>================================================< wmload - WindowMaker load gauge Updated, cleaned up and "fixed" ================================================== NOTE: This is a load monitor which is designed to work with the PROC filesystem. Generally all Linux systems come with the PROC fs. If you're using a different Unix and it doesn't have the PROC fs, first see if there is one available... otherwise this monitor won't work! Work is currently underway to produce a more `portable' wmload that Solaris/Sun/HP etc. users can also enjoy. SUGGESTED INVOCATION (for WindowMaker!): `wmload -shape -withdrawn &' OR for a different graph color: `wmload -led ??? -shape -withdrawn &' ...replace "???" with a color name eg. green, red, orange, yellow, orchid, purple.... any of your systems standard X color symbols. SUGGESTED INVOCATION (for AfterStep): To load wmload in Wharf, add a line in .steprc: *Wharf wmload nil MaxSwallow "wmload" wmload -led green -shape & ...or to run it as a normal app: wmload -led "???" & NOTE: AfterStep doesn't require the "-withdrawn" option. AVAILABILITY: The latest release should be available from: https://www.dockapps.net/wmload TODO LIST: -Implement alternative `load' algorithms? LIABILITY & USABILITY: As usual, this software is bound by the GNU public license. You can use it however you see fit, as long as all the README's accompany any copy/version of it. THE KIND SOLES WHO HAVE WRITTEN/CONTRIBUTED TO THIS SOFTWARE, IN NO WAY ACCEPT LIABILITY OR ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OF, OR FOR ANY CONSEQUENCES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ...that having been said, I think you'll like this new version and shouldn't have problems with it. Happy load monitoring! FEEDBACK etc: Maintainer of the current version... Window Maker Developers Team, wmaker-dev@googlegroups.com Previously maintained by... Ryan Land, rland@bc1.com Nic Bernstein Beat Christen, bchriste@iiic.ethz.ch (asload) ---<o>---