/* wmnet -- X IP accounting monitor * Copyright 1998, 2000 Jesse B. Off, Katharine Osborne * <kaos@digitalkaos.net> * * $Id: wmnet.h,v 1.2 1998/10/06 00:06:12 joff Exp $ * * This software is released under the GNU Public License agreement. * No warranties, whatever.... you know the usuals.... this is free * software. if you use it, great... if you wanna make a change to it, * great, but please send me the diff. If you put it on a distributed * CD, great... I'd appreciate a copy of the CD though ;). * */ #define TOPBOX_X 4 #define TOPBOX_Y 4 #define TOPBOX_WIDTH 56 #define TOPBOX_HEIGHT 11 /* Graphing area extents */ #define GRAPHBOX_X 4 #define GRAPHBOX_Y 15 #define GRAPHBOX_WIDTH 56 #define GRAPHBOX_HEIGHT graphbox_height #define GRAPHBOX_X_RIGHT (GRAPHBOX_X + GRAPHBOX_WIDTH - 1) #define GRAPHBOX_X_LEFT (GRAPHBOX_X) #define GRAPHBOX_Y_TOP (GRAPHBOX_Y) #define GRAPHBOX_Y_BOTTOM (GRAPHBOX_Y + GRAPHBOX_HEIGHT - 1) /* Graphing area minus the borders */ #define GRAPH_X (GRAPHBOX_X + 1) #define GRAPH_Y (GRAPHBOX_Y) #define GRAPH_WIDTH (GRAPHBOX_WIDTH - 2) #define GRAPH_HEIGHT (GRAPHBOX_HEIGHT - 1) #define GRAPH_X_LEFT (GRAPH_X) #define GRAPH_X_RIGHT (GRAPH_X + GRAPH_WIDTH - 1) #define GRAPH_Y_UPPER (GRAPH_Y) #define GRAPH_Y_BOTTOM (GRAPH_Y + GRAPH_HEIGHT - 1) /* Label area box */ #define LABEL_X (GRAPHBOX_X_LEFT) #define LABEL_Y (GRAPHBOX_Y_BOTTOM + 1) #define LABEL_WIDTH (GRAPHBOX_WIDTH) #define LABEL_HEIGHT 11 #define LABEL_X_LEFT (LABEL_X_LEFT) #define LABEL_X_RIGHT (LABEL_X_LEFT + LABEL_WIDTH - 1) #define LABEL_Y_TOP (LABEL_Y) #define LABEL_Y_BOTTOM (LABEL_Y + LABEL_HEIGHT - 1) #define LOW_INTENSITY 0 #define NORMAL_INTENSITY 1 #define HIGH_INTENSITY 2 /* X Stuff */ Display *dpy; Window root_window, main_window, icon_window, *visible_window; Font thefont; Pixmap arrow; Atom delete_atom; int screen, specified_state = -1; GC graphics_context; unsigned long tx_pixel[3], rx_pixel[3], labelfg_pixel, labelbg_pixel, black_pixel, white_pixel, darkgrey_pixel, grey_pixel; typedef int (*parser_func)(void); /* I know statically declared buffers are against GNU coding standards, so sue me */ char buffer[256], *click_command = NULL, *label = NULL; struct timeval timenow, timelast; unsigned long totalbytes_in, totalbytes_out, lastbytes_in, lastbytes_out; unsigned long totalpackets_in, totalpackets_out, lastpackets_in, lastpackets_out; unsigned int diffpackets_in, diffpackets_out, diffbytes_in, diffbytes_out; unsigned int delayTime = 25000, displayDelay = 55000, maxRate = 6000; unsigned int out_rule = 2, in_rule = 1, graphbox_height = 44; /* number of rule in /proc/net/ip_acct to use */ char *in_rule_string = NULL, *out_rule_string = NULL, *device=NULL; Bool current_tx = False, current_rx = False, rx, tx, logscale = False; parser_func stat_gather; void exit_func(void); void got_signal(int x); void setup_wmnet(int argc, char **argv); void setupX(void); void createWin(Window *win); int updateStats(void); void redraw(XExposeEvent *ee); void tock(void); int updateSpeedometer(int rxRate, int txRate); void drawColoredLine(int y1, int y2, unsigned long *shadecolor); void shadesOf(XColor *shade, unsigned long *returnarray); extern parser_func setup_driver(char *parser); extern char * available_drivers(void);