Installation instructions for wmtz: Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------- - root access To be able to complete the installation as described here, you'll need root privileges... Installation -------------------------------------------------------------- 1) % tar -zxvf wmtz-0.7.tar.gz 2) % cd wmtz-0.7/wmtz 3) % make 4) % su root 5) # make install 6) # ^D 7) % cp /etc/wmtzrc ~/.wmtzrc 8)* % jed ~/.wmtzrc 9) % wmtz & (or wmtz -h for brief help). *) Adjust ~/.wmtzrc to your preferences... Instructions are included in the file. You may want to edit /etc/wmtzrc as well (as root). Uninstallation (Requires root access) -------------------------------------------------------------- 1) % su root 2) # make uninstall 3) (Answer the questions) 4) # ^D General Notes -------------------------------------------------------------- You may have to edit the Makefile in order to compile and install the program on your particular system.