# process this file with configure to create a Makefile from it
# Makefile for wmail.
# Toplevel Makefile.
# Usage: make ..........: creates the wmail binary.
#        make install ..: installs the binary under your default user binary
#                         directory and the rc-file in your home, respectively.
#        make uninstall : removes any installed wmail files.
#        make clean ....: cleans the src directory.


default all target: wmail

	@cd src; $(MAKE) -f Makefile wmail

	@if ! test -f src/wmail; then $(MAKE) wmail; fi
	@echo "Installing the binary under @bindir@."
	@cp -f src/wmail @bindir@
	@echo "Copying .wmailrc to your home directory - you may have a look into"
	@echo "this file and change it appropriately to suit your personal needs."
	@cp -f wmailrc-sample $(HOME)/.wmailrc

	@echo "Removing wmail files from your system."
	@rm -f @bindir@/wmail
	@rm -f $(HOME)/.wmailrc
	@rm -f $(HOME)/.wmail-cksums

	@echo "Cleaning src directory."
	@cd src; $(MAKE) -f Makefile clean