#define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <time.h> #include "libacpi.h" extern char *state[]; #define PROC_DATA_SOURCE 0 #define SYSFS_DATA_SOURCE 1 static int data_source; /* local proto */ int acpi_get_design_cap(int batt); static int read_sysfs_file(char *node, char *prop, char *buf, size_t buflen) { char tmp[256]; FILE *fp; int ret; ret = snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "/sys/class/power_supply/%s/%s", node, prop); if (ret >= (int)sizeof(tmp)) { perr("Path too long for %s/%s\n", node, prop); return -1; } fp = fopen(tmp, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { perr("Could not open %s/%s\n", node, prop); return -2; } ret = fread(buf, 1, buflen - 1, fp); fclose(fp); if (ret == 0) { perr("Could not read %s/%s\n", node, prop); return -3; } buf[ret] = '\0'; return 0; } /* initialise the batteries */ static int sysfs_init_batteries(global_t *globals) { DIR *battdir; struct dirent *batt; char *name; char *names[MAXBATT]; char ps_type[16]; int i, j; /* now enumerate batteries */ globals->battery_count = 0; battdir = opendir("/sys/class/power_supply"); if (battdir == NULL) { pfatal("No batteries or ACPI not supported\n"); return 1; } while ((batt = readdir(battdir))) { /* there's a serious problem with this code when there's * more than one battery: the readdir won't return the * entries in sorted order, so battery one won't * necessarily be the first one returned. So, we need * to sort them ourselves before adding them to the * batteries array. */ name = batt->d_name; /* skip ., .. and dotfiles */ if (name[0] == '.') continue; if (read_sysfs_file(name, "type", ps_type, sizeof(ps_type)) < 0) continue; if (strncmp("Battery", ps_type, 7) != 0) continue; names[globals->battery_count] = strdup(name); globals->battery_count++; } closedir(battdir); /* A nice quick insertion sort, ala CLR. */ { char *tmp1, *tmp2; for (i = 1; i < globals->battery_count; i++) { tmp1 = names[i]; j = i - 1; while ((j >= 0) && ((strcmp(tmp1, names[j])) < 0)) { tmp2 = names[j+1]; names[j+1] = names[j]; names[j] = tmp2; } } } for (i = 0; i < globals->battery_count; i++) { snprintf(batteries[i].name, MAX_NAME, "%s", names[i]); pdebug("battery detected at /sys/class/power_supply/%s\n", batteries[i].name); pinfo("found battery %s\n", names[i]); if (read_sysfs_file(batteries[i].name, "energy_now", ps_type, sizeof(ps_type)) == 0) batteries[i].sysfs_capa_mode = SYSFS_CAPA_ENERGY; else if (read_sysfs_file(batteries[i].name, "charge_now", ps_type, sizeof(ps_type)) == 0) batteries[i].sysfs_capa_mode = SYSFS_CAPA_CHARGE; else if (read_sysfs_file(batteries[i].name, "capacity", ps_type, sizeof(ps_type)) == 0) { batteries[i].sysfs_capa_mode = SYSFS_CAPA_PERCENT; batteries[i].design_cap = 100; batteries[i].last_full_cap = 100; } else batteries[i].sysfs_capa_mode = SYSFS_CAPA_ERR; } /* tell user some info */ pdebug("%d batteries detected\n", globals->battery_count); pinfo("libacpi: found %d batter%s\n", globals->battery_count, (globals->battery_count == 1) ? "y" : "ies"); return 0; } /* initialise the batteries */ static int procfs_init_batteries(global_t *globals) { DIR *battdir; struct dirent *batt; char *name; char *names[MAXBATT]; int i, j; /* now enumerate batteries */ globals->battery_count = 0; battdir = opendir("/proc/acpi/battery"); if (battdir == NULL) { pfatal("No batteries or ACPI not supported\n"); return 1; } while ((batt = readdir(battdir))) { /* there's a serious problem with this code when there's * more than one battery: the readdir won't return the * entries in sorted order, so battery one won't * necessarily be the first one returned. So, we need * to sort them ourselves before adding them to the * batteries array. */ name = batt->d_name; /* skip . and .. */ if (!strncmp(".", name, 1) || !strncmp("..", name, 2)) continue; names[globals->battery_count] = strdup(name); globals->battery_count++; } closedir(battdir); /* A nice quick insertion sort, ala CLR. */ { char *tmp1, *tmp2; for (i = 1; i < globals->battery_count; i++) { tmp1 = names[i]; j = i - 1; while ((j >= 0) && ((strcmp(tmp1, names[j])) < 0)) { tmp2 = names[j+1]; names[j+1] = names[j]; names[j] = tmp2; } } } for (i = 0; i < globals->battery_count; i++) { snprintf(batteries[i].name, MAX_NAME, "%s", names[i]); snprintf(batteries[i].info_file, MAX_NAME, "/proc/acpi/battery/%s/info", names[i]); snprintf(batteries[i].state_file, MAX_NAME, "/proc/acpi/battery/%s/state", names[i]); pdebug("battery detected at %s\n", batteries[i].info_file); pinfo("found battery %s\n", names[i]); } /* tell user some info */ pdebug("%d batteries detected\n", globals->battery_count); pinfo("libacpi: found %d batter%s\n", globals->battery_count, (globals->battery_count == 1) ? "y" : "ies"); return 0; } int init_batteries(global_t *globals) { if (data_source == SYSFS_DATA_SOURCE) return sysfs_init_batteries(globals); else return procfs_init_batteries(globals); } /* a stub that just calls the current function */ int reinit_batteries(global_t *globals) { pdebug("reinitialising batteries\n"); return init_batteries(globals); } /* the actual name of the subdirectory under power_supply may * be anything, so we need to read the directory and use the * name we find there. */ static int sysfs_init_ac_adapters(global_t *globals) { DIR *acdir; struct dirent *adapter; adapter_t *ap = &globals->adapter; char *name; char ps_type[16]; acdir = opendir("/sys/class/power_supply"); if (acdir == NULL) { pfatal("Unable to open /sys/class/power_supply -" " are you sure this system supports ACPI?\n"); return 1; } name = NULL; while ((adapter = readdir(acdir)) != NULL) { name = adapter->d_name; if (name[0] == '.') { name = NULL; continue; } if (read_sysfs_file(name, "type", ps_type, sizeof(ps_type)) < 0) { name = NULL; continue; } if (strncmp("Mains", ps_type, 5) == 0) { pdebug("found adapter %s\n", name); break; } else { name = NULL; } } closedir(acdir); if (name == NULL) { perr("No AC adapter found !\n"); return 1; } /* we'll just use the first adapter we find ... */ ap->name = strdup(name); pinfo("libacpi: found ac adapter %s\n", ap->name); return 0; } /* the actual name of the subdirectory under ac_adapter may * be anything, so we need to read the directory and use the * name we find there. */ static int procfs_init_ac_adapters(global_t *globals) { DIR *acdir; struct dirent *adapter; adapter_t *ap = &globals->adapter; char *name; acdir = opendir("/proc/acpi/ac_adapter"); if (acdir == NULL) { pfatal("Unable to open /proc/acpi/ac_adapter -" " are you sure this system supports ACPI?\n"); return 1; } name = NULL; while ((adapter = readdir(acdir)) != NULL) { name = adapter->d_name; if (!strncmp(".", name, 1) || !strncmp("..", name, 2)) continue; pdebug("found adapter %s\n", name); } closedir(acdir); /* we /should/ only see one filename other than . and .. so * we'll just use the last value name acquires . . . */ ap->name = strdup(name); snprintf(ap->state_file, MAX_NAME, "/proc/acpi/ac_adapter/%s/state", ap->name); pinfo("libacpi: found ac adapter %s\n", ap->name); return 0; } int init_ac_adapters(global_t *globals) { if (data_source == SYSFS_DATA_SOURCE) return sysfs_init_ac_adapters(globals); else return procfs_init_ac_adapters(globals); } /* stub that does nothing but call the normal init function */ int reinit_ac_adapters(global_t *globals) { pdebug("reinitialising ac adapters\n"); return init_ac_adapters(globals); } /* see if we have ACPI support and check version */ int power_init(global_t *globals) { FILE *acpi; char buf[4096]; int acpi_ver = 0; int retval; size_t buflen; unsigned int version_offset = 0; if (!(acpi = fopen("/sys/module/acpi/parameters/acpica_version", "r"))) { if (!(acpi = fopen("/proc/acpi/info", "r"))) { pfatal("This system does not support ACPI\n"); return 1; } else { version_offset = 25; } } /* okay, now see if we got the right version */ buflen = fread(buf, 4096, 1, acpi); if (buflen != 4096 && ferror(acpi)) { pfatal("Could not read file\n"); return 1; } acpi_ver = strtol(buf + version_offset, NULL, 10); pinfo("ACPI version detected: %d\n", acpi_ver); if (acpi_ver < 20020214) { pfatal("This version requires ACPI subsystem version 20020214\n"); fclose(acpi); return 1; } /* yep, all good */ fclose(acpi); /* determine data source */ if (access("/sys/class/power_supply", R_OK | X_OK) == 0) { data_source = SYSFS_DATA_SOURCE; pinfo("Selecting sysfs as the data source\n"); } else { data_source = PROC_DATA_SOURCE; pinfo("Selecting procfs as the data source\n"); } if (!