.TH WMGlobe 1 "fevrier 1999" .SH NAME WMGlobe - The Whole Earth spinning on you desktop... as a dockable app for WindowMaker .SH SYNOPSIS .B wmglobe .I "[-options]" .SH "DESCRIPTION" WMGlobe is a WindowMaker dock.app that displays the earth on an icon. It's an adaptation of XGlobe to WMaker environnement. WMGlobe uses a map which is rendered on a sphere by raytracing. Yes, for a 64x64 pixel result:-) .SH "OPTIONS" .TP .B \-v version. Currently, this should display : WMGlobe v.0.5 6 fev 1999 <jerome.dumonteil@capway.com> .TP .B \-h short help .TP .B \-zoom \fI zoom_value\fP Value > 1 to magnify the view, value < 1 to lower. Default: 1.0 .TP .B \-pos \fI latitude longitude\fP Initial viewing fixed at this position, don't follow the sun rotation. Accepted values in the form 45°12'36 or 45.21 or 45:12:36 . Default: the initial position is "under" the sun, and the point of view follows the sun. .TP .B \-rand New random position at every refresh of screen. .TP .B \-map \fI map_file\fP Map used for the rendering. Can be JPEG, GIG, XPM PNM, TIFF but none BMP. Default: use internal map of earth. .TP .B \-nimap \fI night_file\fP Map used for the dark side of the earth. Must be of the same width x height as the day side map. Default: if the default internal day map is used, use a default internal night file (see -nonimap option). If a custom day map is provided, and no night map, the dark side is computed via the -light option. .TP .B \-nonimap Don't use the default night map. .TP .B \-delay \fI seconds\fP Time in seconds between each calculation of a new position. Limited to 0.04 at compile time (25 frames per second should be enough). The sun position move only once per minute, so if you use wmglobe without -dlong or -accel option, the CPU cost of WMGlobe is *very* low. The use of very low value for -delay plus -dlong and -accel can be CPU costly (but very nice...). Default: 1.0 sec. .TP .B \-dlat \fI delta_latitude\fP Move the point of view by delta_lat degrees per second, with a value of 6 the earth make a full rotation in one minute. The value can be formated as -pos option. Default: 0°0'0 .TP .B \-dlong \fI delta_long\fP Move the point of view by delta_long degrees per second. With a value of -0°0'15" the earth make a full rotation in 24 hours toward the west. By default, -dlong and -dlat are null. If they are used, the view follow their values. Going back to "follow sun" mode in parameters screen put -dlat and -dlong to zero. .TP .B \-light \fI light_value\fP Level of light of the dark side when there is no night map, from 0 to 1. Default: 0.25 .TP .B \-dawn \fI dawn_value\fP Level of continuity for dawn limit, from 0 to 1. With a value of 1, the border line between night and day is at maximum contrast. Default: 0.2 .TP .B \-bord \fI border_num\fP 0 1 or 2. There are 3 different borders for the icon. Default: 0 .TP .B \-accel \fI time_multi\fP Time warp factor. With -accel 24, the sun make a full rotation in one hour (or the earth, I'm not sure). Default: 1.0 .TP .B \-time \fI seconds\fP Time to display in seconds since 01-01-1970 (see the date command). Necessary if you need to be sure that WMGlobe is Y2K compliant without changing system time. Negative values for dates before 1970 accepted. Default: not set, use current time. .TP .B \-fun \fI dx dy\fP Move the earth image by dx dy pixels in the icon. See puzzle.sh to understand why. .TP .B \-oz Start in "austral" mode (for "down under" people) .TP .B \-d \fI display\fP Select another display .TP .B \-w \-shape Useless, since it is set by default (WMaker dockable application) .SH "MOUSE OPTIONS" .TP .B left button Change longitude while pressed, change longitude & latitude if shift+left button. .TP .B middle button Zoom in, shift + middle button: zoom out .TP .B right button Displays 7 screens of parameters. On every screen, just clic with left or right button on the figures to change their value. The TIME screen shows an approximation of date and time of the earth zone currently displayed, using GMT time + longitude offset, it's close to the real local time by one or two hours. Others options don't need more help. Intuitive they said... .SH "FILES" .TP .B MAPS Like XGlobe, WMGlobe needs a longitude/latitude map to work. By default, it uses a low quality built-in map of earth. But you will probably want to use better ones. You can get maps usable with WMGlobe on the net. See the links below. using custom maps: For the image to be mapped correctly, position 0°North 0°West must be in the center of the image and the latitude must be linear from 90°N to 90°S. When using a night map, make sure that day and night map have the same dimensions. .TP .B Links: Where to find maps and similar softs where to find the sources of wmglobe: the web page of WMGlobe (made by Sylvestre Taburet): <http://www.capway.com/dumonte1/wm/wmg.html> where to find maps and similar softs: Earth image by a cgi: <http://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/uncgi/Earth> two softs running under X: XGlobe Homepage: (many links to map of earth) <http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~uddn/xglobe> Xearth Homepage: <http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~tuna/xearth/> By the way, you can use maps of Mars, Luna ... and text. .SH "ENVIRONMENT" .LP WMGlobe uses the setlocale(3) function, so you LANG environment need to be ok. You need WindowMaker 0.20.3 or 0.51.0 installed to use WMGlobe. .SH "SEE ALSO" .LP The Window Maker User Guide The Window Maker FAQ .SH "AUTHOR" jerome dumonteil <jerome.dumonteil@capway.com> Patches, bug reports, and suggestions are welcome. .SH "CREDITS" WMGlobe is Copyright (C) 1998,99 by Jerome Dumonteil and licensed through the GNU General Public License. Read the COPYING file for the complete GNU license. Original idea, tests, logos: Sylvestre Taburet <staburet@consort.fr> The code in 'sunpos.cpp' is taken from Xearth by Kirk Lauritz Johnson. /* sunpos.c kirk johnson july 1993 code for calculating the position on the earth's surface for which the sun is directly overhead (adapted from _practical astronomy with your calculator, third edition_, peter duffett-smith, cambridge university press, 1988.) Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1993, 1994, 1995 Kirk Lauritz Johnson Parts of the source code (as marked) are: Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 by Jim Frost Copyright (C) 1992 by Jamie Zawinski <jwz@lucid.com> Permission to use, copy, modify and freely distribute xearth for non-commercial and not-for-profit purposes is hereby granted without fee, provided that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies and in supporting documentation. */ The rendering engine is taken from XGlobe by Thorsten Scheuermann XGlobe Homepage: http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~uddn/xglobe Raster graphics library by Alfredo K. Kojima, & stuff of Window Maker <http://windowmaker.org> by A. K. Kojima, Dan Pascu, Matthew Hawkins & team .SH "BUGS" .LP If you use the --enable-single-icon compile time option of WindowMaker, you can not display more than one WMGlobe. WMGlobe hopes that an overflow of a long integer dont generate an error and that LONG_MAX +1 = LONG_MIN . This happens with high values of -accel when the date go over year 2038. The expected result is wmglobe continuing smoothly from 1901.