wmtz v0.7 - 7th Public Release -------------------------------------------------------------- Author....: Jan Lindblom <99jl@home.se> Note......: Since I'm a very lazy programmer, I ripped most of the code from the excellent WMiNET program. See credits below... Credits...: Patch for local date, local time, weekday and @, and some code clean-ups: Felipe Gustavo de Almeida Patch for Swatch beats: Joris van Gasteren Authors of WMiNET: Dave Clark (clarkd@skynet.ca) & Antoine Nulle (warp@xs4all.nl) & Martijn Pieterse (pieterse@xs4all.nl) Contributors to WMiNET: Mike Kershaw (dragorn@melchior.nerv-un.ml.org), Andy Roger (roger@roger.samond.ru) & Ulrik Kjems (uk@imm.dtu.dk) Description -------------------------------------------------------------- wmtz is a Window Maker dock app derived from the WMiNET dock app. It displays the local time from different time zones defined in the configuration file. It can also display the current Julian Day Number as well as Swatch beats and sidereal time at Greenwich and local sidereal time and local time, date and weekday. This app can be useful (?) for people who have to communicate in realtime with people from different time zones. It allows you to avoid making a fool of yourself by calling someone when they are asleep... Files -------------------------------------------------------------- README This file. INSTALL Installation instructions. BUGS Small evil things that live in your computer. CHANGES Description of changes. COPYING GNU General Public License Version 2. Bugs -------------------------------------------------------------- If you discover any bugs in this software, please send a bugreport to jlin@algonet.se and describe the problem as detailed as you can. Or fix it yourself. Copyright -------------------------------------------------------------- wmtz is copyright (c) 1999-2001 by Jan Lindblom. WMiNET is copyright (c) 1997/98 by Dave Clark, Antoine Nulle and Martijn Pieterse. wmtz is licensed through the GNU General Public License. Read the COPYING file for the complete GNU license.