asbeats 0.2 by Martin Dahl <> and Karl-Martin Skontorp <> WHAT IS IT? ----------- A beats clock dockable in the windowmaker dock. CREDITS ------- Credits go out to Beat Christen, the author of asclock, which most of the code that handles X comes from. Also to Alfredo Kojima, who has written the code for docking the application in the afterstep and windowmaker dock. INSTALLING ---------- To install, just do a 'make' and copy the generated 'asbeats' program anywhere you like. TODO ---- - Command line parser for selecting decimal-mode, etc. - Better looking graphics AVAILABILITY ------------ You will find both tar.gz as well as rpms for both i386 and sparc at this URL: The packages should always be the newest release. LICENCE ------- For licencing information, please see the LICENCE file distributed with this program.