); else darkcnt = MAX(darkcnt-1, 0); /* darken everything */ if (darkcnt) { imlib_context_set_color(0, 0, 0, (darkcnt+1)*16); imlib_image_fill_rectangle(0, 0, app->dock->w, app->dock->h); } /* draw squares */ for (row = 0; row < sm->nrow; row++) { for (col = 0; col < sm->ncol; col++) { if (sm->intensity[row][col] && sm->pre_cnt[row][col]==0) { int v = sm->intensity[row][col]; v = (v * app->swap_matrix_luminosity)/(int)app->swap_matrix_lighting; rcnt[row ] = MAX(rcnt[row ],abs(v)); ccnt[col ] = MAX(ccnt[col ],abs(v)); rcnt[row+1] = MAX(rcnt[row+1],abs(v)); ccnt[col+1] = MAX(ccnt[col+1],abs(v)); //v = (v*155)/255; /*if (v > 0) imlib_context_set_color(100+v, 155-v, 155-v, 250); else imlib_context_set_color(0, 100-v, 0, 250);*/ if (v > 0) imlib_context_set_color(255, 50, 50, MIN(v+80,255)); else imlib_context_set_color(50, 255, 50, MIN(v+80,255)); imlib_image_fill_rectangle(row*sm->w+1,col*sm->w+1,sm->w-1,sm->w-1); if (sm->intensity[row][col] > 0) { sm->intensity[row][col]--; } else if (sm->intensity[row][col] < 0) { sm->intensity[row][col]++; } } } } /* draw lines */ for (row = 0; row < sm->nrow+1; row++) { if (rcnt[row]) { imlib_context_set_color(255, 255, 255, MIN(rcnt[row]*2/3, 255)); imlib_image_draw_line(row*sm->w,0,row*sm->w,app->dock->w,0); } } for (col = 0; col < sm->ncol+1; col++) { if (ccnt[col]) { imlib_context_set_color(255, 255, 255, MIN(ccnt[col]*2/3, 255)); imlib_image_draw_line(0,col*sm->w,app->dock->h,col*sm->w,0); } } } float f2celsius(float Tf) { return (5./9.)*(Tf-32.); } float celsius2f(float Tc) { return (9./5.)*Tc+32.; } static void query_hddtemp(App *app) { int fd; struct hostent *h; struct sockaddr_in addr; char buff[1024]; SET_VEC(app->disk_temperature, -1, 0, app->nb_hd); if ((h = gethostbyname("")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "gethostbyname(localhost) failed : %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } if ((fd = socket(h->h_addrtype, SOCK_STREAM,0)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "can't create socket : %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } memset(&addr,0,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(Prefs.hddtemp_port); addr.sin_addr.s_addr = ((struct in_addr*)(h->h_addr))->s_addr; if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof addr) < 0) { close(fd); fprintf(stderr,"can't connect to : %s\n", Prefs.hddtemp_port, strerror(errno)); #ifdef GKRELLM Prefs.enable_hddtemp = 0; #endif return; } int n = 0; do { int nn=read(fd,buff+n,MAX((int)(sizeof buff) - n,0)); if (nn <= 0) { if (nn < 0) n=nn; break; } n+=nn; } while (n != sizeof buff); BLAHBLAH(2,printf("n=%d, err=%s\n",n, strerror(errno))); if (n != -1) { char *s; DiskList *dl; int cnt; buff[MIN(n,(int)sizeof buff - 1)] = 0; for (dl = first_hd_in_list(), cnt = 0; dl; dl = next_hd_in_list(dl), cnt++) { if (dl->enable_hddtemp) { int found = 0; if ((s=strstr(buff, dl->dev_path))) { found = 1; s+= strlen(dl->name); } if (found) { s=strchr(s,'|'); if (s && ((s=strchr(s+1,'|')))) { int unit = 'C'; char *p = strchr(++s,'|'), oldv=0; if (p) { oldv = *p; if (*p && toupper(p[1]) == 'F') unit = 'F'; *p = 0; } BLAHBLAH(1,printf("temperature of '%s' : %s %c\n", dl->name, s, unit)); if (strcmp(s,"SLP") == 0) app->disk_temperature[cnt] = -2; else { int temp = atoi(s); if (unit == 'C' && Prefs.temperatures_unit == 'F') { temp = (int)(floor(celsius2f(temp)+.5)); } else if (unit == 'F' && Prefs.temperatures_unit == 'C') { temp = (int)(floor(f2celsius(temp)+.5)); } app->disk_temperature[cnt] = temp; } if (p) *p = oldv; /* or bug... */ } } else { ONLY_NTIMES(4,fprintf(stderr, "could not find device '%s' in the output of hddtemp: '%s'\n", dl->name, buff)); } } } } else { fprintf(stderr, "error with hddtemp: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } close(fd); } const char *power_mode_str(int m) { switch (m) { case HD_ACTIVE: return "active/idle"; case HD_STANDBY: return "standby"; case HD_SLEEP: return "sleep"; case HD_UNKNOWN: default: return "unknown/error"; } } void sethw(App *app, int lw, int lh, int pos, int *px, int *py, int *pw, int *ph) { *px = *py = 0; *pw = lw; *ph = lh; if (!(pos & (AL_RIGHT | AL_LEFT | AL_HCENTER))) *pw = app->dock->w; if (pos & AL_RIGHT) *px = app->dock->w - lw; else if (pos & AL_HCENTER) *px = (app->dock->w - lw)/2; else if (pos & AL_LEFT) *px = 0; else { *px = 0; *pw = app->dock->w; } if (pos & AL_BOTTOM) *py = app->dock->h - lh; else if (pos & AL_VCENTER) *py = (app->dock->h - lh)/2; else if (pos & AL_TOP) *py = 0; else { *py = 0; *ph = app->dock->h; } } static void my_imlib_text_draw(int x, int y, const char *s) { char s2[100]; snprintf(s2,100,"%s ",s); /* my imlib2 often forgets half of the last character... */ imlib_text_draw(x,y,s2); } int is_displayed(int hd_id, int part_id) { return (((hd_id == app->filter_hd) || (app->filter_hd == -1)) && ((part_id == app->filter_part) || (app->filter_part == -1))); } void change_displayed_hd(int dir) { DiskList *dl = find_id(app->filter_hd, app->filter_part); if (dl == NULL) { app->filter_hd = -1; app->filter_part = -1; dl = find_id(app->filter_hd, app->filter_part); assert(dl); } else if (dir > 0) { if (app->filter_hd == -1 && app->filter_part == -1) { app->filter_hd = -1; app->filter_part = 0; } else if (app->filter_hd == -1 && app->filter_part == 0) { app->filter_hd = first_dev_in_list()->hd_id; app->filter_part = -1; } else if (app->filter_hd != -1 && app->filter_part != -1) { DiskList *dl2 = dl->next; if (dl2) { if (dl2->hd_id == app->filter_hd) app->filter_part = dl2->part_id; else { app->filter_hd = dl2->hd_id; app->filter_part = -1; } } else { app->filter_hd = -1; app->filter_part = -1; } } else if (app->filter_hd != -1) { app->filter_part = dl->part_id; } else { app->filter_hd = dl->hd_id; } } else if (dir < 0) { /* very very bourin */ int ph, pph, pp, ppp; ph = app->filter_hd; pp = app->filter_part; do { pph = app->filter_hd; ppp = app->filter_part; change_displayed_hd(+1); } while (!(app->filter_hd == ph && app->filter_part == pp)); app->filter_hd = pph; app->filter_part = ppp; } app->displayed_hd_changed = 1; } void next_displayed_hd() { BLAHBLAH(1,printf("next_displayed_hd() : filter_hd=%d, filter_part=%d\n", app->filter_hd, app->filter_part)); change_displayed_hd(-1); init_stats(app->update_display_delay_ms*1e-3*app->update_stats_mult); } void prev_displayed_hd() { BLAHBLAH(1,printf("prev_displayed_hd() : filter_hd=%d, filter_part=%d\n", app->filter_hd, app->filter_part)); change_displayed_hd(+1); init_stats(app->update_display_delay_ms*1e-3*app->update_stats_mult); } const char *shorten_name(DiskList *dl) { static char s[8]; if (dl->name && strlen(dl->name)) { const char *p = dl->name; if (strchr(p,'/')) p = strrchr(p,'/')+1; if (strlen(p) == 0) p = dl->name; snprintf(s, sizeof s, "%s%s", dl->part_id ? " " : "", p); } else strncpy(s, dl->name, sizeof s); return s; } static void draw_hdlist(App *app) { if (Prefs.hdlist_pos == AL_NONE) return; DiskList *dl; int dev_cnt, hd_cnt, w; static int lw = -1, lh = -1, lx = -1, ly = -1, h = -1, reshape_cnt = 0; if (!app->smallfont) return; if (app->displayed_hd_changed) { lx = -1; app->displayed_hd_changed = 0; } imlib_context_set_font(app->smallfont); /* get dimensions */ if (lx == -1 || reshape_cnt != app->reshape_cnt) { int wtemp = 1; lw = 0; lh = 0; //printf("update : first displayed(%d) = %p\n", cnt, dl); for (dl = first_dev_in_list(), dev_cnt=hd_cnt=-1; dl; dl = dl->next) { if (dl->part_id == 0) ++hd_cnt; if (!is_displayed(dl->hd_id, dl->part_id)) continue; ++dev_cnt; imlib_get_text_size(shorten_name(dl),&w,&h); lw = MAX(w,lw); lh += h; } if (!Prefs.disable_hd_leds) { lw += 5; } if (Prefs.enable_hddtemp) imlib_get_text_size(" 000",&wtemp,&h); if (lw + wtemp > (int)(app->dock->w*2/3)) { lw = app->dock->w; } else lw += wtemp; sethw(app,lw,lh,Prefs.hdlist_pos,&lx,&ly,&lw,&lh); reshape_cnt = app->reshape_cnt; } imlib_context_set_color(100, 100, 100, 150); imlib_image_fill_rectangle(lx,ly,lw,lh); imlib_context_set_color(100, 100, 100, 200); imlib_image_draw_rectangle(lx-1,ly-1,lw+2,lh+2); for (dl = first_dev_in_list(), dev_cnt=hd_cnt=-1; dl; dl = dl->next) { if (dl->part_id==0) ++hd_cnt; if (!is_displayed(dl->hd_id, dl->part_id)) continue; ++dev_cnt; int x = lx, y = ly + lh - dev_cnt * h; if (!Prefs.disable_hd_leds) { if (dl->touched_r) { imlib_context_set_color(50, 255, 50, 25*dl->touched_r--); imlib_image_fill_rectangle(lx+1,y-5,3,3); } if (dl->touched_w) { imlib_context_set_color(255,100-10*dl->touched_w,100-10*dl->touched_w, 25*dl->touched_w - 1); dl->touched_w--; imlib_image_fill_rectangle(lx+1,y-9,3,3); } x += 5; } imlib_context_set_color(200, 255, 255, 200); my_imlib_text_draw(x,y-h,shorten_name(dl)); if (dl->part_id==0 && app->disk_temperature[hd_cnt] != -1) { char s[200]; if (app->disk_temperature[hd_cnt] != -2) { snprintf(s,200,"%d",app->disk_temperature[hd_cnt]); } else { strcpy(s,"SLP"); } imlib_get_text_size(s,&w,&h); x = lx + lw - w + ((app->disk_temperature[hd_cnt] != -2) ? -7 : -3); imlib_context_set_color(255, 250, 100, 255); my_imlib_text_draw(x, y-h, s); imlib_context_set_color(255, 255, 255, 200); /* below is a quick fix for the degree sign which is not drawn properly by recent release of imlib -- many thanks to Krzysztof Kotlenga for the patch */ //if (app->disk_temperature[hd_cnt] != -2) imlib_image_draw_ellipse(x+w+3, y - h + 2, 1, 1); //if (app->disk_temperature[hd_cnt] != -2) imlib_image_draw_ellipse(x+w+3, y - h + 2, 1, 1); /* imlib2 >= 1.1.1 workaround - imlib_image_draw_ellipse() can't properly draw circle with radius = 1 */ if (app->disk_temperature[hd_cnt] != -2) { /*ImlibPolygon poly; poly = imlib_polygon_new(); imlib_polygon_add_point(poly, x+w+3, y-h+3); imlib_polygon_add_point(poly, x+w+2, y-h+2); imlib_polygon_add_point(poly, x+w+3, y-h+1); imlib_polygon_add_point(poly, x+w+4, y-h+2); imlib_image_draw_polygon(poly, 1);*/ /*imlib_image_draw_pixel(x+w+3, y-h+3, 0); imlib_image_draw_pixel(x+w+2, y-h+2, 0); imlib_image_draw_pixel(x+w+3, y-h+1, 0); imlib_image_draw_pixel(x+w+4, y-h+2, 0);*/ int i=x+w+2, j=y-h; imlib_image_draw_pixel(i+1,j,0); imlib_image_draw_pixel(i+2,j,0); imlib_image_draw_pixel(i+3,j+1,0); imlib_image_draw_pixel(i+3,j+2,0); imlib_image_draw_pixel(i+1,j+3,0); imlib_image_draw_pixel(i+2,j+3,0); imlib_image_draw_pixel(i,j+1,0); imlib_image_draw_pixel(i,j+2,0); } } } } static void draw_throughput(App *app) { static int tpstep = 0, tpw, tph; static