/*********************************************************************** * Code is stol^H^H^H^Hbased on wmppp, wmload, and wmtme * * Author: Ben Cohen * * Contributors: * Thomas Nemeth -- Pushed button highlighting * Craig Maloney -- CTRL + ALT + key option * * * This program is distributed under the GPL license. * * * Best viewed with tab = 4 ( in vi set ts=4 ) * ***********************************************************************/ #define VERSION "Ver 1.2.8 -- May 25, 1999" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "backdrop.xpm" #include "buttons.xpm" #include "pushed_buttons.xpm" #include "mask.xbm" #define NO (0) #define YES (1) #define MAX_X_BUT 4 #define MAX_Y_BUT 4 /*********************************************************************** * Globals.. OK.. there's too many globals.. so sue me. ***********************************************************************/ Display * display; int screen; Window rootwin, win, iconwin; GC gc; int depth; Pixel bg_pixel, fg_pixel; XSizeHints xsizehints; XWMHints * xwmhints; XClassHint xclasshint; typedef struct _XpmIcon { Pixmap pixmap; Pixmap mask; XpmAttributes attributes; } XpmIcon; Pixmap pixmask; typedef struct _button_region { int x,y; int i,j; } ButtonArea; ButtonArea button_region[16]; XpmIcon template, visible, buttons, pbuttons; unsigned int control = 0; int numb_of_workspaces = 16; /* Number of buttons to display. Initially set high. Changed by -n switch or button 2or3 */ int N = 1; /* Button number pressed to goto WS */ int B = 1; /* Button number pressed to number WS's */ int alt_key_type = 1; int border = 5; int Verbose = 0; char * app_name = "wmcp"; /*********************************************************************** * Function Prototypes ***********************************************************************/ void switchToWorkspaceN( int workspace ); void redraw( int xbut, int ybut ); void getPixmaps(); int whichButton( int x, int y, int xbut, int ybut ); int flush_expose(Window w); void show_usage(); /*********************************************************************** * main ***********************************************************************/ int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { XEvent report; XGCValues xgcValues; XTextProperty app_name_atom; int dummy = 0; int i; int xbut = 2; int ybut = 2; int is_shaped = YES; int window_state = WithdrawnState; char Geometry_str[64] = "64x64+5+5"; char Display_str[64] = ""; /* Parse Command Line Arguments */ for ( i=1; i= argc ) show_usage(); sscanf(argv[i], "%s", Geometry_str); if ( Verbose ) printf("Geometry is: %s\n", Geometry_str); break; case 'd': if ( ++i >= argc ) show_usage(); sscanf(argv[i], "%s", Display_str); if ( Verbose ) printf("Display is: %s\n", Display_str); break; case 'n': if ( ++i >= argc ) show_usage(); sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &numb_of_workspaces); if ( Verbose ) printf("Numb of Workspaces: %d\n", numb_of_workspaces); break; case 's': if ( ++i >= argc ) show_usage(); if ( *argv[i] == 'n' ) { is_shaped = NO; } else { is_shaped = YES; } break; case 'w': if ( ++i >= argc ) show_usage(); switch ( *argv[i] ) { case 'i': window_state = IconicState; break; case 'w': window_state = WithdrawnState; break; case 'n': window_state = NormalState; break; } break; case 'x': if ( ++i >= argc ) show_usage(); sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &xbut); if ( xbut < 1 || xbut > MAX_X_BUT ) xbut = 3; if ( Verbose ) printf("Num X buttons=%d\n", xbut); break; case 'y': if ( ++i >= argc ) show_usage(); sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &ybut); if ( ybut < 1 || ybut > MAX_Y_BUT ) ybut = 3; if ( Verbose ) printf("Num Y buttons=%d\n", ybut); break; case 'a': if ( ++i >= argc ) show_usage(); sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &alt_key_type); if ( Verbose ) printf("Alt Key is: %d\n", alt_key_type); break; case 'c': control=ControlMask; if ( Verbose ) printf ("Control Key Modifier added\n"); break; case 'h': show_usage(); break; } } } if ( (display = XOpenDisplay(Display_str)) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"Fail: XOpenDisplay for %s\n", Display_str); exit(-1); } screen = DefaultScreen(display); rootwin = RootWindow(display,screen); depth = DefaultDepth(display, screen); bg_pixel = WhitePixel(display, screen ); fg_pixel = BlackPixel(display, screen ); xsizehints.flags = USSize | USPosition; xsizehints.width = 64; xsizehints.height = 64; /* Parse Geometry string and fill in sizehints fields */ XWMGeometry(display, screen, Geometry_str, NULL, border, &xsizehints, &xsizehints.x, &xsizehints.y, &xsizehints.width, &xsizehints.height, &dummy); if ( (win = XCreateSimpleWindow( display, rootwin, xsizehints.x, xsizehints.y, xsizehints.width, xsizehints.height, border, fg_pixel, bg_pixel) ) == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Fail: XCreateSimpleWindow\n"); exit(-1); } if ( (iconwin = XCreateSimpleWindow( display, win, xsizehints.x, xsizehints.y, xsizehints.width, xsizehints.height, border, fg_pixel, bg_pixel) ) == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Fail: XCreateSimpleWindow\n"); exit(-1); } /* Set up shaped windows */ /* Gives the appicon a border so you can grab and move it. */ if ( is_shaped == YES ) { if ( ( pixmask = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, win, mask_bits, mask_width, mask_height) ) == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Fail: XCreateBitmapFromData\n"); } XShapeCombineMask(display,win, ShapeBounding,0,0, pixmask,ShapeSet); XShapeCombineMask(display,iconwin,ShapeBounding,0,0, pixmask,ShapeSet); } /* Convert in pixmaps from .xpm includes. */ getPixmaps(); /* Interclient Communication stuff */ /* Appicons don't work with out this stuff */ xwmhints = XAllocWMHints(); xwmhints->flags = WindowGroupHint | IconWindowHint | StateHint; xwmhints->icon_window = iconwin; xwmhints->window_group = win; xwmhints->initial_state = window_state; XSetWMHints( display, win, xwmhints ); xclasshint.res_name = "wmcp"; xclasshint.res_class = "WMcp"; XSetClassHint( display, win, &xclasshint ); XSetWMNormalHints( display, win, &xsizehints ); /* Tell window manager what the title bar name is. We never see */ /* this anyways in the WithdrawnState */ if ( XStringListToTextProperty(&app_name, 1, &app_name_atom) == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Can't set up window name\n", app_name); exit(-1); } XSetWMName( display, win, &app_name_atom ); /* Create Graphic Context */ if ( (gc = XCreateGC( display, win, (GCForeground | GCBackground), &xgcValues)) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"Fail: XCreateGC\n"); exit(-1); } /* XEvent Masks. We want both window to process X events */ XSelectInput( display, win, ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | PointerMotionMask | StructureNotifyMask ); XSelectInput( display, iconwin, ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | PointerMotionMask | StructureNotifyMask ); /* Store the 'state' of the application for restarting */ XSetCommand( display, win, argv, argc ); /* Window won't ever show up until it is mapped.. then drawn after a */ /* ConfigureNotify */ XMapWindow( display, win ); /* X Event Loop */ while (1) { XNextEvent(display, &report ); switch (report.type) { case Expose: if (report.xexpose.count != 0) { break; } if ( Verbose ) fprintf(stdout,"Event: Expose\n"); redraw( xbut, ybut ); break; case ConfigureNotify: if ( Verbose ) fprintf(stdout,"Event: ConfigureNotify\n"); redraw( xbut, ybut ); break; case ButtonPress: if ( Verbose ) printf ("numb_of_workspaces=%d\n", numb_of_workspaces); switch (report.xbutton.button) { case Button1: N = whichButton(report.xbutton.x, report.xbutton.y, xbut, ybut ); if ( N >= 0 && N <= numb_of_workspaces ) { switchToWorkspaceN( N ); redraw(xbut, ybut); } if ( Verbose ) fprintf(stdout,"Button 1:x=%d y=%d N=%d\n", report.xbutton.x, report.xbutton.y, N); break; case Button2: case Button3: B = whichButton(report.xbutton.x, report.xbutton.y, xbut, ybut ); if ( B >= 0 && B <= 9 ) { numb_of_workspaces = B; redraw(xbut, ybut); } if ( Verbose ) fprintf(stdout,"Button 2or3:x=%d y=%d B=%d\n", report.xbutton.x, report.xbutton.y, B); break; } break; case DestroyNotify: if ( Verbose ) fprintf(stdout, "Bye\n"); XFreeGC(display, gc); XDestroyWindow(display,win); XDestroyWindow(display,iconwin); XCloseDisplay(display); if ( Verbose ) fprintf(stdout, "Bye\n"); exit(0); break; } } return (0); } /*********************************************************************** * redraw * * Map the button region coordinates. * * Draw the appropriate number of buttons on the 'visible' Pixmap * using data from the 'buttons' pixmap. * * Then, copy the 'visible' pixmap to the two windows ( the withdrawn * main window and the icon window which is the main window's icon image.) * ***********************************************************************/ void redraw( int xbut, int ybut ) { int n; int i,j; int dest_x, dest_y; /* size of a whole button */ int step_x, step_y; /* size of half a button for corner copying */ int offset = 8; /* skip pixels past the window's border image */ int xbut_size; int ybut_size; xbut_size = 48 / xbut; ybut_size = 48 / ybut; XCopyArea( display, template.pixmap, visible.pixmap, gc, 0, 0, template.attributes.width, template.attributes.height, 0, 0 ); for ( j=0; j < ybut; j++ ) { for ( i=0; i < xbut; i++ ) { n = i + j * xbut; dest_x = ( i * xbut_size ) + offset; dest_y = ( j * ybut_size ) + offset; step_x = 24 / xbut; step_y = 24 / ybut; /* Define button mouse coords */ button_region[n].x = dest_x; button_region[n].y = dest_y; button_region[n].i = dest_x + xbut_size - 1; button_region[n].j = dest_y + ybut_size - 1; /* Copy button images for valid workspaces */ if ( (n + 1) <= numb_of_workspaces ) { /* Draw normal button */ /* Edited by Gert Beumer */ if ( (n + 1) != N ) { /* upper left */ XCopyArea( display, buttons.pixmap, visible.pixmap, gc, 0,0, step_x, step_y, dest_x, dest_y); /* lowwer left */ XCopyArea( display, buttons.pixmap, visible.pixmap, gc, 0,48 - step_y, step_x, step_y, dest_x, dest_y + step_y); /* lowwer right */ XCopyArea( display, buttons.pixmap, visible.pixmap, gc, 48 - step_x,48 - step_y, step_x, step_y, dest_x + step_x, dest_y + step_y); /* upper right */ XCopyArea( display, buttons.pixmap, visible.pixmap, gc, 48 - step_x,0, step_x, step_y, dest_x + step_x, dest_y); /* Draw the numbers */ XCopyArea( display, buttons.pixmap, visible.pixmap, gc, n * 5, 48, 5,5, dest_x + (48 - xbut * 5) / (2 * xbut), dest_y + (48 - ybut * 5) / (2 * ybut)); } /* Draw pushed button */ /* Added by Thomas Nemeth, Edited by Gert Beumer */ if ( (n + 1) == N ) { /* draw the four parts */ /* upper left */ XCopyArea( display, pbuttons.pixmap, visible.pixmap, gc, 0,0, step_x, step_y, dest_x, dest_y); /* lowwer left */ XCopyArea( display, pbuttons.pixmap, visible.pixmap, gc, 0,48 - step_y, step_x, step_y, dest_x, dest_y + step_y); /* lowwer right */ XCopyArea( display, pbuttons.pixmap, visible.pixmap, gc, 48 - step_x,48 - step_y, step_x, step_y, dest_x + step_x, dest_y + step_y); /* upper right */ XCopyArea( display, pbuttons.pixmap, visible.pixmap, gc, 48 - step_x,0, step_x, step_y, dest_x + step_x, dest_y); /* Draw the numbers */ XCopyArea( display, pbuttons.pixmap, visible.pixmap, gc, n * 5, 48, 5,5, dest_x + (48 - xbut * 5) / (2 * xbut), dest_y + (48 - ybut * 5) / (2 * ybut)); } } } } flush_expose( win ); XCopyArea( display, visible.pixmap, win, gc, 0, 0, visible.attributes.width, visible.attributes.height, 0, 0 ); flush_expose( iconwin ); XCopyArea( display, visible.pixmap, iconwin, gc, 0, 0, visible.attributes.width, visible.attributes.height, 0, 0 ); if ( Verbose ) fprintf(stdout,"In Redraw()\n"); } /*********************************************************************** * whichButton * * Return the button that at the x,y coordinates. The button need not * be visible ( drawn ). Return -1 if no button match. * ***********************************************************************/ int whichButton( int x, int y, int xbut, int ybut ) { int index; for ( index=0; index< xbut*ybut; index++ ) { if ( x >= button_region[index].x && x <= button_region[index].i && y >= button_region[index].y && y <= button_region[index].j ) { return( index + 1 ); } } return(-1); } /*********************************************************************** * switchToWorkspaceN() * * Send the Synthetic Key Press event with the appropriate * [ meta key + 1-4 key ] combo. Alt seems to usualy be Mod1Mask. * ***********************************************************************/ void switchToWorkspaceN( int workspace ) { XEvent sendEvent; sendEvent.xkey.type = KeyPress; sendEvent.xkey.window = rootwin; sendEvent.xkey.root = rootwin; sendEvent.xkey.subwindow = 0x0; switch ( alt_key_type ) { case 1: sendEvent.xkey.state = Mod1Mask+control; break; case 2: sendEvent.xkey.state = Mod2Mask+control; break; case 3: sendEvent.xkey.state = Mod3Mask+control; break; case 4: sendEvent.xkey.state = Mod4Mask+control; break; } sendEvent.xkey.