(retval = init_batteries(globals))) retval = init_ac_adapters(globals); return retval; } /* reinitialise everything, to deal with changing batteries or ac adapters */ int power_reinit(global_t *globals) { FILE *acpi; int retval; if (!(acpi = fopen("/sys/module/acpi/parameters/acpica_version", "r"))) { if (!(acpi = fopen("/proc/acpi/info", "r"))) { pfatal("Could not reopen ACPI info file - does this system support ACPI?\n"); return 1; } } if (!(retval = reinit_batteries(globals))) retval = reinit_ac_adapters(globals); return retval; } static char *get_value(char *string) { char *retval; int i; if (string == NULL) return NULL; i = 0; while (string[i] != ':') i++; while (!isalnum(string[i])) i++; retval = (string + i); return retval; } static int check_error(char *buf) { if(strstr(buf, "ERROR") != NULL) return 1; return 0; } static power_state_t sysfs_get_power_status(global_t *globals) { char online[2]; adapter_t *ap = &globals->adapter; if (read_sysfs_file(ap->name, "online", online, sizeof(online)) < 0) return PS_ERR; if (*online == '1') return AC; else return BATT; } static power_state_t procfs_get_power_status(global_t *globals) { FILE *file; char buf[1024]; char *val; adapter_t *ap = &globals->adapter; if ((file = fopen(ap->state_file, "r")) == NULL) { snprintf(buf, 1024, "Could not open state file %s", ap->state_file); perror(buf); return PS_ERR; } if (!fgets(buf, 1024, file)) { pfatal("Could not read file\n"); return PS_ERR; } fclose(file); val = get_value(buf); if ((strncmp(val, "on-line", 7)) == 0) return AC; else return BATT; } power_state_t get_power_status(global_t *globals) { if (data_source == SYSFS_DATA_SOURCE) return sysfs_get_power_status(globals); else return procfs_get_power_status(globals); } static int sysfs_get_battery_info(global_t *globals, int batt_no) { battery_t *info = &batteries[batt_no]; char buf[32]; int ret; /* check to see if battery is present */ ret = read_sysfs_file(info->name, "present", buf, sizeof(buf)); if (ret < 0) { /* interestingly, when the battery is not present, the whole * /sys/class/power_supply/BATn directory does not exist. * Yes, this is broken. */ if (ret == -2) info->present = 0; /* reinit batteries, this one went away and it's very possible there just isn't any other one */ reinit_batteries(globals); return 0; } info->present = (*buf == '1'); if (!info->present) { pinfo("Battery %s not present\n", info->name); return 0; } /* get design capacity * note that all these integer values can also contain the * string 'unknown', so we need to check for this. */ if (info->sysfs_capa_mode == SYSFS_CAPA_ENERGY) { if (read_sysfs_file(info->name, "energy_full_design", buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) info->design_cap = -1; else info->design_cap = strtoul(buf, NULL, 10) / 1000; /* get last full capacity */ if (read_sysfs_file(info->name, "energy_full", buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) info->last_full_cap = -1; else info->last_full_cap = strtoul(buf, NULL, 10) / 1000; } else if (info->sysfs_capa_mode == SYSFS_CAPA_CHARGE) { /* get design capacity */ if (read_sysfs_file(info->name, "charge_full_design", buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) info->design_cap = -1; else info->design_cap = strtoul(buf, NULL, 10) / 1000; /* get last full capacity */ if (read_sysfs_file(info->name, "charge_full", buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) info->last_full_cap = -1; else info->last_full_cap = strtoul(buf, NULL, 10) / 1000; } else if (info->sysfs_capa_mode != SYSFS_CAPA_PERCENT) { info->design_cap = -1; info->last_full_cap = -1; } /* get design voltage */ if (read_sysfs_file(info->name, "voltage_min_design", buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) info->design_voltage = -1; else info->design_voltage = strtoul(buf, NULL, 10) / 1000; /* get charging state */ if (read_sysfs_file(info->name, "status", buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) { info->charge_state = CH_ERR; } else { if (strncmp(buf, "Unknown", 7) == 0) info->charge_state = CH_ERR; else if (strncmp(buf, "Discharging", 11) == 0) info->charge_state = DISCHARGE; else if (strncmp(buf, "Charging", 8) == 0) info->charge_state = CHARGE; else if (strncmp(buf, "Not charging", 12) == 0) info->charge_state = NO_CHARGE; else if (strncmp(buf, "Full", 4) == 0) info->charge_state = FULL; /* DISCHARGE ? as per old comment ... */ } /* get current rate of burn * note that if it's on AC, this will report 0 */ if (read_sysfs_file(info->name, "current_now", buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) info->present_rate = -1; else { int rate; rate = strtoul(buf, NULL, 10) / 1000; info->present_rate = (rate != 0) ? rate : info->present_rate; } if (info->sysfs_capa_mode == SYSFS_CAPA_ENERGY) { /* get remaining capacity */ if (read_sysfs_file(info->name, "energy_now", buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) info->remaining_cap = -1; else info->remaining_cap = strtoul(buf, NULL, 10) / 1000; } else if (info->sysfs_capa_mode == SYSFS_CAPA_CHARGE) { /* get remaining capacity */ if (read_sysfs_file(info->name, "charge_now", buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) info->remaining_cap = -1; else info->remaining_cap = strtoul(buf, NULL, 10) / 1000; } else if (info->sysfs_capa_mode == SYSFS_CAPA_PERCENT) { /* get remaining capacity */ if (read_sysfs_file(info->name, "capacity", buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) info->remaining_cap = -1; else info->remaining_cap = strtoul(buf, NULL, 10) / 1000; } else { info->remaining_cap = -1; } /* get current voltage */ if (read_sysfs_file(info->name, "voltage_now", buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) info->present_voltage = -1; else info->present_voltage = strtoul(buf, NULL, 10) / 1000; return 1; } static int procfs_get_battery_info(global_t *globals, int batt_no) { FILE *file; battery_t *info = &batteries[batt_no]; char buf[1024]; char *entry; int buflen; char *val; globals = globals; /* silencing a warning */ if ((file = fopen(info->info_file, "r")) == NULL) { /* this is cheating, but string concatenation should work . . . */ pfatal("Could not open %s:", info->info_file ); perror(NULL); return 0; } /* grab the contents of the file */ buflen = fread(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, file); fclose(file); /* check to see if there were any errors reported in the file */ if(check_error(buf)) { pinfo("Error reported in file %s - discarding data\n", info->info_file); return 0; } /* check to see if battery is present */ entry = strstr(buf, "present:"); val = get_value(entry); if ((strncmp(val, "yes", 3)) == 0) { info->present = 1; } else { pinfo("Battery %s not present\n", info->name); info->present = 0; return 0; } /* get design capacity * note that all these integer values can also contain the * string 'unknown', so we need to check for this. */ entry = strstr(buf, "design capacity:"); val = get_value(entry); if (val[0] == 'u') info->design_cap = -1; else info->design_cap = strtoul(val, NULL, 10); /* get last full capacity */ entry = strstr(buf, "last full capacity:"); val = get_value(entry); if (val[0] == 'u') info->last_full_cap = -1; else info->last_full_cap = strtoul(val, NULL, 10); /* get design voltage */ entry = strstr(buf, "design voltage:"); val = get_value(entry); if (val[0] == 'u') info->design_voltage = -1; else info->design_voltage = strtoul(val, NULL, 10); if ((file = fopen(info->state_file, "r")) == NULL) { perr("Could not open %s:", info->state_file ); perror(NULL); return 0; } /* grab the file contents */ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buflen = fread(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, file); if (buflen != sizeof(buf) && ferror(file)) { pfatal("Could not read file\n"); return 1; } fclose(file); /* check to see if there were any errors reported in the file */ if(check_error(buf)) { pinfo("Error reported in file %s - discarding data\n", info->state_file); return 0; } /* check to see if battery is present */ entry = strstr(buf, "present:"); val = get_value(entry); if ((strncmp(val, "yes", 3)) == 0) { info->present = 1; } else { info->present = 0; perr("Battery %s no longer present\n", info->name); return 0; } /* get charging state */ entry = strstr(buf, "charging state:"); val = get_value(entry); if (val[0] == 'u') info->charge_state = CH_ERR; else if ((strncmp(val, "discharging", 10)) == 0) info->charge_state = DISCHARGE; else if ((strncmp(val, "charged", 7)) == 0) /* this is a workaround for machines that report * their charge state as 'charged', rather than * what my laptop does, which is go straight to * 'discharging'. dunno which matches the standard */ info->charge_state = DISCHARGE; else info->charge_state = CHARGE; /* get current rate of burn * note that if it's on AC, this will report 0 */ entry = strstr(buf, "present rate:"); val = get_value(entry); if (val[0] == 'u') { info->present_rate = -1; } else { int rate; rate = strtoul(val, NULL, 10); if (rate != 0) info->present_rate = rate; } /* get remaining capacity */ entry = strstr(buf, "remaining capacity:"); val = get_value(entry); if (val[0] == 'u') info->remaining_cap = -1; else info->remaining_cap = strtoul(val, NULL, 10); /* get current voltage */ entry = strstr(buf, "present voltage:"); val = get_value(entry); if (val[0] == 'u') info->present_voltage = -1; else info->present_voltage = strtoul(val, NULL, 10); return 1; } int get_battery_info(global_t *globals, int batt_no) { if (data_source == SYSFS_DATA_SOURCE) return sysfs_get_battery_info(globals, batt_no); else return procfs_get_battery_info(globals, batt_no); } /* * 2003-7-1. * In order to make this code more convenient for things other than * just plain old wmacpi-ng I'm breaking the basic functionality * up into several chunks: collecting and collating info for a * single battery, calculating the global info (such as rtime), and * some stuff to provide a similar interface to now. */ /* calculate the percentage remaining, using the values of * remaining capacity and last full capacity, as outlined in * the ACPI spec v2.0a, section 3.9.3. */ static int calc_remaining_percentage(int batt) { float rcap, lfcap; battery_t *binfo; int retval; binfo = &batteries[batt]; rcap = (float)binfo->remaining_cap; lfcap = (float)binfo->last_full_cap; /* we use -1 to indicate that the value is unknown . . . */ if (rcap < 0) { perr("unknown percentage value\n"); retval = -1; } else { if (lfcap <= 0) lfcap = 1; retval = (int)((rcap/lfcap) * 100.0); pdebug("percent: %d\n", retval); } return retval; } /* check to see if we've been getting bad data from the batteries - if * we get more than some limit we switch to using the remaining capacity * for the calculations. */ static enum rtime_mode check_rt_mode(global_t *globals) { int i; int bad_limit = 5; battery_t *binfo; /* if we were told what to do, we should keep doing it */ if(globals->rt_forced) return globals->rt_mode; for(i = 0; i < MAXBATT; i++) { binfo = &batteries[i]; if(binfo->present && globals->adapter.power == BATT) { if(binfo->present_rate <= 0) { pdebug("Bad report from %s\n", binfo->name); binfo->bad_count++; } } } for(i = 0; i < MAXBATT; i++) { binfo = &batteries[i]; if(binfo->bad_count > bad_limit) { if(globals->rt_mode != RT_CAP) pinfo("More than %d bad reports from %s; " "Switching to remaining capacity mode\n", bad_limit, binfo->name); return RT_CAP; } } return RT_RATE; } /* calculate remaining time until the battery is charged. * when charging, the battery state file reports the * current being used to charge the battery. We can use * this and the remaining capacity to work out how long * until it reaches the last full capacity of the battery. * XXX: make sure this is actually portable . . . */ static int calc_charge_time_rate(int batt) { float rcap, lfcap; battery_t *binfo; int charge_time = 0; binfo = &batteries[batt]; if (binfo->charge_state == CHARGE) { if (binfo->present_rate == -1) { perr("unknown present rate\n"); charge_time = -1; } else { lfcap = (float)binfo->last_full_cap; rcap = (float)binfo->remaining_cap; charge_time = (int)(((lfcap - rcap)/binfo->present_rate) * 60.0); } } else if (binfo->charge_time) charge_time = 0; return charge_time; } /* we need to calculate the present rate the same way we do in rt_cap * mode, and