char tpmsg[20]; static int lw = -1, lh = -1, lx = -1, ly = -1; static int reshape_cnt = 0; if (Prefs.popup_throughput_pos == AL_NONE) return; if (!app->bigfont) return; imlib_context_set_font(app->bigfont); /* get dimensions (only once) */ if (lx == -1 || app->reshape_cnt != reshape_cnt) { imlib_get_text_size("00.0M/s",&lw,&lh); if (lw > (int)(app->dock->w*3/4)) { lw = app->dock->w; } sethw(app,lw,lh,Prefs.popup_throughput_pos,&lx,&ly,&lw,&lh); reshape_cnt = app->reshape_cnt; } if (get_read_mean_throughput() + get_write_mean_throughput() > Prefs.popup_throughput_threshold) { tpstep = MIN(tpstep+1,4); snprintf(tpmsg,sizeof tpmsg, "%.1fM/s",get_read_mean_throughput() + get_write_mean_throughput()); imlib_get_text_size(tpmsg,&tpw,&tph); if (tpw > lw) { snprintf(tpmsg,sizeof tpmsg, "%.1fM",get_read_mean_throughput() + get_write_mean_throughput()); imlib_get_text_size(tpmsg,&tpw,&tph); } } else if (tpstep) tpstep--; if (tpstep) { imlib_context_set_color(128, 128, 128, tpstep*30); imlib_image_draw_rectangle(lx-1,ly-1,lw+2,lh+2); imlib_context_set_color(128, 128, 128, 10+tpstep*25); imlib_image_fill_rectangle(lx,ly,lw,lh); imlib_context_set_color(255, 255, 255, 50+tpstep*50); my_imlib_text_draw(lx + (lw - tpw)/2, ly, tpmsg); } } static void draw(App *app) { DATA32 *buff = imlib_image_get_data(); if (!Prefs.disable_io_matrix) { evolve_io_matrix(app,buff); //draw_io_matrix(app,buff); } else memset(buff, 0, sizeof(DATA32)*app->dock->w*app->dock->h); imlib_image_put_back_data(buff); draw_hdlist(app); if (!Prefs.disable_swap_matrix) draw_swap_matrix(app); draw_throughput(app); } void reshape(int w, int h) { DockImlib2 *dock = app->dock; static int isinit = 0; dock->w = w; dock->h = h; dock->win_width = dock->w + dock->x0; dock->win_height = dock->h + dock->y0; app->reshape_cnt++; app->sm.w = 6; app->sm.nrow = (dock->w-1) / app->sm.w; app->sm.ncol = (dock->h-1) / app->sm.w; if (isinit) FREE_ARR(app->sm.pre_cnt); ALLOC_ARR(app->sm.pre_cnt, app->sm.nrow, app->sm.ncol); if (isinit) FREE_ARR(app->sm.intensity) ALLOC_ARR(app->sm.intensity, app->sm.nrow, app->sm.ncol); app->iom.w = dock->w; app->iom.h = dock->h; if (isinit) FREE_ARR((void*)app->iom.v); ALLOC_ARR(app->iom.v,app->iom.h+4, app->iom.w+2); if (isinit) { dockimlib2_reset_imlib(dock); } isinit = 1; } #ifndef GKRELLM static void event_loop(App *app) { int tic_cnt = 0; while (1) { XEvent ev; tic_cnt++; if (tic_cnt % 5 == 0) { XWindowAttributes attr; if (app->dock->normalwin) { XGetWindowAttributes(app->dock->display, app->dock->normalwin, &attr); app->dock->normalwin_mapped = (attr.map_state == IsViewable); } if (app->dock->iconwin) { XGetWindowAttributes(app->dock->display, app->dock->iconwin, &attr); app->dock->iconwin_mapped = (attr.map_state == IsViewable); } } while (XPending(app->dock->display)) { XNextEvent(app->dock->display, &ev); switch (ev.type) { case ClientMessage: if (ev.xclient.message_type == app->dock->atom_WM_PROTOCOLS && ev.xclient.format == 32 && (Atom)ev.xclient.data.l[0] == app->dock->atom_WM_DELETE_WINDOW) { exit(0); } break; case ButtonRelease: //exit(0); if (ev.xbutton.button == Button4) prev_displayed_hd(-1); else if (ev.xbutton.button == Button5 || ev.xbutton.button == Button1) next_displayed_hd(+1); break; case ConfigureNotify: { if (app->dock->iconwin == None && (ev.xconfigure.width != (int)app->dock->win_width || ev.xconfigure.height != (int)app->dock->win_height)) { app->dock->w = app->dock->win_width = ev.xconfigure.width; app->dock->h = app->dock->win_height = ev.xconfigure.height; reshape(ev.xconfigure.width, ev.xconfigure.height); //app->dock->w, app->dock->h, None); /*printf("ConfigureNotify : %dx%d %dx%d\n", ev.xconfigure.width, ev.xconfigure.height, app->sm.nrow, app->sm.ncol);*/ } } break; } } if (tic_cnt % app->update_stats_mult == 0) { update_stats(); if (!Prefs.disable_io_matrix) update_io_matrix(app); if (!Prefs.disable_swap_matrix) update_swap_matrix(app); } if (tic_cnt % 100 == 5) { # ifdef ENABLE_HDDTEMP_QUERY if (Prefs.enable_hddtemp) { query_hddtemp(app); } # endif # ifdef ENABLE_POWER_QUERY if (Prefs.enable_power_status) { DiskList *dl; int cnt; for (cnt = 0, dl = first_hd_in_list(); dl; dl = next_hd_in_list(dl), ++cnt) { if (dl->enable_power_status && !dl->is_scsi) { char devname[512]; snprintf(devname, 512, "/dev/%s", dl->name); app->disk_power_mode[cnt] = query_power_mode(devname); } } } # endif } //if (tic_cnt > 500) exit(1); usleep(app->update_display_delay_ms * 1000); draw(app); dockimlib2_render(app->dock); } } #endif /* ndef GKRELLM */ void setup_cmap(cmap *m) { struct { float x0; DATA32 c; } colors0[] = {{-128, 0xff8080}, {- 70, 0xF00000}, { -60, 0xDf0080}, { -20, 0x800000}, { 0, 0x000000}, { 10, 0x008000}, { 60, 0xf09000}, { 90, 0xffa000}, { 116, 0xffd000}, { 127, 0xffff00}}, colors1[] = {{-128, 0xff0000}, {- 64, 0x808080}, { 0, 0x404040}, //{ , 0x000000}, //{ 0 , 0x000000}, { 1, 0x208020}, { 64, 0x509050}, {+ 90, 0x60C060}, {+127, 0x008000}}, colors2[] = {{-128, 0x400000}, { -60, 0xA00000}, { -34, 0xff0000}, { -16, 0x400000}, { 0, 0x000000}, { 16, 0x000040}, { 34, 0x0000ff}, { 60, 0x0000A0}, {+128, 0x000040}}, colors3[] = {{-128, 0x500060}, { -60, 0x500050}, { -34, 0x000000}, { 0, 0x000000}, { 34, 0x000000}, { 60, 0x206020}, {+128, 0x205020}}, colors4[] = {{-128, 0x5000F0}, { -70, 0x0000C0}, { -50, 0x0000A0}, { -40, 0x707090}, { -30, 0x000080}, { -20, 0x505070}, { -10, 0x000060}, { 0, 0x000000}, { 10, 0x006000}, { 20, 0x707070}, { 30, 0x008000}, { 40, 0x909090}, { 50, 0x00A000}, { 70, 0x00C000}, {+128, 0x20D020}}, *cdef = NULL; #define SELMAP(n) \ if (Prefs.iomatrix_colormap == n) { sz = sizeof(colors##n)/sizeof(*colors0); cdef = colors##n; } unsigned i, sz=0; SELMAP(0); SELMAP(1); SELMAP(2); SELMAP(3); SELMAP(4); float x0 = cdef[0].x0, x1 = cdef[sz-1].x0; for (i = 0; i < sz - 1; ++i) { int i0 = (int)((cdef[i].x0-x0)*CMAPSZ/(x1-x0)); int i1 = (int)((cdef[i+1].x0-x0)*CMAPSZ/(x1-x0)); int r1 = cdef[i].c>>16 & 0xff, r2 = cdef[i+1].c>>16 & 0xff; int g1 = cdef[i].c>> 8 & 0xff, g2 = cdef[i+1].c>> 8 & 0xff; int b1 = cdef[i].c & 0xff, b2 = cdef[i+1].c & 0xff; int j; for (j=i0; j <= MIN(i1,CMAPSZ-1); ++j) { float alpha = (j-i0+.5)/(float)(i1-i0); m->p[j] = (MIN((int)(r1*(1-alpha) + alpha*r2),255)<<16) + (MIN((int)(g1*(1-alpha) + alpha*g2),255)<<8) + (MIN((int)(b1*(1-alpha) + alpha*b2),255)); //printf("cmap[%d] = 0x%06x\n", j, m->p[j]); } } } unsigned getpos(const char *pp) { char p[2]; unsigned v = AL_NONE, i; if (!pp || !pp[0]) return AL_NONE; if (strlen(pp) > 2) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid position specification: '%s'\n", pp); exit(1); } strncpy(p,pp,2); if (p[0] == 'c') { char tmp = p[0]; p[0] = p[1]; p[1] = tmp; } for (i=0; i < 2 && p[i]; ++i) { if (p[i] == 'r') { v |= AL_RIGHT; } else if (p[i] == 'l') { v |= AL_LEFT; } else if (p[i] == 't') { v |= AL_TOP; } else if (p[i] == 'b') { v |= AL_BOTTOM; } else if (p[i] == 'c') { if (v & (AL_LEFT | AL_RIGHT | AL_HCENTER)) v |= AL_VCENTER; else v |= AL_HCENTER; } else { fprintf(stderr, "unknown position specifier: '%c'\n", p[i]); exit(1); } } return v; } void init_prefs(int argc, char **argv) { #ifndef GKRELLM /* Prefs already read from the gkrellm config file: */ Prefs.disable_swap_matrix = 0; Prefs.disable_io_matrix = 0; Prefs.disable_hd_leds = 0; Prefs.iomatrix_colormap = 0; Prefs.popup_throughput_threshold = 0.5; /* MB/s */ Prefs.hdlist_pos = AL_BOTTOM + AL_LEFT; Prefs.enable_hddtemp = 0; Prefs.bigfontname = Prefs.smallfontname = NULL; #endif Prefs.xprefs.dockapp_size = 64; Prefs.verbosity = 0; Prefs.hddtemp_port = 7634; Prefs.enable_power_status = 0; Prefs.debug_swapio = 0; Prefs.debug_disk_wr = Prefs.debug_disk_rd = 0; Prefs.popup_throughput_pos = AL_TOP; Prefs.xprefs.argc = argc; Prefs.xprefs.argv = argv; Prefs.xprefs.flags = 0; Prefs.temperatures_unit = 'C'; } #ifndef GKRELLM void parse_options(int argc, char **argv) { int d_opt_used = 0; enum { OPT_DISPLAY=1, OPT_SMALLFONT, OPT_BIGFONT, OPT_FONTPATH, OPT_NOSWAP, OPT_NOIO, OPT_NOLEDS, OPT_HDLIST, OPT_THROUGHPUT, OPT_32, OPT_56, OPT_48 }; static struct option long_options[] = { {"help",0,0,'h'}, {"verbose",0,0,'v'}, {"version",0,0,'V'}, {"hddtemp",0,0,'t'}, {"farenheit",0,0,'F'}, {"display",1,0,OPT_DISPLAY}, {"geometry",2,0,'g'}, {"smallfont",1,0,OPT_SMALLFONT}, {"bigfont",1,0,OPT_BIGFONT}, {"fontpath",1,0,OPT_FONTPATH}, {"colormap",1,0,'c'}, {"noswap",0,0,OPT_NOSWAP}, {"noio",0,0,OPT_NOIO}, {"noleds",0,0,OPT_NOLEDS}, {"hdlist",2,0,OPT_HDLIST}, {"throughput",2,0,OPT_THROUGHPUT}, {"32",0,0,OPT_32}, {"48",0,0,OPT_48}, {"56",0,0,OPT_56}, {NULL,0,0,0} }; int long_options_index; const char *help = "wmhdplop " VERSION " - monitor hard-drive (or partition) activity\n" "A recent kernel is required (>2.4.20)\n" "Usage: wmhdplop [options]\n" "Option list:\n" " -h, --help print this.\n" " -v, --verbose increase verbosity\n" " -V, --version print version\n" " -t[=port], --hddtemp[=port]\n" " display hd temperatures, in Celsius degrees (requires hddtemp daemon running)\n" " -F, --farenheit display hd temperatures in Farenheit degrees\n" /* " -p : monitor harddrive power status (idle, standby or sleeping, as reported by hdparm -C)\n" " note that this options requires that wmhd is suid..\n"*/ /* hddtemp already reports when a drive is asleep ... */ " --noswap disable the animation reflecting swap activity\n" " --noio disable background animation reflecting disk activity\n" " --noleds hide the small led indicating disk activity\n" " --fontpath path add a new directory to the font search directory list\n" " default: --fontpath=/usr/share/fonts/truetype (and subdirectories)\n" " --fontpath=/usr/share/fonts/ttf (and subdirectories)\n" " --fontpath=$HOME/.fonts (and subdirectories)\n" " --smallfont fontname/size\n" " --bigfont fontname/size\n" " Set the 'small font' and the 'big font' name/size in pixel\n" " (default: --smallfont=Vera/7 --bigfont=Arial_Black/10)\n" " The font name are case-sensitive, and must correspound to the name\n" " of a .ttf file which can be found in one of the fontpaths\n" " By default, wmhdplop tries to load the following fonts:\n" " * Arial_Black/10, FreeSansBold/11, VeraMoBd/9\n" " * Vera/7, FreeSans/7, Trebuchet_MS/7\n" " -c n, --colormap=n\n" " select colormap number n\n" " --hdlist[=pos] hide completely the list of drives with leds and temperatures (if no position given)\n" " or change its location (default: 'B'). Possible positions are: 't','b','l','bl','bc','br',...