#include "wmcliphist.h" int autosave_period = 120; int confirm_exec = 0; int exec_immediately = 1; /* * process new history item */ void process_item(char *content, gint locked, gboolean exec) { GList *list_node; ACTION *action; gboolean processed = FALSE; HISTORY_ITEM *hist_item; begin_func("process_item"); list_node = g_list_first(action_list); while (list_node) { action = (ACTION *)list_node->data; /* check if some action is requested */ if (regexec(&action->expression, content, 0, NULL, 0) != 0) { list_node = g_list_next(list_node); continue; } /* match - execute requested action */ if (action->action == ACT_IGNORE) { processed = TRUE; break; } if (action->action == ACT_EXEC && exec_immediately == TRUE && exec == TRUE) { exec_item(content, action); } if (action->action == ACT_SUBMENU) { /* test if such item already exists in this menu */ processed = TRUE; /* add item to menu and item list */ hist_item = menu_item_add(content, locked, action->submenu); /* when auto_take_up is true, set selection owner to myself */ if (auto_take_up == 1) { selected = hist_item; if (gtk_selection_owner_set(dock_app, clipboard, GDK_CURRENT_TIME) == 0) { selected = NULL; } } dump_history_list("added item"); break; } list_node = g_list_next(list_node); } if (processed == FALSE) { hist_item = menu_item_add(content, locked, menu_hist); /* when auto_take_up is true, set selection owner to myself */ if (auto_take_up == 1) { selected = hist_item; if (gtk_selection_owner_set(dock_app, clipboard, GDK_CURRENT_TIME) == 0) { selected = NULL; } } } return_void(); } void move_item_to_begin(HISTORY_ITEM *item) { GList *list_node; begin_func("menu_item_activated"); if (!(list_node = g_list_find(history_items, item))) { g_assert((list_node != NULL)); } gtk_menu_popdown(GTK_MENU(menu_hist)); /* move previously stored item to beginning */ gtk_menu_reorder_child(GTK_MENU(item->menu), item->menu_item, 1); history_items = g_list_remove_link(history_items, list_node); history_items = g_list_concat(list_node, history_items); selected = item; if (gtk_selection_owner_set(dock_app, clipboard, GDK_CURRENT_TIME) == 0) selected = NULL; } /* * Exec's an action on item. */ void exec_item(char *content, ACTION *action) { int msg_result = 0, res; gchar *msg_buf; gchar *exec_buf; gchar *converted; converted = from_utf8(content); /* If we're not given an action to perform, find the first matching * exec action, and perform it */ if (!action) { GList *list_node; ACTION *a; list_node = g_list_first(action_list); while (list_node) { a = (ACTION *)list_node->data; /* check if some action is requested */ if ((regexec(&a->expression, converted, 0, NULL, 0) == 0) && (a->action == ACT_EXEC)) { action = a; break; } list_node = g_list_next(list_node); } } if (!action || action->action != ACT_EXEC) { g_free(converted); return; } exec_buf = g_new0(char, strlen(converted) + strlen(action->command) + 1); sprintf(exec_buf, action->command, converted); if (confirm_exec) { msg_buf = g_new0(char, strlen(exec_buf) + 256); sprintf(msg_buf, "Do you want to perform the " "following action?\n\n%s\n", exec_buf); msg_result = show_message(msg_buf, "wmcliphist", "Yes", "No", NULL); g_free(msg_buf); } /* create child and exec command */ if (msg_result == 0 && fork() == 0) { /* child */ res = system(exec_buf); if (res == -1) fprintf(stderr, "Cannot exec '%s'\n", exec_buf); else if (res == 127) fprintf(stderr, "/bin/sh not found\n"); g_free(exec_buf); g_free(converted); _exit(0); } else { /* parent */ g_free(exec_buf); g_free(converted); } } /* * loads history from file */ int history_load(gboolean dump_only) { gchar *buf; gint len; gint ver; FILE *f; gchar *fname; gint locked; int tmp_errno = 0; begin_func("history_load"); fname = rcconfig_get_name(".data"); if (!(f = fopen(fname, "r"))) { errno = E_OPEN; return_val(-1); } if (fread(&ver, sizeof(gint), 1, f) != 1) { fclose(f); return_val(0); } /* delete old history file */ if (ver == 0x0001) { fclose(f); if (remove(rcconfig_get_name(".data"))) { errno = E_REMOVE; return_val(-1); } return_val(0); } if (dump_only) { printf("<history>\n"); } while (!feof(f)) { if (fread(&len, sizeof(gint), 1, f) != 1) break; if (num_items == num_items_to_keep && !dump_only) { tmp_errno = E_TOO_MUCH; break; } buf = g_new0(gchar, len + 1); if (fread(buf, len, 1, f) != 1) { g_free(buf); tmp_errno = E_INVALID; break; } buf[len] = '\0'; if (fread(&locked, sizeof(gint), 1, f) != 1) { g_free(buf); tmp_errno = E_INVALID; break; } if (dump_only) { printf("<item>%s</item>\n", buf); } else { process_item(buf, locked, FALSE); } g_free(buf); } fclose(f); if (dump_only) { printf("</history>\n"); } else { dump_history_list("load_history()"); } errno = tmp_errno; if (errno == 0) return_val(0); else return_val(-1); } /* * store history to file */ int history_save() { char *fname; gint version = VERSION; FILE *f; HISTORY_ITEM *hist_item; GList *list_node; int tmp_errno = 0; begin_func("history_save"); fname = g_strdup(rcconfig_get_name(".data.tmp")); if (!(f = fopen(fname, "w"))) { perror("fopen"); g_free(fname); errno = E_OPEN; return_val(-1); } if ((chmod(fname, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR)) != 0) { perror("chmod"); fclose(f); unlink(fname); g_free(fname); errno = E_OPEN; return_val(-1); } if (fwrite(&version, sizeof(gint), 1, f) != 1) { perror("fwrite version"); fclose(f); unlink(fname); g_free(fname); errno = E_WRITE; return_val(-1); } list_node = g_list_last(history_items); while (list_node) { int length; hist_item = (HISTORY_ITEM *)list_node->data; length = strlen(hist_item->content); if (fwrite(&length, sizeof(gint), 1, f) != 1) { tmp_errno = E_WRITE; break; } if (fwrite(hist_item->content, length, 1, f) != 1) { tmp_errno = E_WRITE; break; } if (fwrite(&hist_item->locked, sizeof(gint), 1, f) != 1) { tmp_errno = E_WRITE; break; } list_node = g_list_previous(list_node); } fclose(f); if (!list_node) { if (rename(fname, rcconfig_get_name(".data")) != 0) { perror("rename"); unlink(fname); g_free(fname); errno = E_RENAME; return_val(-1); } g_free(fname); return_val(0); } errno = tmp_errno; unlink(fname); g_free(fname); return_val(-1); } /* * free history data */ void history_free() { HISTORY_ITEM *hist_item; GList *list_node; begin_func("history_free"); list_node = g_list_last(history_items); while (list_node) { hist_item = (HISTORY_ITEM *)list_node->data; /* gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(hist_item->menu), hist_item->menu_item); */ gtk_widget_destroy(hist_item->menu_item); g_free(hist_item->content); g_free(hist_item); list_node = g_list_previous(list_node); } g_list_free(history_items); return_void(); } /* * autosave timer function */ gboolean history_autosave() { begin_func("history_autosave"); history_save(); return_val(TRUE); }