then use that to estimate charge time. This will * necessarily be even less accurate than it is for remaining time, but * it's just as neessary . . . */ static int calc_charge_time_cap(int batt) { static float cap_samples[CAP_SAMPLES]; static int time_samples[CAP_SAMPLES]; static int sample_count = 0; static int current = 0; static int old = 1; int rtime; int tdiff; float cdiff; float current_rate; battery_t *binfo = &batteries[batt]; cap_samples[current] = (float) binfo->remaining_cap; time_samples[current] = time(NULL); if (sample_count == 0) { /* we can't do much if we don't have any data . . . */ current_rate = 0; } else if (sample_count < CAP_SAMPLES) { /* if we have less than SAMPLES samples so far, we use the first * sample and the current one */ cdiff = cap_samples[current] - cap_samples[0]; tdiff = time_samples[current] - time_samples[0]; current_rate = cdiff/tdiff; } else { /* if we have more than SAMPLES samples, we use the oldest * current one, which at this point is current + 1. This will * wrap the same way that current will wrap, but one cycle * ahead */ cdiff = cap_samples[current] - cap_samples[old]; tdiff = time_samples[current] - time_samples[old]; current_rate = cdiff/(float)tdiff; } if (current_rate == 0) rtime = 0; else { float cap_left = (float)(binfo->last_full_cap - binfo->remaining_cap); rtime = (int)(cap_left/(current_rate * 60.0)); } sample_count++, current++, old++; if (current >= CAP_SAMPLES) current = 0; if (old >= CAP_SAMPLES) old = 0; pdebug("cap charge time rem: %d\n", rtime); return rtime; } static int calc_charge_time(global_t *globals, int batt) { int ctime = 0; globals->rt_mode = check_rt_mode(globals); switch(globals->rt_mode) { case RT_RATE: ctime = calc_charge_time_rate(batt); break; case RT_CAP: ctime = calc_charge_time_cap(batt); break; } return ctime; } void acquire_batt_info(global_t *globals, int batt) { battery_t *binfo; adapter_t *ap = &globals->adapter; get_battery_info(globals, batt); binfo = &batteries[batt]; if (!binfo->present) { binfo->percentage = 0; binfo->valid = 0; binfo->charge_time = 0; globals->rtime = 0; return; } binfo->percentage = calc_remaining_percentage(batt); /* set the battery's capacity state, based (at present) on some * guesstimated values: more than 75% == HIGH, 25% to 75% MED, and * less than 25% is LOW. Less than globals->crit_level is CRIT. */ if (binfo->percentage == -1) binfo->state = BS_ERR; if (binfo->percentage < globals->crit_level) binfo->state = CRIT; else if (binfo->percentage > 75) binfo->state = HIGH; else if (binfo->percentage > 25) binfo->state = MED; else binfo->state = LOW; /* we need to /know/ that we've got a valid state for the * globals->power value . . . .*/ ap->power = get_power_status(globals); binfo->charge_time = calc_charge_time(globals, batt); /* and finally, we tell anyone who wants to use this information * that it's now valid . . .*/ binfo->valid = 1; } void acquire_all_batt_info(global_t *globals) { int i; for(i = 0; i < globals->battery_count; i++) acquire_batt_info(globals, i); } /* * One of the feature requests I've had is for some way to deal with * batteries that are too dumb or too b0rken to report a present rate * value. The way to do this, obviously, is to record the time that * samples were taken and use that information to calculate the rate * at which the battery is draining/charging. This still won't help * systems where the battery doesn't even report the remaining * capacity, but without the present rate or the remaining capacity, I * don't think there's /anything/ we can do to work around it. * * So, what we need to do is provide a way to use a different method * to calculate the time remaining. What seems most sensible is to * split out the code to calculate it into a seperate function, and * then provide multiple implementations . . . */ /* * the default implementation - if present rate and remaining capacity * are both reported correctly, we use them. */ int calc_time_remaining_rate(global_t *globals) { int i; int rtime; float rcap = 0; float rate = 0; battery_t *binfo; static float rate_samples[SAMPLES]; static int sample_count = 0; static int j = 