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(display, 0x30 + workspace ); sendEvent.xkey.same_screen = True; sendEvent.xkey.display = display; sendEvent.xkey.send_event = False; XSendEvent( display, rootwin, True, KeyPressMask, &sendEvent ); } /*********************************************************************** * getPixmaps * * Load XPM data into X Pixmaps. * * Pixmap template contains the untouched window backdrop image. * Pixmap visible is the template pixmap with buttons drawn on it. * -- what is seen by the user. * Pixmap buttons holds the images for individual buttons that are * later copied onto Pixmap visible. ***********************************************************************/ void getPixmaps() { template.attributes.valuemask |= (XpmReturnPixels | XpmReturnExtensions); visible.attributes.valuemask |= (XpmReturnPixels | XpmReturnExtensions); buttons.attributes.valuemask |= (XpmReturnPixels | XpmReturnExtensions); /* Template Pixmap. Never Drawn To. */ if ( XpmCreatePixmapFromData( display, rootwin, backdrop_xpm, &template.pixmap, &template.mask, &template.attributes) != XpmSuccess ) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't Create 'template' Pixmap"); exit(1); } /* Visible Pixmap. Copied from template Pixmap and then drawn to. */ if ( XpmCreatePixmapFromData( display, rootwin, backdrop_xpm, &visible.pixmap, &visible.mask, &visible.attributes) != XpmSuccess ) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't Create 'visible' Pixmap"); exit(1); } /* Buttons Pixmap. */ if ( XpmCreatePixmapFromData( display, rootwin, buttons_xpm, &buttons.pixmap, &buttons.mask, &buttons.attributes) != XpmSuccess ) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't Create 'buttons' Pixmap"); exit(1); } /* Pushed Buttons Pixmap. */ if ( XpmCreatePixmapFromData( display, rootwin, pushed_buttons_xpm, &pbuttons.pixmap, &pbuttons.mask, &pbuttons.attributes) != XpmSuccess ) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't Create 'pbuttons' Pixmap"); exit(1); } } /*********************************************************************** * flush_expose * * Everyone else has one of these... Can't hurt to throw it in. * ***********************************************************************/ int flush_expose(Window w) { XEvent dummy; int i=0; while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(display, w, Expose, &dummy)) i++; return i; } /*********************************************************************** * show_usage * ***********************************************************************/ void show_usage() { fprintf(stderr,"\n\ \n\ %s\n\ This software is GPL -- do as you wish with it.\n\ \n\ Origional Author:\n\ Ben Cohen \n\ \n\ Contributors:\n\ Thomas Nemeth \n\ Craig Maloney \n\ Gert Beumer \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ usage: wmcp [-g geometry] [-d dpy] [-n workspaces] [-a alt key] [-v]\n\ [-c] [-w i/n/w] [-s y/n] [-x #] [-y #] [-h]\n\ \n\ \n\ -g geometry: ie: 64x64+10+10\n\ -d dpy: Display. ie:\n\ -n workspaces: How many buttons to start with.\n\ -a alt key: integer 1-4 defining ModXMask (default 1 Mod1Mask).\n\ -w i/n/w: Window State: Iconic, Normal, Withdrawn (default Withdrawn)\n\ -s y/n: Shaped window: yes or no (default y)\n\ -c Sends CTRL + ALT + Key (default only sends ALT + key)\n\ -v Verbose. 0=off, 1=on (default 0)\n\ -x Number of buttons on the x-direction (1,2,3, or 4)\n\ -y Number of buttons in the y-direction (1,2,3, or 4)\n\ -h Help. This screen.\n\ \n\ \n\ ",VERSION); exit(-1); } /* KeyPress event, serial 13, synthetic NO, window 0x25, root 0x25, subw 0x0, time 3340683384, (37,254), root:(37,254), state 0x8, keycode 10 (keysym 0x31, 1), same_screen YES, XLookupString gives 1 characters: "1" KeyPress event, serial 13, synthetic YES, window 0xbffff9ac, root 0x40009b48, subw 0x4000a670, time 2, (26460,-1352), root:(-1146,7), state 0x7de0, keycode 64 (keysym 0xffe9, Alt_L), same_screen YES, XLookupString gives 0 characters: "" */