Hints for wmressel Generic -------------------------------------------------------------- wmressel supports commandline options, 'wmressel -h' prints help about them. WindowMaker -------------------------------------------------------------- WindowMaker users simply drag and drop the wmressel dockapp on the WindowMaker Dock (preferred) or near the Clip, and then press the rightmouse button on the outer edges of wmressel, select "Settings..." and enable the "Start when WindowMaker is started" option. Afterstep -------------------------------------------------------------- Afterstep users put the following in their ~/GNUstep/Library/AfterStep/wharf *Wharf wmressel nil Swallow "wmressel" wmressel & Other WindowManagers -------------------------------------------------------------- For other windowmanagers, wmressel runs nicely as 64x64 pixel shaped icon on your desktop. p.s. FVWM can swallow it too, so we've heard ;-)