0; static int n = 0; /* calculate the time remaining, using the battery's remaining * capacity and the reported burn rate (3.9.3). * For added accuracy, we average the value over the last * SAMPLES number of calls, or for anything less than this we * simply report the raw number. */ /* XXX: this needs to correctly handle the case where * any of the values used is unknown (which we flag using * -1). */ for (i = 0; i < globals->battery_count; i++) { binfo = &batteries[i]; if (binfo->present && binfo->valid) { rcap += (float)binfo->remaining_cap; rate += (float)binfo->present_rate; } } rate_samples[j] = rate; j++, sample_count++; if (j >= SAMPLES) j = 0; /* for the first SAMPLES number of calls we calculate the * average based on sample_count, then we use SAMPLES to * calculate the rolling average. */ /* when this fails, n should be equal to SAMPLES. */ if (sample_count < SAMPLES) n++; for (i = 0, rate = 0; i < n; i++) { /* if any of our samples are invalid, we drop * straight out, and flag our unknown values. */ if (rate_samples[i] < 0) { rate = -1; rtime = -1; goto out; } rate += rate_samples[i]; } rate = rate/(float)n; if ((rcap < 1) || (rate < 1)) { rtime = 0; goto out; } if (rate <= 0) rate = 1; /* time remaining in minutes */ rtime = (int)((rcap/rate) * 60.0); if(rtime <= 0) rtime = 0; out: pdebug("discharge time rem: %d\n", rtime); return rtime; } /* * the alternative implementation - record the time at which each * sample was taken, and then use the difference between the latest * sample and the one SAMPLES ago to calculate the difference over * that time, and from there the rate of change of capacity. * * XXX: this code sucks, but largely because batteries aren't exactly * precision instruments - mine only report with about 70mAH * resolution, so they don't report any changes until the difference * is 70mAH. This means that calculating the current rate from the * remaining capacity is very choppy . . . * * To fix this, we should calculate an average over some number of * samples at the old end of the set - this would smooth out the * transitions. */ int calc_time_remaining_cap(global_t *globals) { static float cap_samples[CAP_SAMPLES]; static int time_samples[CAP_SAMPLES]; static int sample_count = 0; static int current = 0; static int old = 1; battery_t *binfo; int i; int rtime; int tdiff; float cdiff; float cap = 0; float current_rate; for (i = 0; i < globals->battery_count; i++) { binfo = &batteries[i]; if (binfo->present && binfo->valid) cap += binfo->remaining_cap; } cap_samples[current] = cap; time_samples[current] = time(NULL); if (sample_count == 0) { /* we can't do much if we don't have any data . . . */ current_rate = 0; } else if (sample_count < CAP_SAMPLES) { /* if we have less than SAMPLES samples so far, we use the first * sample and the current one */ cdiff = cap_samples[0] - cap_samples[current]; tdiff = time_samples[current] - time_samples[0]; current_rate = cdiff/tdiff; } else { /* if we have more than SAMPLES samples, we use the oldest * current one, which at this point is current + 1. This will * wrap the same way that current will wrap, but one cycle * ahead */ cdiff = cap_samples[old] - cap_samples[current]; tdiff = time_samples[current] - time_samples[old]; current_rate = cdiff/tdiff; } if (current_rate == 0) rtime = 0; else rtime = (int)(cap_samples[current]/(current_rate * 60.0)); sample_count++, current++, old++; if (current >= CAP_SAMPLES) current = 0; if (old >= CAP_SAMPLES) old = 0; pdebug("cap discharge time rem: %d\n", rtime); return rtime; } void acquire_global_info(global_t *globals) { adapter_t *ap = &globals->adapter; globals->rt_mode = check_rt_mode(globals); switch(globals->rt_mode) { case RT_RATE: globals->rtime = calc_time_remaining_rate(globals); break; case RT_CAP: globals->rtime = calc_time_remaining_cap(globals); break; } /* get the power status. * note that this is actually reported seperately from the * battery info, under /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/AC/state */ ap->power = get_power_status(globals); } void acquire_all_info(global_t *globals) { acquire_all_batt_info(globals); acquire_global_info(globals); }