\n" " (t=top, b=bottom, l=left, r=right, c=centered, etc)\n" " --throughput=mbs[,pos]\n" " minimum io throughput (MB/s) that will be displayed in the popup display (default 0.5)\n" " and position of the popup (same format than hdlist)\n" " -g[=WxH+x+y], --geometry[=WxH+x+y]\n" " start in window (i.e. undocked) mode with specified geometry (i.e -g 96x32 or -g 64x64+0+0)\n" " --32, --48, --56\n" " start in a reduced dockapp, for people whose dock is too small too contain 64x64 dockapps\n" " -d device[:name] monitor activity on the specified hard-drive. This option can be\n" " used many times. If you do not use it, all hard-drives will be monitored.\n" " If an optional 'name' is given, it will be displayed instead of the /dev/hdx name\n" " The device may also be a single partition.\n"; init_prefs(argc, argv); while (1) { int c; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "g::hvVt::Fc:LP:d:@:",long_options,&long_options_index); /* -g option is handled in dockapp_imlib2 */ if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case ':': case '?': exit(1); case OPT_DISPLAY: Prefs.xprefs.flags |= DOCKPREF_DISPLAY; Prefs.xprefs.display = strdup(optarg); break; case 'g': Prefs.xprefs.flags |= DOCKPREF_GEOMETRY; if (optarg) Prefs.xprefs.geometry = strdup(optarg); break; case 'h': puts(help); exit(0); case 'v': Prefs.verbosity++; break; case 'V': printf("wmhdplop %s\n",VERSION); exit(0); break; case 't': Prefs.enable_hddtemp = 1; if (optarg) Prefs.hddtemp_port = atoi(optarg); break; /*case 'p': Prefs.enable_power_status = 1; break;*/ case 'F': Prefs.enable_hddtemp = 1; Prefs.temperatures_unit = 'F'; break; case OPT_NOIO: Prefs.disable_io_matrix = 1; break; case OPT_NOSWAP: Prefs.disable_swap_matrix = 1; break; case OPT_NOLEDS: Prefs.disable_hd_leds = 1; break; case OPT_FONTPATH: printf("add font path: %s\n", optarg); imlib_add_path_to_font_path(optarg); break; case OPT_SMALLFONT: Prefs.smallfontname = strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_BIGFONT: Prefs.bigfontname = strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_HDLIST: Prefs.hdlist_pos = getpos(optarg); break; case 'c': Prefs.iomatrix_colormap = atoi(optarg); if (Prefs.iomatrix_colormap > 4) { fprintf(stderr,"invalid colormap number\n"); exit(1); } break; case OPT_THROUGHPUT: if (optarg) { Prefs.popup_throughput_threshold = atof(optarg); if (strchr(optarg,',')) Prefs.popup_throughput_pos = getpos(strchr(optarg,',')+1); } break; case OPT_56: Prefs.xprefs.dockapp_size = 56; break; case OPT_48: Prefs.xprefs.dockapp_size = 48; break; case OPT_32: Prefs.xprefs.dockapp_size = 32; break; case 'd': if (optarg) { char *p = strchr(optarg, ':'); assert(optarg); if (p) *p++ = 0; BLAHBLAH(1,printf("adding device %s to monitored disc list\n",optarg)); if (add_device_by_name(optarg, p) != 0) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: device %s not found or not recognized -- try option -v to get additionnal information\n", optarg); d_opt_used = 1; } break; case '@': sscanf(optarg,"%d,%d,%d",&Prefs.debug_swapio,&Prefs.debug_disk_rd,&Prefs.debug_disk_wr); break; default: assert(0); } } if (optind != argc) { fprintf(stderr, "unknown option: %s\n", argv[optind]); exit(1); } if (!d_opt_used) scan_all_hd(1); } #endif char *xstrdup(const char *s) { if (s) return strdup(s); else return NULL; } void init_fonts(App *app) { char *bigfontlist[] = {"Arial_Black/10", "luxisb/11", "VeraMoBd/9", "arialbd/12", "Vera/9", "Verdana_Bold/10", "VerdanaBd/10", "Verdana/10", "FreeSansBold/11", NULL}; char *smallfontlist[] = {"Vera/7","Trebuchet_MS/7", "luxisr/7", "Verdana/7","Arial/7","FreeSans/7", NULL}; if (app->bigfont) { imlib_context_set_font(app->bigfont); imlib_free_font(); app->bigfont = NULL; } if (app->smallfont) { imlib_context_set_font(app->smallfont); imlib_free_font(); app->smallfont = NULL; } app->bigfont = load_font(Prefs.bigfontname, bigfontlist); if (app->bigfont) app->current_bigfont_name = strdup(dockimlib2_last_loaded_font()); app->smallfont = load_font(Prefs.smallfontname, smallfontlist); if (app->smallfont) app->current_smallfont_name = strdup(dockimlib2_last_loaded_font()); } #ifndef GKRELLM int main(int argc, char**argv) #else int hdplop_main(int width, int height, GdkDrawable *gkdrawable) #endif { int s; euid = geteuid(); uid = getuid(); s = seteuid(uid); if (s == -1) fprintf(stderr, "seteuid(uid) failed : %s\n", strerror(errno)); ALLOC_OBJ(app); srand(time(NULL)); /* Initialize options */ #ifndef GKRELLM parse_options(argc,argv); #else init_prefs(0, NULL); scan_all_hd(1); #endif /* Initialize imlib2 */ #ifndef GKRELLM app->dock = dockimlib2_setup(2, 2, Prefs.xprefs.dockapp_size-5, Prefs.xprefs.dockapp_size-5, &Prefs.xprefs); #else app->dock = dockimlib2_gkrellm_setup(0, 0, width, height, &Prefs.xprefs, gkdrawable); #endif app->bigfont = app->smallfont = NULL; app->current_bigfont_name = app->current_smallfont_name = NULL; app->reshape_cnt = 0; if (find_id(-1,0) == 0) { app->filter_hd = -1; app->filter_part = -1; /* only partitions */ } else { app->filter_hd = -1; app->filter_part = 0; } app->displayed_hd_changed = 1; if (nb_dev_in_list() == 0) { #ifndef GKRELLM fprintf(stderr, "No common hard-drives found in /etc/mtab and /proc/partitions..\n" "Please use option -d to add devices (i.e. %s -d /dev/hda -d /dev/hdb ...)\n", argv[0]); exit(1); #else fprintf(stderr, "No hard drive found...\n"); /* Euh, on fait quoi maintenant ? exit ? */ #endif } init_fonts(app); app->update_display_delay_ms = 50; app->update_stats_mult = 2; app->swap_matrix_lighting = (int)(300/app->update_display_delay_ms); app->swap_matrix_luminosity = 255; app->nb_hd = nb_hd_in_list(); app->nb_dev = nb_dev_in_list(); ALLOC_VEC(app->disk_power_mode, app->nb_hd); SET_VEC(app->disk_power_mode, HD_ACTIVE,0,app->nb_hd); ALLOC_VEC(app->disk_temperature, app->nb_hd); SET_VEC(app->disk_temperature, -1, 0, app->nb_hd); init_stats(app->update_display_delay_ms*1e-3*app->update_stats_mult); BLAHBLAH(1, { DiskList *dl = first_dev_in_list(); for ( ; dl; dl=dl->next) { printf("Monitored: %s (%s) major=%d, minor=%d is_partition=%d\n", dl->dev_path, dl->name, dl->major, dl->minor, is_partition(dl->major,dl->minor)); } }); reshape(app->dock->w,app->dock->h); app->iom.ops = NULL; setup_cmap(&app->iom.cm); #ifndef GKRELLM event_loop(app); #endif return 0; } #ifdef GKRELLM void gkrellm_hdplop_update(int update_options) { static int tic_cnt = 0; if (update_options) { setup_cmap(&app->iom.cm); if (!Prefs.enable_hddtemp) SET_VEC(app->disk_temperature, -1, 0, app->nb_hd); } // update the data: if (tic_cnt % app->update_stats_mult == 0) { update_stats(); if (!Prefs.disable_io_matrix) update_io_matrix(app); if (!Prefs.disable_swap_matrix) update_swap_matrix(app); } if (tic_cnt % 100 == 5 && Prefs.enable_hddtemp) { query_hddtemp(app); } // draw the Imlib2 pixmap: draw(app); dockimlib2_render(app->dock); ++tic_cnt; } #endif